The King and The Pharaoh

Ajei, Phantom, Kazaki, and Luni we're on a boat arriving in Dominos City. A couple of men in black escorted them to a limo to Kaiba Corporations requested to meet before going to meet Yugi Moto. Ajei fixes his tie fidgeting to meeting Kaiba, hid cousin "you know, I still can't believe that Kaiba is your cousin Ajei" Luni stopped Ajei from ruining his perfect tie as she had to fix it for him "yeah. My father and his father must have been good friend that they made quite the cooperation to be what it is today" Ajei said and read the newspaper saying that Kaiba Corporation was close to being taken over by it's other partners and the people working with the company but revels took care of them a week later.

Ajei knew of the rebels taking matters into their own hands on the oppressed and hurt by the criminals and the negligence of the justice system. Belorog had always let the locals and civilians of the realms practice vigilantism to express and to make a better community among the people.

They arrive at the company to see a few patrolling Belo's scouting around the establishment. Ajei looks at them as they wander about the king coming to his cousin's company out of all times as a king. The burly man of the guards opens the door to Kaiba's room seeing him talking to a Fallen Belo "leave us" Kaiba tells the guard and his Fallen partner as they leave the room "please sit cousin" Kaiba motions them to sit down. They sit and Kaiba sits also in his chair "thanks Ajei for coming" Kaiba said emotionessly and his young brother Mokuba brings them beverages "thanks Mokui" Ajei teased Mokuba who scoffs and hits Ajei lightly "I'm not a kid anymore Ajei" Mokuba scolds Ajei as he leaves "as I was saying before you rudely interrupted my talk-" "you know. You should smile more Kaiba. It helps you stay healthy longer" Ajei interrupted and had the balls to tell Kaiba to smile more "idiot" Kaiba said and continued to talk to APLK about the realm before leaving.


APLK had gone to school to pick up Yugi from school along with his associates. Yugi sees his cousin and hugs him "Ajei! You came"  Yugi hugs his older cousin while his friends chuckle "uh Ms." Ajei begged but they laughed at his misery and at the rest of the walk to Yugi's Grampa store in the way.

Time skip again

Gramps had the store closed for the evening for Yugi to finally turn to Yami Yugi to talk to Ajei "Lord Ajei. It's been some time since your last presence of the multiverse" Yami said to Ajei as he drank tea (yeah not sure if he does drink tea but I'll make this up) "yeah I've been busy possessing my last Ajei host in another time however, the vessel rotted of old age unfortnately and searched all of time until I found this world in need of some Ajei action and magic Yami simple as democracy as it is Yugi" Ajei recited his time as looking at the universe and watching them.

Yami smiles "you have not changed have you, Lord Ajei?" Yami asked Ajei as Ajei shrugs the comment "please just Ajei cousin. The Lord part I can never get used to and will never get used to it Yami" Ajei begging to Yami to just not use honor fics on his name just cause he's king doesn't mean he likes the honor fics but rather likes being called by his name "anyways. The universe or whatever you want to call it has sent me to ask of you to propose an alliance for your world and the others who will join this alliance of ours to restore humanity on earth prime" Ajei showed him a paper and a seal to link this world to the others to begin fortifying the realm with influence "well Ajei. If I sign this, will your world and the others take this world as a whole empire?" Yamu asked in a serious tone "no, your world is given free choice if so by you Yami so you have full authority to do what it takes in your own terms, not our rule hindering your power to carry law out there than what the humans let locals suffer for the higher-ups mistakes hench why we Belo's have no government system installed in our kingdoms" Ajei assured that power to Yami.

Yami signs it and Ajei shakes his hand in a excited mood "good. We'll have some Belo's coming here to carry out the law within now and in a week, we'll have our law enforcers cleanse the realm and have the law enforced in no time" Ajei smiles while his team groans "really Ajei?, why must you enforce the laws?" Phantom asks Ajei who looks at him deadpanned "seriously? You not long ago didn't complain when you did this couple years ago and now you complain about this enforcing, Phantom?" Ajei had the most emotionless and dead face in history.

Phantom scoffs "yeah whatever" Phantom said and chuckled whist they finish the deal making.


APLK was asleep in a motel near Yugi's place for guarding. Ajei was the only one awake watching the house nearby while holding a ring he held from Salem which she married to him "you know if you keep looking at that ring, I might generously offer a huge amount of money sir" a voice talks to Ajei and he sees Agent Smith sit down across the table "ah Smith. I take it that the mission went well long ago, huh?" Ajei asks his hitman "yes, the mission was fluent as the the water streams go down the hill" Smith told in poetry "never heard you talk in poetry before Smith" Ajei sips his cider.

Smith sips coffee "yes. I do read poetry from time to time. Mostly from a poem I find interesting" as Smith pulled out a paper to put on the table for Ajei to see.

Ajei seemed to understand a little bit of this poem "I guess this is a poem of a baby being born in this life and as he lives, me meets a woman?" Ajei not the really poet type but sort of understands poetry. Smith chuckles "yes, but it also talks of the circle of life Mr. Ajei. Life that begins and that life ends in oblivion" Smith spoke to Ajei in cryptic meaning "I'll chose to not pursue that poem much further" Ajei finished his cider "Smith gets up from his seat " where you going?" Ajei asks confused "it appears that one of my agents got killed in a world called Taimanin Asagi my lord" Smith looked at his phone and one of his agents has gone KIA. Smith disappears and Ajei had the coordinates ready.


APLK readied their gear for an urgent meeting with Yami "what seems to be the sudden meeting Ajei?" Yami asked Ajei as they look at him with a few of Ajei's commanders "a realm called Taimanin has urgent call for help from it's tainted race" Ajei said no further and Phantom knew this world was part of the unknown realms "but now that world needs saving like Kuroinu. Are we going to fight again Ajei?" Phantom began to  smirk with his team "yes Operation Asagi has begun!" Ajei yelled and slammed his fist on the table and the screen fades to black.