Gallus vs Belerog


Glynda nods and orders APLK to explore this unknown but yet a lost territory to the Belo lands "Ajei. Do whatever it takes to save the Avillion Empire from this doom you referenced" Glynda said and got up from her seat and caressed Ajei's cheek as he purred "be careful Ajei. You may be the greatest lord of all of the known multiverse but you're still my student in my eyes" she said in a motherly tone "don't Glynda. As your lover, I'll be careful and remind you that I'll always be back" Ajei tells her and kisses her. Glynda wraps her arms around Ajei while as he gropes Glynda's butt while moaning. PLK leaves to them making out

Time skip

Ajei and the team were on a Dreadnaught with his army the 501st battalion "men. The Avillion Empire has called us anonymously as they are facing certain doom from an empire called Gallus that threatens to destroy the realm of Avillion to nothing. We as the protected of the universe must defend and protect the innocent from pain and misery. We are currently about to embark on the skies of the realm. In 5 minutes, we will drop to the empire but the catch is that the Gallus have some Belo's and fallen with firearms but with a little artillery unit. We will expect motor, gunfire, and bombs that will hit you in midair. No one said this was an easy task. Our mission: reclaim the other kingdoms with diplomacy, protect, and use violence and aggression on all rebel forces and tyrants with the same treatment they have inflicted upon this world. Good luck and may God bless you to the next life" Ajei finished his speech which got a lot of cheers and got the ship's doors open and explosions got Ajei nearly killed if not for one of his commanders pulled him away "just go, men. I'll catch up" Ajei orders and APLK jumps with the rest of the battalion.

Kazaki and Luni

Kazaki and Luni looked around them as they saw Belo troops falling from the skies as they saw some get killed. One Belo is blown up to pieces. A Belo is killed with hails of bullets kill him and the body flies down fast. A Belo failed to activate his parachute and gets killed. Belo's reach to the ground and attack the Gallus capital.


We were seeing multiple men in the sky as they dropped to the ground and fighting commences around Gallus. The ruler of Gallus was frustrated and called in the so-called 'Belo's' to the aid of his troops. He left and we made our chance to break our ropes. Frame took out the guards as Johan got rid of the other Belo's. We took our weapons and looked around the city. It was a bloodbath. Gallus forces were losing fast and we're being slaughtered by these new invaders. One Gallus was bashed in by a soldier with a flail and bashed again repeatedly. A soldier was killed, only for another invader to stab the Gallus soldier in the heart as he limped dead on the ground. Gallus troops were pushed and shoved to the ground as the invaders slit their throats and cleaved their heads from their bodies as they charged to the castle we were in.

Alev warns us like a rock in flames heads towards us and we dodged to as explosions break the castle and Charlotte exclaims "look!" We look to see the invaders charge in like a tidal wave "They appear to only focus on the Gallus forces" Helga observed the invaders "wait Kazuki. Look at that bannerman's flag" Zaria points to an invaders flag.

The flag consisted of a red and black and a Big A on a circle in the middle. I realized that flag is the common old banner of the empire to a close friend "that's the Belerog Empires flag!" I yelled as we heard a couple of guns cocked "hand's up in the name of the Belo Empire" a young brunette invader points his rifle "look everyone, we're not looking to hurt you" another invader begs with a strange curved hat "ok. Everyone stand down" a familiar voice commands the young men "Kazuki. It's been a long time since our last talk" the figure appeared to be my long lost childhood Ajei Bloodbourne "A-Ajei?" I asked and he removed his helmet/mask "yes. A long time and this is what I see in return for my old friend" he said and I ran to hug him "idiot" I ranted and Ajei game me a hug back "I see that your league of warriors is as resilient and powerful must I say" Ajei said and approached Fram "who are you Mr. Ajei" Johan asked curiously. Ajei only smirks and begins to speak his tale.

Time skip

Ajei had finished explaining his story as a knight of round helmet and a flail came to the group "my lord. The enemy is retreating. What are your orders?" He asked and my knights looked at the 3 men with him.

"Garaff, Oni, and Dragan. Order your platoons to track down along with some of my 501st. Make sure they are brought back alive or dead. If I know one thing about Belo's is that there are always Belo's who do some justice without the law" Ajei smirks and the knights laugh and leave.

Ajei looks to me "friends of yours?" I asked as Charlotte looks at Ajei's arm "Mr. Ajei! Your arm!" She yelled and began to heal bleeding left arm "oh yeah. I fought a orge while getting here earlier and his sword must have grazed my arm" Ajei calmly told Kazuki "that's to be expected since uncle Ajex was just like you when I was just a kid"  Kazuki recapped and the others asked Ajei questions. We eventually arrested Galluse's ruler and his remaining loyalists and rounded up every one of their soldiers left. His hunting party returns with a few body bags of the targets.

Few days later

In the Avillion Empire, the leaders were gathered to talk about to reactivate the gate that opened this worlds to other worlds back in the old days " Lucilicca, as I said before, the multiverse is wishing to make this world part of our alliance we are building from the ashes of our old lands" Ajei told Lucilicca of the alliance "if you help my nation in return of calling my leader here, will you help the people of my kingdom repopulate?" She asked with a few gasp from the Belo side which Ajei accepts this proposal "I accept this proposal. I only ask that we as Belo's and the alliance have your word" Ajei said in a serious tone which sends the shivers to the leaders who are on Kazuki's alliance "he reminds so much of Ajex Lord Kazuki" Helga said while blushing at gazing at Ajei's face "why are you blushing Helga?" Rosanna asked her loyal friend "My lady, Helga and I were friends with Ajei's father during the war and he was the one comforting Helga when the war ended and you may say she developed feelings for Ajex" Walther told Rosanna.

Everyone seemed to like Ajei because he was kind, mature, and young than most of everyone in the meeting room. Lairei often seduced Ajei and ended with Ajei taking in Lairei, Lumie, and Alev as his lovers whom acted as the representatives of the Avillion Alliance.


Ajei was walking the halls with Kazuki when Helga approached Ajei "night Kazuki" Ajei said good night to his friend. Helga fidgeted and squirmed "uhm lord Ajei. Do you know me?" She asked innocently "well according to my memories. I say you are Helga. A legendary war veteran of the Great Tyrant Wars must I say" Ajei spoke in praises for the older woman in front of her "yes. Your father and I knew each other from the war. He was the most charming man I met in the war and-" but Ajei smirks "you were in love with my father back then even to his death you're still in love" Ajei knowing Helga held that feeling still even after his demise.

Helga looked to the son of the king carefully "you look so much like him lord Ajei. Your kindness is no doubt from your father despite getting that stone cold anger from your mothers side" she said and Ajei smiled "yeah. My mother was the most stoic person and was only ever loving to family and people but not humans" Ajei shivered remembering his mother long ago in a flashback.

She ruled Agartha, Albora, Halbern, Kiril, Oborell, and Soubdell when Ajex was married to her after a duel with her ended with Ajex defeating her and had to marry her by her father to pursue peace. She had a stoic, emotionless, and no sympathy for her foes and especially humans but onlys showed it to her lover and other Belo's that were affiliated with Ajex and the empire.

Helga then held Ajei'a cheek "can I do this as a forgotten promise?" She asked and without his reply kissed the king and Ajei simply hugged her and moaned. They split their lips away and looked at each other "you're beautiful regardless of your age. Helga. I accept your love" Ajei said smiling and just like that Helga joined his harem*Ajei breaks the screen to choke the author* "I'm not that lecherous you human-pig of my former vessel!" As he chokes the writer "ok! Just let me go!" As Ajei lets go of the writer.

Take 2

Ajei slept with his small harem of women in Avillion while his team slept on the couches of the kingdom cause tomorrow, a fort was waiting to be reclaimed and the contents were waiting to open again for the multiverse.