Team APLK's Team Update

Team APLK New Attire


Age 18


Hair Black

Weapon Martha 1 Alpha 4


Age 18


Hair Black

Weapon Jagged Sword


Age 18


Hair Whitish Pink tint

Weapon Sword


Age 18


Hair blue

Weapon Weaponized Fan

The team has become the inter universal team that supports realms from conflicts. Phantom has become less stoic, Kazaki and Luni got married, and Ajei serves alongside his men more often and has married many women who were both friends with his dad and his childhood friends. Beacon became more renowned for the legendary teams of RWBY, JNPR, and APLK cause of their famed involvement in terms of conflicts and mending worlds many times.


Humanity has been reduced to a war which resulted in a destroyed world like the 100 and man has forced to submit to Belo control. Ajei watches over the realm of earth and helps the humans from time to time. (Basically humanity has ended the world like the series 100) as bad as it sounds, a new empire has emerged from the unknown realms called the Furrian Empire. As the name suggests, the entire race is anthropomorphic human animals such as cats, dogs, and other various animals that are human formed.

They met the Belo Kingdom and told them that they were once allied to the Belo Kingdoms which eventually be the Golden Age of Belorog and it's rising power when in the 1600's, they fled to the unknown realms when humanity tried to conquer their world but they disappeared. They also requested to have a bit of land from Belerog in the north which was abundant for resources and space to rebuild their lost empire and to add the closeness to the Belo's, the Furrians would send convoys and diplomats to remend the relationships the two empires had in the old days.

Many Furrians admired Ajei due to his militaristic and kind nature which many royal heiresses and various female figures soon fell in love with the king and Ajei had many 'meetings' with them and that got the interspecies relationship population increase since Belo's and Furrians were both outcasted by humans and in the end, got the two species to unite and love each other for eternity.

The whole multiverse took it in well with the Furrian Empire as they began to make a great relationship with the empire to add more of the good news.

The Furrians also assist the humans in their recovery from their war by aiding supplies to them and to help clean the air for them since the Furrians have adapted to nuclear radiations like the Belo's in a way.

Kazaki has become less civilized and had updated his attire and knives to a sword and a kunai due to his semblance being more powerful as he thought a sword would make him more unpredictable with his kunai.

Luni is the best medic that rivaled in both Tsunade and Sakura due to her semblance evolving and her aura increased as she aged. Her weapon Fan was modified as she upgraded the accuracy of the fan to shoot out more precise to her enemies. She essentially became more of the weapons geek.

Phantom is still a bit the same but his stoic mood has gone with his always straightforward and with it a humorous mood to his character since dating May and staying with her a few times made Phantom a bit more open and friendly but still loves dark colors to his clothes.

In other words, Team APLK is ready for more adventures to come right for them.