Among Us

Unknown Realm

Ajei woke up to see 5 other Ajei's but in suits that was out of the ordinary spacesuit but then again, when has there been ever a normal situation in his career as a Immortal king.

AN: Yes I do play the game for fun since this game is a god given gift to cause chaos among friends and people. LOL

White, Red, Green, Black, and Pink were waking up also as If they had been teleported there also "what in the Sam's he'll happens. All I remember is that I just went to kiss my wife Rilka when....." White said and saw the others "I was overtaken by a blur" and yelled "Who the hell are you Boys!" White exclaimed "I'm Ajul" Pink said and the others told each other's names. Ajei started to piece things together. They're on a ship. Colored spacesuits, and the fact he noticed that he was in fact in a game.

"guys. I think we're in a game called Among us" Ajei informed the others who had deadpanned faces through their visors "seriously. We are in the most popular game in America. Man I thought 2020 was different after all" Black a tad which confused the others "what do you mean?" Green asking confused "didn't you know? It's 2467" Black told them but all 5 of them said differently "I'm from 2025 in my world" Ajei said. "I'm from 2045" "6034" "2150" Pink, White, and Red said as they grasped they're from different times "okay so what now?" Pink asked when a beep erupts on their wrists to find a watch saying tasks "ok so we as a group have to do tasks around the ship and one of us is the Imposter. If we take out the Imposter among us. We win but if one person and the Imposter is left, then we died for nothing" Ajei explained and the group gasps "we die?!?" Green yells but Ajei nods and the group decides to just get this over with.


Pink was fixing wires in the Electrical room when a shadow looms over and slashed Pink. The figure leaves via the vent and the body is left to rot.


He went from administration to the storage room to the electrical room where Pinks body was at and looked at It when he alarmed the report. Everyone gathers to the meeting room "Pink is murdered. I found him in the electrical room as I was going to fix the power" Green explains to the group of 5 to discuss as a team.

The team looks to each other "did you see anyone as you went to electrical?" Red asked Green with skepticism, obviously not believing his claim of just finding the body "I think you're lying cause I was in security cams as I saw Black and You walking to cafeteria" Red claims that Green was following Black at the time of Pinks killing. Ajei voted skip as he watched the arguing go down until Green was floated and the watches on their wrists beeped "Green Was Not The Imposter" as they groaned and continued on their tasks/mystery.


Red was upset with the kill he didn't directly do but felt guilty for even getting him killed for that. He scans on the medbay and finishing his last task and leaves to cafeteria and towards weapons when his back was pushed and he was shot. Red dies and the figure stands and walks away. Pink sees the dead body and was about to report the body when Ehite sees Pink near the body.


White was in admin looking at the map of the ship when he heard the shot and decided to check it out and saw Pink near the body of Red and reported it.

Everyone was gathered and White already accused Pink of killing Red "you were near the body of Red in weapons" as Pink filled up an alibi "I saw the body and was going to press the button when you appeared. I bet my life it's you" Pink accused back. Black and Ajei we're confused at this debate and they both turn to them as they both voted for each other "guys it's him. Vote him" Both white and Pink yelled to Ajei and Black to vote.

Black rushed to his vote as he chose White and Ajei voted Pink. The chart shows white being voted out as Pink is ejected and dies. Everyone is on edge. From 6 players to now Black, Ajei, and White. They with each being skeptical. Ajei however sees the Imposter since he pieces together the times he saw that person but decided to wait.


White was finished with navigating the ship when he saw the figure and ran fast to the button as the alarm sets of and all 3 are gathered. White was sweating and pointed to Black "he's the imposter!" As both White and Black voted and Ajei was left to vote "hey Ajei what the hell are you waiting for?!? Vote!" White begged Ajei but Ajei laughed darkly "what's so funny?!?" White glared at the young king "you think I don't know you had this whole facade plan out?" Ajei asked the confused White and Black seeing the point "you think White killed them?" Black was not getting a clue of Ajei's evidence.

Ajei smirked and explained of the accusation "I saw White went with pink to the left side of the ship and after a minute and a half, Green reports but by the time Green reported the body, he would've vented to another spot of the ship to clear his alibi" Ajei said and Black nodded and White started to sweat fast and hard "after Green was ejected, White saw this a safe point as he targeted Red due to his depressed state and knew with Pink as his meatshield to block the blow for him and had Pink do the rest. After that, White would've won if one of us left alone and took the final blow and won" Ajei finished his evidence.

Black had now had confirmation to vote and voted White and Ajei voted. White hoped Black voted Ajei and voted Ajei and Ajei smirked "oh and the last mistake you did that was very exposing was that you were the only one mentioning what you did before you came here. That was your downfall White. Goodbye White" Ajei said and White was ejected and the watches saying "White is The Imposter" And the game ends.

Ajei and Black look at each other and both removed their masks "well Smith. Didn't expect you to be here. Good game, wasn't it?" Ajei smiled at Agent Smith who smiles in return "it appears so Lord Ajei. I was transported here the same as you Lord" Smith informed and saluted to him "Tata" and vanished. Ajei smiled and also vanished.

Back on Remnant

Ajei woke up in bed with Team RWBY on him and remembered "oh yeah. We had a rough party last night and certainty huge lovemaking. I wonder if that Among Us dream was all but a dream but it seemed so real" Ajei thought as he shrugs it off and left back to sleep, unaware that his scroll's screen shows a game called Among Us on the menu screen.


Author's Note: sorry took so long. Me as the only dishwasher only allows me to have only one day off so expect a huge amount of hiatus for a long time, but I'll make up time for the story making as planned for this long hard times we suffer right now. I want to say thank you all for reading my story through this struggling time and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I do. *Sakura, Samui, Tsunade, and Mei call the Author seductively* "~Ajei-Kun~" "oh crap sorry guys. I got some ladies to please here. I hope you enjoy this game crossover special *leaves his chair and closes the room door and moans are heard in the door* To Be Continued...