APLK and the League

Ajei had left the Avengers home city and traveled to Metropolis City with his group to find any form of new people to meet. The city was nice and they saw a statue of a man as a hero. Luni asked a passbyer about the statue "who's that man?" She asked and the guy told her that the statue is a tribute to Superman. Ajei was intrigued by this Superman and had it planned out. They are, walked, and wandered around the city until dusk.


They were walking by a street in the city when an explosion happened and people were running away from the scene. Ajei looked to his group and they nodded and went to the sight. They help a few people who couldn't get away and see a man in a tech suit of some sort. He was bald and was shooting at buildings and saw the young group "well what do we have here?" He said and Kazaki threw one of his knives at one of his robotic arms in the machine and cut the thin arm off from the robot's structure. Lex flinches and blasted at them and Trina created a force field around them.

They huddle and Phantom turned into a shadow going behind the man and attacks the man's robot form. Sandra unleashes her Golden Gun and fired golden fire rounds at the man. The man fired rockets at the protection shield and blows the force field to pieces. The group stumbles "ha. Do you know who you're messing with? You are messing with Lex-" but a laser beam pushes him away from the group. They turn to see the man they wanted to meet. Superman "Lex. How about pick on someone your own side" he said and dashed forward to Lex who fires electricity at him and he stumbles. Ajei and Trina run towards the oblivious power duo "any last words Superman?" He asked and he heard yelling. He turns to see Trina and Ajei with rasengan like attack moves "taste the power motherf*****" and mashed their on attack at Lex who was blasted to crash at multiple buildings before landing at jail whom a crocodile like person and a man with a joker make up "hey. Rough night?" He asked and Lex fainted.

Back on the group

Superman gets back up after gaining his breath together and thanks the young group "thanks for the help, but I take it you're not from around here, are you?" He asked and the group smiled "that would be an understatement of the multiverse" Luni said and Superman raised a brow at that statement "multiverse?" He wondered and Ajei explained to him about blah blah cliche and Superman asked him "can your group come with me? My league would like to hear about this" he asked and Ajei nodded knowing refusing could lead to them hunting them down and knew what they need to be done as they followed him.

Gotham City

Superman had led them to a cave to a friend of his who seemed to have an obsession with bats. Trina went to Phantom's ear "this friend of Superman could be your friend" she said and Phantom looked at Trina "well I guess. I mean...he seems to like dark wet places" he said and Sandra was teasing him also "so you like dark places for your lover to mate?" She asked and Phantom blushed and lightly punched at the Huntets armor shoulder "shut up" he said and everyone laughed except Superman. They enter and see the other members of his league "about time Superman" the dark-cloaked hero said as Wonder Woman brought out the obvious question "who are these young people you are with?" As the other saw them and one of them zoomed to the group "these guys seem to look like young adult especially these 3 lovely ladies here" he said while flirting with Ajei's lover "oh how kind of you, but our boyfriend wouldn't like that if he heard that" Linda said and the red suit. wondered why "why is that?" He asked while everyone was watching this happen "well sir. He's right behind you right now" Sandra said and he turned to see a pissed Ajei "you wanna say more hotshot?" He asked while his teeth were gritting in anger. The red suit hero made the right choice and hid behind the scaly orange suited man as he shivered from the aura from Ajei.

Wonder Woman knew this feeling and asked Ajei "see you by chance the son of Ajex?" She asked and Ajei lowered his anger and answered her in a kind tone "yes and who may you be?" He asked and Wonder Woman kneeled to him "forgive me for my oblivious sight" she apologized out of the blue while everyone was confused "Diana. Why are bowing?" Superman and Batman asked while getting her to get back up "this boy Ajei is the son of the Belo King Ajex, Lord 399th lord of Belerog" she said and bowed back to the ground. Everyone in confusion Ajei let Kazaki explain with Luni and sat down.

Time skip

The Justice League we're surprised that their world was not the only one beside's planets and galaxies out there and to learn Ajei is actually a king of an multiversal rule where he rules worlds with benevolence "I knew of time-travel, but multiple worlds. It seems too surreal" the revealed Flash said and apologized to Ajei "Ajei. I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't knew those girl were yours" he said and Ajei smiled "it's ok, but...." As Ajei lightened back his aura to show authority "do that again and you'll see a whole new world of pain" he threatened Flash and he nodded "note to self. Never and I mean never piss off an immortal demi-human" the Flash reminded himself of next time. Batman was interested in Belerog enduring many years of wars spandex throughout since ancient times "how is it that your people had not gone extinct yet?" He asked a complex question "Belerog practiced the concept of Harem's as a way to increase interspecies and more people to increase when Belerog was young and fresh out of a warring time" Luni explained to the dark crusader. Phantom and Batman got along very well. Aquaman was enjoying the many things of the journeys they went through the multiverse "my goodness. Your life sounds like an epic tale of travels my friend!" Aquarian yelled as he had his arm around Ajei after hearing the recent adventure in the fight against his evil clone "it wasn't hard to fight him. He was clouded in evil judgement" he said and Wonder Woman asked him about the Dark clone "where is this evil Ajei at?" She asked and Ajei chuckled nervously "well" he said and remembered where the Evil Ajei was punished by.

Oryx's dreadnought

Oryx was making Evil Ajie marry on of his daughters for grandkids "come on and give me grandkids" as he watched her daughter drag the helpless soul of Evil Ajei brought into a room where they would complete the 'ritual' and have grandkids he desired as his screams echo throughout the realms.

Back on Batman's HQ

Ajei shivered at the punishment carried out by Oryx on his evil self but he did brought it upon himself and forgot the whole scary thought all together. Everyone seemed to get along as Ajri yawned "well, I don't know about you guys but I feel drained" he said and the League asked why and Ajei made a finger motion to a while which got everyone to blush. They leave them but gave them the papers to officially sign the allies to know that their world had become part of something big.