Give Me Hell Boys

APLK had the army arranged. Ajei had his rage summing the entire trip. Yami calms him a bit but not much. Ajei and his army were at the skies of Asagi's realm with planes roaring in the sky "Boys. This world is worst than Kuroinu in the scale of crime in the universe. Women here including these Taimanin are targeted by the majority of men here and demons rape women wherever they go. I officially give you the permission to give em hell boys!" Ajei yells to his men and they cheer as the door opens for them to jump down to Tokyo and roar with rage. You see Ajei called in Fem Nazi's to support the fight since they brutally kill men like in the world of Taimanin Asagi and show no mercy to get the job done.

Timeskip(you know skip the parachute scene)

Ajei and his team kill men as they go to the capital of the criminal underworld. The Under Eden. Fem Nazi's slaughtered anyone except the females whom they take and keep them under watch until the end of the male purge. Ajei bashes a demon bird repeatedly until his head is no more. The team kills a few but began to see Ajei in his raged state. They arrive to see the entire Taimanin grouped around by Edwin Black, Ingrid, Oboro, and his lackeys. They see Ajei's eyes rage and he lunges forward to one male and breaks his neck. The armies of Ajei came and fored upon the remaining men and killed anyone even civilians who were going to have their ways with them. A few minutes later, everyone even the bad guys see Ajei killing a few and saw his anger to a degree. A demon tried to smash him but Ajei slit his throat and guts spilling to the ground and Ajei then proceeded to bite of his remaining throat and spit the flesh out.

Ajei jumps off the demon and cuts of 3 male heads off from their bodies. Ajei stabs an angrily to a guy attempting to kill him but gets killed off. Ajei teleports like a ninja killing most of the assailants off. Ajei walks to a few men and slashes them while amputating a few men at it. His team and everyone was now scared of this man. Never have they seen such rage drive a young man to the edge. Ajei looks to a girl named Iwaga Asagi and saw the pain in her and lost himself in complete anger and violence. He roars and began to form into Nightmare.

(Imagine the big arm on the right arm is not big but normal size as the left arm)

Ajei began to slash and dice everyone who engaged anyone in his path. The remaining aggressors all pierced his body (also imagine the chest is not a void but a fully connected body) but that only fueled his anger as their weapons gave him a glimpse of the suffering of the females and he forced pushed everyone away from him but held them in the air "your souls shall be damned into external fire!. May you enjoy damnation! Abandon all hope ye who enter here!" As he burned the sinners into the inferno. Phantom and Luni appear at his side and helping him get back up. Ajei began to turn back to his human form.

Ajei was panting. Luni comforting Ajei "it's ok. We took this world back. It's ok now. We protected these women from a fare worse then death" Luni hugged his arm and buried her face on him. Ajei ruffles her hair and apologizes to them as he turned to the males who were bounded by Ajei "you have a lot to answer for humans!" Ajei used his Nightmare voice to instill fear to them. They were scared of him and Ajei then ordered a few of his men to kill a few off "Edwin. I'm not going to ask again. Who is your commander?" Ajei asked in a threatening tone until Ingrid freed from her bounds held a sword and a few men held their guns and swords on her "hmm. Loyal to the end, huh lady Ingrid?" Ajei asks the beautiful tan skinned pink haired woman "never threaten my boss Mr. Ajei" she said as Edwin their pierced his spear through both Irgrid and Ajei in an attempt to kill Ajei. Everyone gasps and they fired upon Edwin spraying him with silver bullets killing him and stabbing him. Kazaki came to his side and Ajei was ok but Ingrid was dead.

Ajei then pulled a part of his many souls within him and used it to revive Ingrid.

Her shines and she gasps and sees Ajwi smiling and she cried on his chest for Edwins betrayal. Ajwi held Ingrid and told the men of the realm "from now on, the Belo Royal Family shall claim this world as our own and all males shall be turned in for imprisonment. Anyone male disobeys shall be shot and killed" Ajei sternly ordered and any male's were taken to custody. Ajei had calmed down but only by a little was Kazaki was able to keep his Nightmare form from awakening again.

The Taimanin approached the prince shyly "uhm..Ajei right?" Iwaga said and Ajei nodded while Kazaki was using a genjustu to repair his mind. Murasaki looked like she was about to pee herself since she was blushing like a cherry. They talked to the king about himself and eventually made an alliance and things were looking up because all males of Japan were taken to custody although not without the purge Happening to Japan which the realm chose not to question Ajei and his legitimacy to carry out the purge.

The females of the Taimanin soon joined in Ajei's harem list but again* a fist hits the narrator* "ow! Ok lovers! ok?!" *Chibi Ajei glares at the narrator and Thanos snaps and disappears* Okay back to the story. Now for a flashback wirh one of the ladies of Taimanin time.


Ingrid was being tended by a Belo medic

"You'll be just fine Lady Ingrid" he pats her shoulder and leaves with the board in his hand. She gets up to see Oboro being tended by a few just like the medic she had removing any residual drugs in her system.

"Hey sir. What going on with Oboro?" Ingrid asked with concern for the first time since she and Oboro never got along well but since Ajei resurrected her, she gained the feeling of sympathy "she's just going through the withdrawal phase of her drugs in her system. We just are making sure she isn't having seizures or any other life-threatening conditions" a Belo medic with a dog face helmet.

She was fascinated with the Belo's wearing both modern and medieval attire in their men and women that serve Ajei. She analyzes their work and saw a Belo taking a little bit of Oboro's blood in a small tube for testing and 3 of them went to a computer to see her DNA.

Ajei appears with the medic she had at her side and a soldier with a MP5K "sorry for the whole violent scene but I lost myself in the anger when you and many beautiful women here are treated nothing more like tools and the fact men debauched many women made me lost respect for your realms men" Ajei bowed and apologized. Ingrid blushed never been bowed by a royal prince before and apologizes his actions but also from his compliment "is your friend going to be okay?" The soldier with the gun asked shyly. Ingrid giggled at the shy guards shyness "yes. The medics said she's in her withdrawal phase" she told them of Oboro's conditions "yeah Oboro-san seems to be a clone from her original self so her real self is most likely dead" Ajei said sadly "but she'll have my therapists helping her recover, though it was take you to help her recover" Ajei looked at Ingrid.

She gasped and wondered "why me Lord Ajei?" She asked in formality. Ajei had a sweat drop on his head anime style "please drop the lord. I don't demand that much like kings of old" Ajei beseech Ingrid to call him just Ajei "you are the only person she can trust for now and to keep her from falling into a dark path like Edwin Black. She needs someone to help her and you are the only matured person for the job. The Taimanin are still recovering. I chose you because...well can you boys leave us?" He asked his two guards as they left and the medics with Oboro we're to busy to care about Ajei and Ingrid in the room since the curtains surrounded Oboro and them "you are a beautiful woman who has a independent mind. You are the only person I could ensure the peace of the realm here maintained and that I have a proposition for you Lady Ingrid" Ajei looked at her sincerely.

He grabbed and held her hands as Ajei glanced at her. Ingrid looks wide-eyed knowing what the proposition would be "Lady Ingrid, Servant of the once Tyrant Edwin Black, may I have this honor of making you one of my lovers. You have worked hard enough to be just a second in command. You deserve to be with someone special. Will you be my lover eternally and forever?" Ajei asked her and she teared up before hugging the prince and pushed him to the bed. The medics were blushing as they saw them starting to seal the deal and make love in front of them. One medic fell on the ground with the scalpel on his hand and accidentally stabbed his arm in the process as he laid on the ground as his peers helped him while blushing and tending to their injured friend while the moans of Ajei and Ingrid grew louder.