Defying One's Destiny

APLK was discussing their problem "we have to stop this evil Ajei before he would be the downfall of every race in the galaxy here" Kazaki stated a fact. It's been a hour since the 3 Guardians left them in the room. Luni was thinking about this theory about evil Ajei "so if there's an evil Ajei here in this world, there must be some in other realms as well" she suggested but Phantom shook his head "that's rare for a doppelganger to turn evil but it's possible due to the multiverse and time being so far different from each other" Phantom knowing these kinds of phenomena are extremely rare as a doppelganger always has to be the same as everything else. The Multiverse would have clones of the original person but it's a rarity of having a defiant one.

The 3 Guardians Sandra, Linda, and Trina came inside the room with Zavala, Ikora, and Cayde "we discussed the theory you made. We agreed on it that it makes the most sense about our Ajei" Zavala notified them about their talk "we were wrong to assume that you were the Ajei of ours and not a different Ajei from another time" she said and Cayde laughed "talk about a bad comedy show of an eviler twin" saying in a jovial way. Ajei and his team nod "I take it that this is another meaning that you'll agree to let us hunt him down for you?" He asked and Zavala nods "yes since you are his doppelganger, where would you go to hide yourself?" He asked and Ajei smirked "if I were to hide for a long time, I would have sided with the Hive and the Vex" Ajei answered and Zavala follows this "he sided with them because they have the capabilities to conceal one's self from revealing where his original coordinations are at," he said and Ikora spoke "then that means he resides somewhere Fallen could only go to and a holy place for the Fallen to hide their secret of commands" she said and Luni jumps in "knowing the hostile relationships of Vex and the Cabal who are fighting the Hive and sometimes the Fallen, he'll become the deceiver in ending these factions without a dilemma rising later should he fail at bringing the other races to an end" Luni brought another point "well, no point of dilly-dallying. Let's go" Cayde said and left to go on his ship. Everyone looks at each other and shrug.

Time skip

The 3 Guardians left with APLK who brought his 1,800 not wanting to risk too much gear for the hunt "so Sandra, how did you know one of my men on that spot?" Ajei wondering how that his soldier was in that position "we'll uh I am a Hunter. It's my job to use my senses rather than my brain" she said and Trina was offended "hey! You're referring to me, aren't you?" She yelled while eating with a few Belo soldiers on a table "she's the muscle's and Linda's the bookworm" she said and Ajei didn't find satisfaction with the answer "a Hunter can only have so many senses but he's a Belo and only a Belo can tell that a person would sense that precise, so tell me, are you 3 Belo's?" He asked and Sandra was silent and sighed "look. Do you promise that you and your team won't judge us?" She asked Ajei who nods respecting her wishes "we are Belo, but we ran away 305 years ago" she said and Trina looked at her food in silence "our family died during the 300-year war with humanity. We came to this realm to avoid human occupation" she said and Ajei knew many Belo's leaving to the unknown regions to start anew.

Phantom looked stoic upon hearing their story "so you're about 400 plus years old in immortality age and human terms 20's" Phantom said and the girls nodded "yes and usually when men talk about our age, I would've killed you but since you are a teammate of the king, I'll let it pass" Sandra said and she looked to her two teammates who nod and took their helmets off. Phantom and Ajei look and Ajei blushed upon seeing their beautiful faces.

Sandra was similar to Luni but her hair was only dark black blue with violet-blue eyes and her armor was all blue.

Trina was a brunette woman with violet eyes with earnings that seemed impossible to be worn inside a seemingly tight helmet.

Linda was a green-haired goddess. Emerald eyes, emerald hair, and must I say more as an author describing people in this story like a creep. *ahem* sorry in short, they were goddesses of their styles "uh wow. Ladies. I knew Belo women could get more pretty, but this brings Megan Fox to shame" Ajei exclaimed and a certain woman was unaware of this.

Back on some Earth on another timeline

Megan Fox during her interview sneezed while covering "school!" She sneezed while she was talking "bless you. The interviewer said and waited for Megan Fox to recover from her sudden sneeze " thank you, but I felt like someone was talking about my beauty putting to shame" she said and her Belo guard was confused "uh what?" He asked and was not getting it and suddenly, the realms Ajei came on set "Nah, probably some Ajei in some other timeline comparing some beauty of yours. My love" Ajei said cool and kissed her while the fans cheered on the site and the interviewer was confused as to what happened.

Back to Ajei

"uhh yeah. Uh uhm uh damn!" Ajei scolded himself and Trina grabbed his head on a chokehold while ruffling his hair "aww! The cutie likes us!" She said and Ajei blushed deeper and her two teammates blushed lightly before a Belo Soldier informs "we are in Saturn ladies and gentlemen" As they made to Saturn. The presumed spot where the Evil Ajei would hide and if not, the planet Mars.

They pack up and ready but a bulky soldier warns them "this is Oryx's dreadnought. We must be aware. His forces are corrupted beings that were stolen from their kin to become his soldiers" as APLK and the female trio jumped down with Belo company.


Ajei and the others were walking slowly since they aren't familiar with the terrain and had to move slowly to make sure they don't screw up. Kazaki sees a Taken and slits it's throat before it dissolves. They walk further and began I hear whispers "what's that?" A Belo wearing a tuxedo with body armor asked "that's the changing of the Hive here. Hive worship Oryx as their king. Be careful" Linda ordered and one Belo accidentally broke a bone and a group of Acolyte heard and saw the intruders "oh sh**" one Belo cursed and they roared and fired. Three Belo's died and many hid on the pillars and fired in retaliation "Ajei go with Linda, Sandra, and Trina to find Oryx!" Phantom yells to Ajei who was worried for them "what about you guys?" He asked and Kazaki laughs "oh come on. We had worst. Now go!" He yells and return fire at the acolytes. Ajei nodded and the 3 women went with him while his team and some Belo soldiers stayed to help PLK.

Near the Throne room

Ajei grabs a Thrall and kills the abomination and throws his body to the ground and renders it to dust. Ajei and the trio keep going while gunfire erupts. They reach a door and ask Trina "hey since we don't have explosives, I want to ask you please to smash" asks and Trina smirks "oh, smash?" And Ajei said while smirking " as she walked to the door and turns to Ajei "smash" and Trina smiles so much.

Trina smashes the door hard for a few lackeys to get smashed and killed by the blast. Oryx covers himself with magic and growls in anger while speaking in a surprisingly English accent "Who comes into my House of Pain?" He asked and Ajei shouted "the one who shall hunt my evil self! Tell me where to find him!" He demanded while the female trio point their guns at a few Taken Belo's and Hive Belo loyalists "we don't have to end your kind like this, but I'm willing to shed blood if I have to end this scourge of humanity!" Ajei turned to his Nightmare Form.

(Again imagine the large right arm is normal size)

He growls and points his sword "tell me now! Where is this Dark Ajei at?!?" he asks again and Oryx growled back "why would I give away my only ally's domain?" He asks and Sandra yelled to Oryx "cause he's just using your kin to his amusement! If you and the others don't realize this soon, we'll all be part of his game!" She yelled and Oryx's followers gasp. Oryx then used his darkness to see debit in them but he detects none. They are telling the truth. If his ally was just using him to his agenda, then he would surely be wiped out the moment his Ajei would have enough power to destroy the others "it appears that we have come to dealing here" he said cryptically. Everyone is confused "what's the deal if we side with humanity in hunting this world Ajei?" He asked and Ajei was shocked that he knew about the multiverse but was stopped by him "before you ask if I knew of the many worlds, then yes I have been for a while and had stayed out of it for the interests of your father" he said and continued to talk "I won't attack and ever contact humanity again if you let me take his soul for eternity" he asked while smirking sinisterly "yes and if you leave humanity alone and stop this futile wars on others, I'll vouch for you that you're under my protection and watch by me" Ajei said and the three look at him "what are you doing?" Linda asked but Ajei seemed unfazed "if this is to get this Evil Ajei from destroying this world, then so be it" he said and Sandra held his hand "ok. We hope that you know what you're doing Ajei" she said in a worried tone and Ajei nodded "don't worry. I didn't die on my earth just to lose now. I'm just getting started" Ajei said and kissed her. Sandra blushed and wide-eyed but kissed him but Trina steals him and kisses him hard and with lust. Linda was jealous of Trina stealing her lover and force pushed Trina to kiss Ajei who never forgot her and kissed her. The Hive was confused and scratched their heads while Oryx blushed a green tint and had a somehow nosebleed "Uncle Oryx. Stop being perverted" Ajei asked deadpanned and Oryx began to feel his nephew figure's aura. He was shivering and knew what this meant "hey. I rarely see romance so don't blame me" he said and Ajei stopped his aura from bursting cause the Hive followers stepped back in fear of the young prince.

Time skip

Ajei gathered the Hive to join their conquest next to get the Fallen to join even though the Hive and Fallen don't get along, but APLK knew that to defeat Dark Ajei, they'll have to side with good and evil to stop his conquest to destroy all of life as they knew it.


APLK, the Trio, and Oryx came to a place where the houses of the Fallen reside and when they came to the entrances of their domains, they drew their guns at them and aimed at the Hive King who shows no aggression. A Kell appears and stands near them. This Kell was different from any Kell.

He had only 2 arms, a torn cape, blue ocean armor, and two twin katana's on his back. He then began to sniff the king and to Ajei who scoots back "ah The Scourge of Humanity!" he yelled in Fallen language and his men draw their guns and Ajei's men draw theirs in retaliation but Ajei stops both parties "enough! Lord Kell! We are not the enemy. I'm from a different world. I come here to ask of you and any leaders to join us to eradicate the Scourge you all are scared of" he offered to the Fallen who chatter in Fallen tongue.

The Kell thinks for a moment "how do we know if this is the real deal? For all we know, you could trick us at any moment" he said in his language. Ajei decided to talk in his native language "Sor Mel doran kisnoth Marin works earn a askoff norniel sinokof wiliq asil kousil" Belo Fallen Tongue translation(we are not. We came her because your Ajei is manipulating your kind to keep fight so that he'll control your people to slavery when all's said and done. The war is a facade) yeah long translation.

The Kell is surprised that this Belo King has mastered the Fallen tongue where others never bothered to talk in such speech "well. You're certainly the Ajei, son of Ajex" he said and Phantom in shock "wait! You're...." He was in shock. This Krell was not just a Fallen Kell. This Kell was Kriegar. A legendary student of Ajex "yes I'm Krieger. Your father's protege. He sent me here before he died and told me to hid myself from the humans" Kriegar said and Kazaki fanboyed "oh it's such an honor to meet you sir. I am such-" but Luni covers kid mouth and blushes "sorry. He's a fan of your old books" she said and Kriegar shrug it of "no problem. I was a living legend of my days, but enough tense moments here. Boys stand down. This boy is my master's son. Let's have a feast. All are welcome!" He yelled and his company cheers "yaaaaayayayayyayayaay!" They cheered and escorted them while Sandra calls the leaders to come on down for the success of an ally in not one but two of the enemy factions against humanity.

Under the city

Fallen feasted along with the group of Ajei's and Oryx who are with the Fallen. They were surprised that the Fallen eat like regular humans do, eat meat and other foods "we may look like cannibals but we can assure you all that we eat anything to survive" Kriegar said and ate a turkey leg. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food went the doors open for Zavala, Ikora, and Cayde to gawk at the site of their team eating food with their enemy but decided to keep it cool since Ajei knew what he was doing "this is rather...interesting. I never thought you'd get the Fallen and the Hive to side with us in this manhunt" Zavala took his seat with the other 2 leaders "gotta say, kid. You are a unique bunch getting the two of the Galaxies worst enemies to side with us" Cayde said and took a drink from a Belo who looks at him strangely. Ikora reluctantly took a bite of the food and when she did, she took another bite and so on. Oryx stiffened when they came but Ajei explained to Ikora and Zavala that he would be under his management until then and they accepted that Oryx needed to be kept on close watch.

Krieger came back with papers while the feast was going on "here you go. A seal of our allegiance to you lady and gentlemen" he said and signed his name and the 3 signed theirs "this concludes out friendship with the humans. Skora, tell the other groups about this alliance" he ordered a skinny fallen as he nodded and left on a speed bike. The 3 leaders leave to the Last City as the group stayed at Kriegars base for tomorrow on the travel on Mars.