Destinies Collide

APLK arrive on what seems to be the earth of some sorts but when they came on to the ground, they find an entire metropolis be voided of human life and rust claims everything. Grass and snow overtake buildings. Ajei called in 4,500 men for the safety concerns. They walk through the ruined city and noticed something floating a couple of meters away. A Few Belo's went to scout them and saw them. There were the real Fallen species in front of them. One of the scouts stays while the other one goes to inform his boss. Ajei sees his scout return and warns him "Lord Ajei. Fallen platoon ahead" he says and the battalion gasps "alright men. Get moving. We take them out now" Ajei said with authority and they move out.

They prone around the oblivious Fallen with guns and scopes on them. Phantom had his shadow transform into a sniper rifle.

Everyone was on edge as Ajei yells "fire!" And guns blaze around the defenseless Fallen. The aliens were in disarray as they were ultimately wiped out. APLK go down and see the stuff the Fallen had and Kazaki noticed something with Phantom. They both go to a Fallen with a Fallen mask and moved his body to see that he was a Belo "hey Ajei! Come here!" Phantom yelled as Ajei tells Luni to see if any Fallen we're only injured and still alive. Ajei runs to Kazaki and Phantom "hey these are just normal Fallen and this person is a commando of the old Fallen Order" Phantom told Ajei as Ajei and Kazaki wide-eyed "Fallen Order? I thought that order was wiped out by my father before the 300-year war?" Ajei asked Phantom unsure that such an old faction is still active "well, I think some Fallen must have survived the purges of human supporters and fled here to this timeline to reorganize their forces until they can attack again on the multiverse" Kazaki theorized about the faction.

A commander comes forward to Ajei "sir, scouts reported incoming possible hostile" he said in worry "more Fallen?" Kazaki asked and Luni appears behind the commander "no, unknowns" the commander replied and was unsure what to say more "get in positions in the building here" Ajei orders and APLK was on top of the building to spy on any suspecting enemies. Luni looks and sees the unknowns "look over there at that one restaurant building" she tells Phantom and he scopes them "Ajei. Three armored people insight" Phantom observing the 3 people with shiny armors "Kazaki. Your traps ready?" Link asked sweetly "Yes, hot stuff. It's ready" he said as he had his ropes and buttons ready.


The three Guardians walked unknowingly tripped on a wire/activation of a grenade. The second heard and dragged his two teammate away as the grenade explodes.


They see the 3 barely dodged the explosion. Kazaki grew in anger for the first trap failed "damnit!" He yelled and Ajei noted on their abilities "so they have special abilities?" Ajei noted and Phantom nodded.


The Hunter helped his team get through the traps and eventually see the dead Fallen "so this is the site that your ship picked up with gunfire?" The Titan looking Guardian said and the Warlock looks at the dead Fallen "hey guys look" she says and the two Guardians looks at the dead body "yeah. It's a dead Fallen. What of it?" The Titan said and the Warlock scoffs "Trina. Look at the wounds" The Warlock said to Trent and looks to Hunter "Sandra. What do you think?" She asked her female companion "that's a bullet lodged in the kill" Sandra said and Trina with the Warlock in shock "bullets. I thought all guns with lead were extinct?" She said dumbly "no. Not all guns with lead were extinct. They are just too rare to find nowadays" The Warlock said and explained to Trina "Linda. You are so much of a bookworm" Trina said and Linda scoffs "shut up-" when Sandra shushes them "I heard something in the building" she says and aims her scout rifle and fires "ah!" As a scream yells and a man falls. Sandra teleports to the man and grabs her "come out! We have one of your men here!" Sandra demands and guns click and aim at her. The three Guardians In shock. They were surrounded by humans and had guns that actually looked like they had lead. APLK goes down and Ajei negotiates "look ladies. Spare Lindorm. We can come to a solution better than this" Ajei offered and Trina had the gun's barrel at under his chin which resulted on Belo's aiming the barrel of their gun at her.

Ajei seemed unfazed "please everyone stand down" Luni begged and everyone calms down "who are you and what are your people doing here in the Russian Dead Zone?" Linda asked Ajei "we are Belo's and this is my team. Phantom. Kazaki. Luni. I'm Ajei. The King of Belerog" he said as the three gasp in shock "you're Ajei? The Ajei. Scourge of Humanity?" Linda asked as Ajei was confused "Scourge of Humanity?" He asked and Trina tells her teammate "I think he's not the one" she said "well Trina, for once you use your head" Sandra said and Trina scoffs "I and my are from a different timeline. I'm assuming that this earths Ajei is a evil version of me?" He said and the three were confused. APLK knew those faces and Ajei explained to them.

The Tower

The Guardians and Belo's arrive at the Last City after explaining about the Multiverse and it's boundaries. The Belo's arrive at the city and the residents notice Ajei, his team, and his guards that escorted him. They felt tense at these foreign people as they match on to meet the 3 leaders of the city.

The Meeting Room

Ajei, Kazaki, Luni, and Phantom sat on one side of the table while the leaders Zavala, Cayde, and Ikora were at the other side "so you're Ajei from another timeline and unlike our Ajei The Scourge?" Zavala asked and Ajei groaned "why? I'm not! So why is it a bad thing that I look like him?!?" he yelled and Zavala explains to him "our Ajei The Scourge was the reason half of the population of humanity is gone!" But Phantom defends Ajei "that is your Ajei, but this Ajei is different!" Phantom yelled and Ikora and Luni went to calm their hot headed friends "sorry. Our Ajei betrayed humanity due to no helping with Asia according to the history logs" she said and Kazaki was confused "wait! Ajei was a continent leader of Asia?!?" He asked and Cayde finished the story "yeah. He led Asia to prosperity during the Golden Age. He helped the poor and build various stations across the stars. When the Dark Age came, we abandoned Asia to it's own since humanity had too many problems and due to the complicated relationship too at the time. This led to a civil war among humanity (I know this is not the history of the game but this is fanfiction land. I can bend this what ever I can to entertain the people) and betrayed the rest of the nations and waged war on man. Wiped out millions of people until suddenly never was heard again" Cayde said and drank his beverage.

Ajei noted and thought in his mind "what if this worlds Ajei sided with the Fallen as a revenge against humanity and continue on his legacy?" Ajei then asked Zavala "what year did he disappear?" He asked and Zavala softens his aggression "he disappeared about 15 years before us Guardians killed Crota" he said and Ajei had his evidence "he may be in hiding" he said and the 3 Guardians in shock "what! Why would he be in hiding if he was winning in the civil war?" Claude asked "like me, he was smart as you all are implying that he was. Ajei or I call him Dark Ajei had this planned put when he heard of the Fallen and other alien threats coming to earth must have planned his fake death" Ajei was explaining the plan their Ajei had planned.

The 3 Guardians stopped their anger and listened to Ajei's theory "after he faked his death, he would have already sided with the Fallen as his main army since the Fallen are a scavaging and nomadic faction that focus on taking ether. The others he uses as pawns such as the Cabal, Hive, and I think the Vex" Ajei continues to tell the theory "why side with all the factions when all of them are at war with each other?" Ikora asked and Phantom tells her "In war, some people want the world to burn so in this case, Ajei in this world wants everyone to be wiped out so no other faction would go against him. The more that the factions focus on destroying themselves, the less they notice that a immortal psychopath is in it's midst" Phantom said and Cayde nods.

"He wants all races to die except the Fallen" Cayde said and APLK "why? Won't he need people to work for his new empire?" She asked and Ajei shakes his head "no. Since Asia and the people he only cares about is gone, he only wants humanity to die for not helping his people during the Dark Age" Ajri finished his theory. Zavala reconsider his aggression against this Ajei "leave us. Let us discuss to ourselves" he tells to the young team "Sandra, Linda, and Trina will escort you to your room" he said and Ajei bows and leaves.

The 3 Guardians talk "we saw this Ajei and this is the confirming that this Ajei is not the Ajei we know" Cayde knew for sure that Ajei was not the threat. Zavala and Ikora nod "he's not the human genocide one we are after" Ikora saying a fact "this Ajei proves that he is from a different time. The theory he told explains the holes of his disappearance during 15 years" the 3 nod and agreed to make an ally out of this Ajei and APLK along with his Belo forces.