
AN Note: hey guys. This chapter is dedicated to our dear creator of Marvel. The father of comic books legend Stan Lee. He was my inspiration to think of the multiverse and my eventual ideas of a story that I have here today. I loved the hero's and villains he created over the years and the fact that he's gone will remain that, but his legacy will remain forever in the Marvel Industry. May Stan Lee find the Green Fields and rest in peace. Excelsior. Thank fellow writer Herogamer04 for bringing up the idea to write a chapter in his honor. I salute Stan Lee.

Weeks later

Dark Ajei was defeated and Oryx and Kriegar pledging their loyalties and allegiance to the king as they promised to leave humanity alone as the human race will begin to rebuild. Zavala, Cayde, and Ikora thanked APLK and their armies for helping end a long time conflict. The Cabal seems they won't bother humanity anytime soon as Ajei was alive and somewhere in the multiverse, they will learn to never pick on someone not their size.

The Last City

APLK we're helped by the locals and Belo's pack up some delicacies for the travel and souvenirs to show appreciation. Ajei and his team see the trio of females packing their gear with them "wait. Zavala, what's happening here?" Ajei asked nervously and Zavala smiled "we the council thought that Sandra, Linda, and Trina could go with you and stay with you from now on as retirement from being Guardians and joining you on their new home" he explained and Luni squeak in joy "oh this exciting. We can talk about girly stuff, hang out, and talk about our cute boys" she said as Kazaki and Ajei blush hard "wow. You girls would do that for me?" He asked as Trina hits his shoulder.

She smirks "of course. We love you. We would like to be your lovers and go back to Belerog's main territories. I miss the food and the Hashbrowns with cheese on them" she said and made Ajei hungry at the combination (yes I did that sometimes before I worked as a dish boy). The 3 Guardians smiled as their guardians were going back home "make sure to take care of them Ajei" Ikora asked Ajei. He nods and Cayde gave Ajei a bro hug "oh man! I'm glad you're getting a harem" as Ajei smacked him "don't call them a harem! I call them my lovers" Ajei warned and a dark aura surrounds him "unless you want to die!" he said and Cayde backed up "ok sorry, good luck thought" he said and Ajei smiled "yeah" as he turned to Sandra "ready, my love" she said and Ajei smiled more "yes. Let's go guys" he ordered and they left the last city of man as they went back to traveling. The team eager for more adventures "where to next? A world of evil doppelgangers? Or a world full of danger?" Phantom smirked and Ajei hyperdrives the Mothership with their additional support ships while Kazaki wrote the numbers 4,080 men deceased.


APLK arrive to a earth like realm and his team including their new 3 female trio smiled and flew down there to investigate.


Ajei and his group explored this earth New York as they see in the sky. A Helicarrier "do I want to know who that is?" Sandra asked and the group shakes their heads "we've seen weirder everyone. Let's go" he said and everyone they passed gave them weird looks of their gear "uhm Ajei we should have our gear. They saw people wear such gear" Phantom suggested and Ajei took them to an ally and hid from the public to change their gear with Ajei snapping his fingers to change to casual mid-class clothing "just a quick change. I rather do it quicker than actually change to I don't know a creepy homeless pervert and I just protect my lovers" Ajei said and Sandra and Linda gave him a kiss on the cheek and Trina on the lips. They get back to the streets the other way and go to a restaurant where a decent amount of people were eating and chatting. They take a table and order large amounts of food and are. They finish their food and rub their bellies "I never thought the food in the 21st century would taste so good" Trina said and Ajei nodded.

Kazaki and Phantom noticed a few men in black "Ajei. Men in black a couple tables on the right ahewd. Don't look" as the group pretends to pay their food and leave and the group follows them. Ajei decided to separate with Ajei going with his female lovers and Kazaki's group go opposite. They leave on opposite directions saying goodbye and try to evade them.

The men in black separate and went their own targets. As soon as they were separate from each other, Kazaki took out his own men in black by knocking them out.


Ajei was sitting on top of their own men in black knocked out and groaning "let's go as he got down and we're surrounded by men and cars around them " hands up now!" A female shouted. Unlike her colleagues, she wore a tight black latex suit and red-haired "come with us" she ordered and Ajei shrugs as his lovers and his team were taken to a aircraft and gotten to the helicarrier.


The woman interrogates Ajei who never replied to her when she resorted to dirty tactics "you know. You're pretty cute for a young man" she said and Ajei decided to play her games "oh year and I never though a woman wearing tight latex suit had gotten hotter before" Ajei said and the woman had blushed hard and used her hand to caress his chest "you sure have a strong broad chest" she said and Ajei who was cuffed had incurred his hands and held the woman as he groped the woman "be careful. You may unleash the alpha in me" Ajeu flirted while the woman in her mind telling her to stop him but finds her body acting otherwise "what's your name?" He asked the woman who replied to him while prepping a venom to kill him "name's Natasha but you won't live long enough" she said as Ajei knew and let her stab him with the venom as he dies "aka Black Widow" she said and extend the interrogation room.

Outside the Interrogation Room

PLK and The female Guardians we're tired up on the control room as a guard watched them "your leader is dead. Who are you people?" She asked and Kazaki smiled sinisterly scaring her a bit "you wouldn't believe me if we told you" he said and the guard tried to hit him "but a bald man with a eye patch came " enough! I can tell he's not lying" he said and Black Widow looks at him confused until behind the man was Ajei himself alive and well. She was shocked and checked the cams and saw the dead body of the once deceased Ajei before in disappears "my time clone. A fake" Ajei said simply and Black Widow still in shock of him alive still "how?" She asked and Ajei explained.


The bald man looking at reports when Ajei showed in front of him "hello. Nick Fury" he said and Nick tried to shot Ajei but he's unfazed by the bullet wound. Ajei looks at him with a deadpanned look "really?" He asked and Nick looked at him "what do you want? Who are you?" He asked the young man? Ajei sits and starts "I'm Ajei. King of the Belo race" Ajei told him and Nick heard of the Belo race. Their mentioned them in a story of his that Asgard once met these species and to say the least, they were barbarians and a violent race of demi-humans that rule various worlds and enforce a tight regime against no human's in their territory kind of race. Nick decided to not mess with the king of the realms "me and my group were taken her by force when we were just exploring worlds and realms when your woman Black Widow took us by force and right now must I say. She is such a beauty" Ajei said and Nick looked at Ajei like he was some perv "now you're wondering why is a king doing going on missions when he could just sit on the throne while his people die?" Ajei asked a question that Nick had exactly that question and nodded "well in our rules of being King, all rulers are to fight alongside their men under any circumstances and all times must support their people by fighting alongside them" he explains and Nick had to ask "are you here to conquer earth?" He asked and Ajei shook his head "no. You see my lover/headmistress and teacher Glynda Goodwitch ordered me and my team to explore the unknown world and I have to confess, I enjoy going out rather than sitting my ass off the throne while my people die when I could make a difference by fighting alongside my men in honor" Ajei said they talked for a while.

Ajei explained that the earth they lived in was part of that multiverse and Nick agreed to side with the Belo's and going to the control room and this is where he was, the entire time.


Black Widow was walking with APLKSTL(STL stands for Sandra, Linda, and Trina)  while she took some glances off the young man she flirted and thought to herself. Was he really the flirt he was? She wondered and led to her team. There was Bruce Banner, Thor, Captain America, Hawk, and Tony Stark. Tony walks foward to the youngsters "this is the group that Nick had notidied us about?" Him not believing that this toup capable of taking down agents when he felt a knife to his throat "want to test that?" Kazaki threatened Tony as Thor and Steve held his shoulders "put your knife down boy" Thor asked with authority.

Kazaki used his semblance and tripped both Thor and Steve to the ground and Kazaki had knives close to both their throats "am I a boy now?" He asked and Ajei had his hand on his shoulder"stand down. They're not the threat" Ajei orders him and Kazaki calms down. Black Widow admired the reflexes Kazaki performed "nice reflexes Kazaki" she said and Kazaki smiled "I learned from the best" Kazaki said and Luni smiled at him "this is Luni, Phantom, Sandra, Linda, and Trina" Ajei introduce the team to the Avengers "Thor. It's been a long time since our worlds last met" as Thor glanced at him for a moment and laughed as he hugged tightly at his companion. Everyone confused and Kazaki explains "Asgard and Belerog are old friends" he said and Ajei proceeded to explain to them again "Asgard and Belerog worked together since the Dark Elves tried to take over the realms and my kind may have destroyed all the Dark Elves entirely an-" as Thor interjects "and took their secret weapon and destroyed it" he said and everyone was surprised at the story that Belerog is Asgards oldest ally compared to other species.

Time skip

They mingled as Ajei was the one talking the most as he cuddled with his 3 lovers "uhm. Is it normal for Ajei to have multiple women around him?" Steve asked Ajei since harems are a obsolete tradition no longer practiced. Phantom only chuckled "Belo kings often had harem's to have man offspring" he said Tony had dug further to the question "how many kings has this Belerog had since the beginning?" And the group looked at each other "Ajei's the 424th king of the Belo nations" Phantom told and Tony paled in horror of that many kings led the nation "why so many?" Thor asked and Luni happily obliged the suspense "all Belo kings fight alongside their men no matter the conditions they were in" she said and Hawk was not surprised since the harems and many offspring's explain the many dead kings on it's history "it's to ensure that a heir were to take the throne rather then some person" Hawk explained why they have many kings "I'm and only a few females took the throne in history being my mother and a few of my ancestral aunts and women related to my family" Ajei told them.

Black Widow asked Ajei of his mother "her name was Lily Agrath. She ruled Agartha, Albora, Halbern, Kiril, Oborell, and Soubdell when Ajex was married to her after a duel with her ended with Ajex defeating her and had to marry her by her father to pursue peace. She had a stoic, emotionless, and no sympathy for her foes and especially humans but onlys showed it to her lover and other Belo's that were affiliated with Ajex and the empire" Ajei said and remembered his mother's rare smiles she gave before he disappeared to find his body. They all eventually decided to rest for the day before having to explore more of this earth.