Ninja's Love

After Ajei sealed the deal of making Ingrid the new leader of the Demons for extermination and new reign of anti-male superiority with the help of Belo Fem Nazi's to help reinstall law on the earth of Taimanin realm. Iwaga and her sister came to Ajei to make another deal with the allies of the multiverse.


Ajei had his army with him and Phantom typing every word of the meeting. Asagi and Sakura we're representing the Taimanin and the new order "we would like to thank you again for making this alliance possible. We the Taimanin are grateful for it" Asagi thanked their and blushed with her sister since they like Ajei for saving them from a fate worst than death "no problem Asagi and Sakura. We Belo's have to enforce the law. We are just helping another organization that focuses on keeping evil at bay" Ajei said and humbly thanked them back with a smile "although the Fem Nazi's we're not sure if this form of policing is the force we need for the people. The last thing we need is another Edwin Black rising to only make us women back into second class citizens and used as playthings again as a form of revenge" Sakura complained kindly when Apollyon came to the side of Ajei with her knights in the meeting "Ajei knows what's he's doing. Men have run the show long enough. It's time for the women to show that they are independent in mind without the minds of pigs and lusters who see women playthings and tools for one fool's fantasy and stupidity. Men now bow to the new order and this is not for him but for all people to now follow to live" Apollyon told the Taimanin to just comply with it or let Ajei purge on all men which would kill off their realms male population and would have no males to procreate the human populace of theirs but the Belo's. Sakura and Asagi nodded understanding that the Fem Nazi's were the only choice to at least keep half of the male population alive rather than killing all men which would give the Taimanin a disadvantage to keep the peace between female's for the struggle to having their own males as their lover or breeding sow.

Ajei smiled happy to know that they know Ajei isn't trying to be the bad guy but wants the multiverse to get along and the law kept in the balance. The meeting ends with the leaders of Taimanin agreeing with the Belo's terms to rule over them in policing and maintaining the peace over the civilians.

In Ajei's private room, Asagi and Ajei were making out "oh sweet Belo's goddess! How did it come to this?" Ajei asked while panting from the tongue to tongue action with the Iwaga sister "you tell me. You kept glancing at my body like a pervert" she said lustfully and kissed Ajei agin as they landed on the bed and Ajei taking control "it's not my fault i find female's interesting and lovely" Ajei said back in lust as they tore off their clothes and had made love as Sakura came through the door and saw her sister making love with Ajei as she dove to them to join in the lovemaking. Needless to say, Ajei had a lot of deals sealed that day.

Next day

Ajei woke up and found the Iwaga sisters  laying on his chest and caress their hairs as they woke up "hey ladies. I have to make a deal with lady Cara today over some coffee" Ajei got up and dressed up for the meeting. They said their goodbyes and kisses before Ajei went to meet Cara the Bloodlord.


Ajei waits for Cara the Bloodlord when she came with a bulking Belo soldier and a Covenant Belo at her side who sat with her.

For Ajei, she looked like a demonic goddess and her men was what Ajie got his attention. She was a vampire queen with 2 Belo's he never though would be in her ranks "nice to meet you Lady Cara" Ajei shook her hand in courtesy. Cara smiles "nice to meet you son of Ajex" she flirted with the king. Her bulky soldier asked "do you know this boy's father, my lady?" He asked while taking a sip of his drink. Cara looks to her bulky guard "his father and my father kept a secret pact to defend one another throughout my childhood and making me and Ajei here in a arranged marriage" Cara explained and Ajei went to shake hands with the Covenant "hello sir. What's your name?" Ajei asked but he never replied and looked blankly at him "sorry Ajei. His name is Coperax. He never talks much" she said caresses her guards helmet's cheek "his family crashed here on earth and a few humans killed his family and my father ended up killing the humans responsible for the attack. He decided to make him my bodyguard since" Cara said with a melancholy tone for her guards sad history.

Ajei knew the feeling. The feeling od nit accepted and just plain getting killed by people for no reason. It was a common occurrence in the multiverse during the war and many species ended up losing majority of their civilian populave because of humanity. Ajei made interspecies relationships to mend that broken diversity humanity had scorned for years.

Cara and Ajei made the deal but she had one more seal to make the deal "come her Ajei" as Ajei came foward and she kissed Ajei in the lips to make the deal legit sealed. People were taking photo's until Ajei and Cara seperate and decided to take a room for more intimacy while the guards of Cara and Ajei went to have a game of Pubg in the reception hall for them to return after their nightly sleep at the motel.

The next day

Ajei and Cara left the motel and went their sperate ways knowing that Cara is now part of Ajei's lovers and now that vampire all around the multiverse could go to her for protection from all sorts of trouble. Ajei goes to Gosha Academy.

Ajei with 4 guards go inside the academy of Taimanin and see many of the females blushing and saying Hi to the savior of Japan. Ajei somewhat flirted half of the school students and staff as Ajei felt embarrassed for being a flirt due to him being a ladies man like his dad. Ajei make it to Tokiko's office and she sees him.

"Lord Ajei. I've been waiting for you" she said and motioned Ajei to sit "Gosha Academy would like to thank you for sending in funds but the army part isn't really nessessary" she thanked Ajei "it's no problem. Luni and Phantom thought it would be a compensation for the inappropriate overkills I did back in Under Eden. That was uncalled for in my part" Ajei apologized ans shivered thinking if he didn't apologized to Tokiko, he'd be facing the wrath of Luni.


"Now Ajei, when you get to Ms. Tokiko, apologize to her on our behalf cause if you don't...." as she brought out a whip with spikes "there's trouble if you don't say it" she says sadistically. Ajei shivered even if he was a king. There's a rule when it comes to women and that wwould be to never incur the wrath of a woman.

Flashback end

Ajei again shivered but gained his composure "the army will assist you when you need help on conflicts and when things prove too intense, call us and we'll be there" Ajei gave her a transmission device for her to call Ajei if her world needed help once more "thank you. The Taimanin again thanks for the help" she thanked and gave Ajei a kiss in the lips "no problem. We're all here for you if you need some chat for some coffee if you'd like after everyone gets settled" Ajei blushed at the end.

Tokiko smirks and escorts Ajei out to the hallways of the academy but not before smacking Ajei in the butt "I'll be waiting for you on that date offer" Tokiko flirted to Ajei as he blushes and the students blush from their school staffs flirting of the king as they left.

As they went out of the academy, one of his soldiers smirks "so another babe on the list for you?" He said and Ajei scoffs while laughing and lightly punches his soldier in the shoulder "shut up" he said and hide his face while walking back to his team.