Patrolling Around

Earth 2149

APLK had been sent by Ozpin and Glynda to Earth 2149 that was solar to humanity's current situation and problem. APLK had a mission to control the populace with clans fighting with the remnants of humanity and to enforce the peace that could turn to chaos if the earth on that realm were to fall to anarchy.

Somewhere on the East Side of the US

Ajei, Phantom, Luni, and Kazaki walked through a forest with rifles out and Ajei stopped and all crouched "see anything Phantom?" Ajei asked his partner and Phantom was using his Faunus senses to detect anything "there's an attack going on" Phantom said and quietly ran to it. Ajei groans "I hate it when he does that" Ajei then scoffs. Kazaki and Luni laugh at Ajei's misery and ran with him


They jumped on us and tied us up in groups as they interrogated us "I won't ask again woman! Where is your camp?" A grounder like a person but this grounder had four arms and his clothes were tattered with dirty ragged clothes sewed to a terrible tunic. Finn told them lies but the new type of grounders knew his lies and hit him with the stock of his gun "we saw you wandering around here! Now tell me! Where is your-" but the grounder was killed by a bullet and his men were mowed by some gunfire and silence.

I and Finn looked around and saw 4 people that were around our age came out. One was wearing military attire, one was wearing some form of black clothing, one an all-black with pink tint attire, and the last one in a bizarre dark blue attire. We struggled when the black with the tint clothed person used a knife and freed us from the bondage "thanks but not to sound too ungrateful but who are you guys?" Finn asked the 4 people.

The military attire person bowed and removed his mask "We are Team APLK. My name is Ajei. These are Phantom, Luni, and the one who looks like a ninja is Kazaki" the now introduced Ajei says and I look at their gear "where did you get the gear from?" I asked hoping to get some of their weapons "oh these? These are our gear but it's kind of a complicated story worth listening to when you take us back to your camp for now" Phantom said in a somewhat stoic tone.

I almost forgot to tell my name and Finn's "My name is Clarke and this is Finn" I said shaking hands with Ajei "ah Clarke. A nice name for a woman like you" Ajei said with surprisingly no flirting in his voice. We took them with us as they began to tell us along the way about them.

Somewhere in the forest

Clarke, Finn, and Team APLK returned to camp to be met with a lot of chatter among the group associated with APLK.

Bellamy approaches Ajei with caution "Clarke. Who are these people?" He asked when Ajei approached Ajei "My name is Ajei. This is my team. Phantom, Luni, and Kazaki. We saved her and Finn from a couple of wondering Fallen" Ajei introduced the group to the 100 which got them surrounded by the group in intrigue. Bellamy was confused by the word Fallen "a Fallen?" He asked while being skeptical "yes Mr. Bellamy. A Fallen. A sub-species of Belo's that have chose the life of a nomad just like the Grounders here you see and deal with here but with more raiding and plundering kind of people" Phantom said the first half and Kazaki said the other half of the information as Kazaki pulled the mask from the dead Fallen from back and threw it on the ground "we were sent to clear them of this world" Kazaki said and began to play with his knife.

Octavia appears and begins to ask the questions "this world? What do you mean from this world?" With curiosity in her voice? Ajei and his team smirk and began to explain them the multiverse as a whole.


Everyone of the 100 were shocked to learn that their earth is one of the billions that exist within a complex of world "wow. I knew there was other worlds, but not to the scale of your claims" Monty said in a astonishing mood of the multiverse "yes. Your world is basically just a part of something bigger" Luni said and finished patching up a wounded person "we were sent her to deter the Fallen from taking control of this world and to prevent a war breaking out" Ajei said and cocked his gun "We appreciate the help Ajei, but we barely have any gunpowder left hell even any gunpowder left" Bellamy spoke despair when Ajei laughed "what's so funny about that" Bellamy not seeing his reason of laughing.

Ajei's team smirked "we forgot to mention that Ajei is a king of an entire universe and when he's around, he brings in the big guns" Kazaki grinned so sinisterily that Phantom had called them in. For moment stillness ruled the camp of the night, but a rumble is heard from the sky as portals and ships began to take form and floated in the sky.

Belo ships cover the sky and small gunships fly everywhere on the sky landing to drop off many men between 200-400 men to secure a point and area surrounding the camp.

Even smaller one man gunships fly and scout around the area for any enemies. The 100 in awe of the advancements of technology that Ajei possessed and had a firm grip on the realm "now, shall we?" Ajei said and went straight to business and finished the mission.


The realm was secured and the 100 thanked them before Ajei and the team left but Bellamy's little sister kissed him before he left the realm.

Glynda was talking to Ajei about the mission. With the missions mostly about securing the peace in the realms, Ajei had begun to focus on protecting the worlds as he was becoming more thoughtful of his nephews and nieces which brought him to have a family of his own but he knew that he needed more wisdom before tackling the path of adulthood.

The rest of the team were chatting whilst waiting for Ajei to finish the chat via phone talk. Phantom was sharpening his blade and his other dark type weapons. Kazakh and Luni cuddling and talking about family "you know. It's been a long time since he came to this world and become the king he was meant to be" Phantom said out of the blue while he was sharpening his blade. Kazaki looks to Phantom "yeah. Ajei may be young but he shows that he's willing to protect the multiverse. He still shows a bit of love for humanity despite them vilified him in the end, he's willing to help the remnants of humanity left to renew the shattered universe of man" Kazaki smiled at the end and Luni smiled "I just hope the men in earth are not perverts" Luni said deadpanned and hopes that when they visit earth, the men on earth are not perverted as she thinks they are.

Ajei was finishing talking to Glynda as he gets a unknown call "This is Mu. Researcher to the Empire of Avillion Kingdom. I send a message of a danger in our world. I repeat. The Avillion Heir Kazuki needs help!" As the call or distress call abruptly ends. Ajei stiffens and runs to his team and tells them "Guys. I got a distress call from this girl Mu!" Ajei exclaims.

Phantom looms over Ajei's shoulder and sees his contacts "who's Mu?" He asked but Ajei says he doesn't know "it appears we got a unknown realm call" Kazaki grimly said and Luni nods and calls Glynda "what's a realm call?" Ajei asks Kazaki "think of it is as a Skype kind of calling. Each realm has their own telepathic frequency's to call the empire of yours Ajei" Lazaki explains to Ajri with a bit of science"do you what world's are they in?" Phantom questioned further "yeah an empire called Avillion" Ajei says as both boys stiffened from that "Avillion. Ajei, that's your missing cousin Kazuki's territory. Here I'll show you the photo"

AN: Yes. This is from the game if you know or play it is called from the title that you see. It's a great game from Korea I think.

Ajei looked and began to have flashbacks about him and Ajei "Kazuki. I remember now. His family and I were close before I left to possess my hand host. I can't believe that I forgotten about him. He must have been suffering for a while. Let's return to Beacon as soon as possible" Ajei orders his team and the ship speeds up in the travel in the warp zone.