A Talk


Ajei was asleep with his lovers RWBY when his scroll ringed and Ajei picked the call "yes?" Ajei said still half asleep from the sudden ring "understood Ozpin" Ajei said and dressed up and realized it was a day off for their classes so Ajei had no idea what he and Ozpin wanted to talk about. Ajei drifted away the thought and thought he and Ozpin wanted to have one of those talks with him.

Ajei goes to Ozpins office and sees him as usual drinking his coffee and with Glynda with a few adults whom one was Salem "Salem?" Ajei approached her and the unknown adults "oh Mr. Bloodbourne. How nice of you to come early. These ladies are Kali, Summer, Wilow, and Raven" Glynda introduced the mom's of RWBY "she wasn't lying when you look like your dad Ajei" the black cat Faunus mom had her hand on his cheek. Ajei felt familiar with the Faunus as he knew her when a flashback of his father and her having a talk along with Summer, Raven, and Willow.

He blinks and smirks "you must be my girlfriend's moms. I must say I now know where they got their looks from if you know what I mean?" Ajei said making them giggle as Glynda giggled while rolling her eyes "oh thank you Ajei. We came here cause we wanted to talk with our daughter's boyfriend and possibly talk about when we can expect grandkids?" Summer asked and rubbed her hands on Ajei's chest. Ajei had a sweat drop on his forehead as Ozpin chuckled and left the office to him and RWBY's mothers.


Ajei never knew that his father was quite close and fond to them in his younger years "your father and my husband Jacque were best buds along with Ghira, Taiyang, and Qrow like they were brothers for life" Willow recapped a moment of Ajex's life. Ajei can see why they loved him. Ajex was like him at his age. Selfless, kind, strong, and willing to protect the universe even if it met death "I bet he had a hard time keeping his urges to keep himself composure?" Ajei thought and told the mothers "oh Ajei. Your father was quite the shy and easily blushing type" Raven said and was cuddling him when the door opens. The doorway showed Team RWBY "MOM!?!" As their mom's smirk and yelling is heard.


Ajei was surrounded by both the Mom's and RWBY due to them liking Ajei and to make matters more awkward, the moms were in some lust for the boy. Ajei and the girls made the choice to let them in his so-called harem by the boy's but Ajei doesn't consider them as his harem but his lovers because he cares for them and loves them no matter the race, personality, and their status in life.

Ajei gets up and gets another message from his first lover, Raven. Ajei goes to Jump City to have this talk with her.

Jump City

Ajei drives a boat by his scouting and undercover Belo's in the city and escort him to the Teen Titans Tower. Ajei sees Raven waiting for him "Hi Ajei" as she hugs him and kisses him passionately. His escorts look away and cough just to make themselves not feel weirded out by their lords kissing the Azarathian woman. Ajei draws back his lips as Raven caresses his cheeks "I missed you Ajei" Raven spoke lovingly and held his hand as they took the elevator as his escorts go with him. Ajei told her of his repossession of the new Ajei body. Ajei and Raven were lovers and she was his first lover when the war was nearing its end and Raven decided to stay friends.

But hey, that doesn't mean they're not friends with benefits. Ajei sees his pals Robin, Beast Boy and Cyborg playing a match that he gave them. Players Unknown Battlegrounds was the gift to them before he left and sees them play their squad with surprisingly Starfire who seems to be leading them to a victory.

"Hey Beast Boy stop moving so much!" Cyborg yelled while Robin was lying down in the game with a ghillie suit. Beast Boy was moving so much that he accidentally reloaded his gun in the game, causing a grenade hit the ground explode next to his character in the game to get knocked out. Beast Boy yells "oh shoot help revive!" He yells and covers behind a rock. Cyborg rushes to him while scolding him "that's why to stop moving so much!" Cyborg yells and is reviving him when another grenade rolls to him "oh" Cyborg reacted too late and he has been knocked out whist Beast Boy is dead. Robin starts to sweat nervously as Starfire was somewhat cheerful but focused. Robin looks around the plains to find the enemy player. He sees a player moving and shoots him but is unaware that he had no silencer not flash hinder to conceal the flashes of his gunfire and is too knocked out. Robin sweats nervously as Starfire is the only teammate left to win the chicken dinner.

Starfire sees the player fire as Robin is killed including Cyborg and shoots her sniper rifle killing the hiding player in the grass. The winner chicken dinner is shown on the screen as Starfire cheers loudly as her friend's mouths gaping with her getting a whopping 11 kills while the boys were not near hers. Robin got 3, Beast Boy 2, and Cyborg got 5 kills in the match. Starfire sees Ajei and lunges at him "hello old friend!" She said as she flies while hugging Ajei out of the ground and is cutting off his oxygen "yeah nice to see you too but can you plea-" as he begins to turn blue. Starfire flies down and lets go of Ajei as he breaths and his escorts get him back up "are you ok my lord?" His escort asked "yeah. Just need a breath as the rest came up to him " my man. Ajei! How are you? Its been too long" Cyborg ruffles his hair.

Ajei chuckles and fist bump Beast Boy "it's good. The universe is doing well. The thing I want to talk about is how are all of you especially after that Trigon Incident?" Ajei asked as he wrapped an arm around Raven who blushed "we're ok. We still face a lot of crime from time to time but nothing too much for us to handle since you have some of your men here in Jump City" Robin told Ajei who chuckles "your welcome. My species like to have a world to live in a simple life but hey what's simple at this point when we live in a complex universe after all" Ajei again being bumble as they aat down.


It was night and Ajei was about to leave "take care ok Raven?" Ajri asked Raven and she kissed him "you as well Ajei" she cared for Ajei a lot "i will. Boys" Ajei called for his escorts and left Jump City.

During the interuniversal jump, Ajei looked at a picture of her and Ajei during his rookie days of being the king. Ajei smiled while pondering his life in a nutshell and how it came to this moment. A boy from a lost soul to having multiple names and is living every boy's dream but Ajei was not the type to get overly carried away from such crazy story to tell your friends.


Ajei returns to his dorm to see only Weiss who was lying in his bed. Ajei smiles and laid beside her and cuddled with her as she hugged him and kissed him in her sleep as Ajei slept and snored.