The Future


For humanity, it has passed 5 years since Ajei made it to the big screens of being on earth in the news. Humanity has destroyed itself thanks to the terrorist Raul Menendez, The Atlas Corporation, and The Technology taking over humanity and war broke the world apart. Nations now no longer exist. Heck. Even the US is destroyed due to a nuclear war with China, Russia, and the Middle East.

The remaining nations and continents remain are France, UK, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Poland, and Spain in Europe.

All of West and East Africa remain with people in the African Continent.

Laos, Vietnam, India, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, Remnants of China, Japan, and Thailand remain in the Asian Continent.

All of North and South America are destroyed except Brazil, Alaska, Canada, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, and the Caribbean remain in the western hemisphere.

All these lands were left when they submit to Ajei for help to redeem their mistakes about the Belo Kingdoms and the newly risen Furrian Empire. The Furrians took a foothold in the Northern Kingdoms in Belerog to recover from their long years of isolation from the war. The remnants of the human race called themselves The Belo-Human Alliance as Ajei took control of the remaining humans. The multiverse complied with helping humans recover since Ajei requested to help the humans become better than their predecessors have been.

Somewhere in the universe

Rogue bandits run away from Hanzo Academy Belo's as they were met with a squad they knew too well "damn it! Hanzo chicks manage to call on Team APLK!" An elder bandit sweated looking at Ajei who holds an assault rifle at him and shot him. The rest went to scramble. Ajei looks to Phantom, Luni, and Kazaki who nod and separated.


He was looking around a clear shopping anyway and looked and looked. He felt the enemy but pretended to just walk away. The bandits snicker but the two felt swords pierce their hearts and saw a blade etched to their chest as they die. Phantom scoffs and walks away.


He was busy mutilating the 4 bandits to death to even check before he checked their pulse "typical. Too quick" Kazaki complained and left.


She was surrounded by 6 bandits who were smiling sinisterly "oh miss. You lost?" A lustful bandit smiles while Luni looks at them deadpan at them "boys" as she pulled out her fan but the bandits block her needles from killing them "ha! Think you could outsmart us Missy!?!" A bandit yelled but Luni throws her medkit on the ground. The bandits look at the box before it turns into a mini turret and fires at them. They scream in agony before they all die from the turret. Luni giggles "oh sorry. I'm taken sir" she said to a dead bandit and kicked it before picking up her turret as it turns back into a medkit and leaves.

Ajei finished his share of 16 bandits spread in a massacre styled anyway "shame. No one worthy of a challenge, huh Martha?" Ajei asked his sword which turns back into the assault rifle he held. Ajei sees his teammates "are the bandits taken care of?" "Yes, they are handled to the full extent of the law" Kazaki said as Luni kisses his cheek. Phantom texts May about his accomplishment as the team report to Hanzo Academy.

Hanzo Academy

APLK reports to Asuka about the bandit problem "the bandits won't bother your academy anymore" Ajei said before Katsuragi makes Ajei grope her bosom "oh Ajei! I love your manly hands hold my big melons!" She yelled as Ajei removes his hands away from her bosom "Katsuragi-san! Please don't do that please" Ajei blushed but Yagyu blushes from that moment "thank you Ajei. We just don't want to handle perverted bandits" she thanked while Hibari hugs her as she was close to being raped if it weren't for Ajei taking out that perv in the first place.


Yagyu was assigned to patrol with Hibari in the shopping district but the two were separated when a bandit grabbed her and groped her while a kunai at her neck "don't scream or else you will end up serving other guys like me-" when a sword plunges his chest and Yagyu steps away and saw a boy her age overkill the bandit. Ajei kept stabbing the bandit even if he had died. Ajei was fueled with anger as he slashed and stab until Yagyu held his shoulder "please. He's dead already" she told him as Ajei took a deep breath "I'm sorry" he apologized to her as she hugged him for comfort as the rest of his team arrive with a worried Hibari and the rest is history.


"Thank your sensei for calling us since Ozpin and him are old friends" Phantom talking to Ikagura who drinks tea with him. Kazakh and Luni talking to Katsuragi and Asuka. Ajei with Hibari in a room making out "ah! Ajei. Your lips are quivering for you senpai" Hibari praised her love and kissed Ajei again who he holds her lovingly "thank god. My brain just remembered you when we were childhood friends" Ajei laughed and kissed her.

Hibari and Ajei finished their lovemaking as they returned to their own groups as Ajei left with APLK on their own personal ships

(Imagine Ajei's red. Luni's blue. Kazaki's white with a pink tint. Phantom having all black)

Phantom smirks on the comms "you make out with Hibari-san?" While Ajei admitted truthfully "yeah. She turns out to be one of my childhood friends" Ajei confessed and earned groans from everyone except Luni who giggles "is there everything where you don't make out with girls you meet at your age?" Phantom asked him kindly "no and I think I won't retire anytime soon" Ajei replied and the two laughed whilst Kazaki was facepalming his face "you guys are weird" he said and the two smirks "yeah funny coming from a guy who gets off with sadistic attitudes" Phantom said and Kazaki goes Hashirama depression mode "come on guys. That was a year ago" Kazaki pleaded his two male companions while Luni decided to cut their mics so that and Luni and Kazaki chatted in the mic as they return to Beacon.


The Academy was famous as kids and teens all around the multiverse as they signed up to join the legacies Team APLK had created in the making which the 4 academies named APLK as the team to be in as an army was named Aplack Battalion. Ajei named the unit primarily for the team's use on missions if the mission proved bigger than what they anticipated.

APLK are in Ozpin's office or was his office as Headmistress Glynda when Ozpin retired and gave the title to her as she was the vastly the woman with serious work ethics and morals to the point she had a few Belo's become her students and she had shown great qualities to lead a school and all that was thanks to Ajei who supported the election for a new Beacon Academy headmaster. She won the election by a landslide as the others were not as serious as she showed during the election.

Glynda looks at the reports "good work APLK. Hanzo would've liked to reward Lord Ajei here but since Ajei requested that Hanzo and Beacon Academies be under one alliance under the Academy Alliance (yes, as the name suggest, all of its allies are academies from anime and cartoon shows) and to secure a close bond to that world" Glynda said and placed the papers on the desk "leave except Ajei" she ordered as they left and left Ajei and Glynda who without hesitation kissed each other the moment the door closes and both were in their make-out "thank you Ajei for securing that bandit problem but I appreciate if you flirt less to our new allies" she suggested and Ajei smirks "sorry. Can't help it if the people of the multiverse likes me and my newfound charms" Ajei teased Glynda and both let go of their embrace and look down below the high tower of Beacon.

Both talked and made love for a while before it was nighttime and Ajei returns to their own personal home in Beacon. Phantom was sleeping with May who became a part of the APLK family after she asked her headmaster for a transfer from her team. She said her goodbyes and became essentially a part of the team ever since but takes a few days off from time to time. Kazaki and Luni were cuddling asleep from the mission.

Ajei decided to relax and watch TV for a bit. He was reminiscing his life from a single guy to a man with many lovers and a great career of defending the world from dangers and criminals seeking to harm and steal from the innocent. Ajei still missed earth but if there's one thing he likes about his new life is that he wasn't being judges for who he is as a person but rather accepted as their own. Ajei will be human on the outside but he will always be abnormal in life for eternity.

Ajei sleeps as he turned off the TV on the couch as he smiles knowing the world will know that another day of the APLK will always be there for them when they needed them the most.