The Walking School of Dead

Unknown Space

APLK+SLT(It's Slit. Don't get any idea. Perverts) brought to you by Chibi of Sandra, Linda, and Trina.

They had arrived to a earth to Japan and landed secretly with his army ready "what's going to happen here?" Sandra asked worridly for Ajei "a disease would be released here in this ream and start the Walking Dead sh**" Ajei cursed and told the team the events about to unfold. They make it to the school.

(Ignore the zombies for the moment)

They made it just in time and saw a zombie about to bite on the poor defenseless woman. She screams and was close to being bite.

(Such a beauty. Shame she died in the anime)

Ajei and Phantom rush to kill the zombie and Kazaki went to close the gate with Luni. The lady in shock as Ajei slits the zombies neck and realizes that it still moves and Phantom chopped the dead things head off. Ajei had his hand out "you okay miss?" Ajei asked as he removed his mask. The teacher blushed at the young man and took his hand "yes uh thank you" she said and the males came forward "who are you kids? Why aren't you in unifo-" as Kazaki yelled to him "no time to explain. Alert the school. Close all access points!" He orders but one of them relents "who are we to listen to you kids? You could be one of those crazy guys?" He yelled but Ajei had his sword to his neck "people are going to die. Do you want these kid in the building to panic and die in the crossfire. A virus is spreading and I have men around the globe and this city to help everyone. We need to secure this building of those things right now!" Ajei yelled and nodded to Phantom "Kazaki. Get these people to safety! We'll clear the school. Men! On me!" Ajei ordered and the gate opens as 40 some men came through the gate surprising the teachers as they went to the school.


I saw 7 young people came and saved Ms. Kyoko from that rabid man. I look to Saya and she was just as confused "we should warn everyone" I said and she nodded and went with me to Rei and my friend Hiashi.


The man Takashi and Saya ran to his classroom where the students and teacher look at them like they ran a marathon "what's going on?" She asked unaware of the recent event at the gate as everyone else "we have to go everyone. A rabid man almost attacked Ms. Kyoko earlier and we need to leave!" He said but Rei was too shocked when a zombie was behind him. Everyone was in fear and huddled each other as more came and Takashi was close to being a meal to them when gunfire erupts and they saw Ajei and Phantom in the hallway handling the others "everyone! Come with me if you want to live!" He said in a serious tone. The class follows him and Phantom not far away killing the zombies and followed behind.

Kazaki and Luni

After leaving the teachers with some soldiers of Ajei's that we're fast approaching everywhere in the city. Ships flew everywhere to help the situation. Ajei had called over 800,000 ships holding in all of them 60 million of those ships for the situation at hand. They got most of the classes to the soldiers as they searched for stragglers who cut class and saw a fat teen. He was wandering around and was in shock "hey kid!" Kazaki yelled and the kid shook for a second and saw the couple "get over here" Luni said and he came close to them and heard a scream not far away. They go to the site of the scream and saw one student already being eaten and a blonde woman with we'll uh um....large assets oblivious and babbling about what the name of the kid was when a purple-haired woman killed the two zombies due to the trauma of her wooden katana.

Kazaki and Luni killed the others while the fat teen was with them "thanks. What are your names?" She asked and thanked nicely "Kazaki and this is Luni" as the fat kid introduced himself as Hirano and the kid that was bitten was not doing so adequately as his wounds bled and the woman was going to do the right thing when Kazaki who had his eyes shadowed "I'll do it" he said in a serious tone. Luni worried for her boyfriend "Kazaki" she said in worry.

Kazaki crouched down to the kid "what's your name kid?" He asked and teared a but "IIshi" he said and looked at Luni "can you heal him Luni?" He asked as the blonde told him "it's impossible. He could die with even the help-" but Kazaki said with a smirk "we are not your average youngsters. Luni" Kazaki motioned Luni who smiles and crouched to the boy and put her hand on his wound and Kazaki giving her some of his power and began her semblance. Her powers heal the kids wounds. Hirano, Saeko, and the blonde nurse in shock seeing this power and when the light dimmed down Luni panted but slowly recovered with Kazaki using his semblance to give her a boost of energy (forgot to mention that Kazaki's semblance can also be transmitted through his hand to the person of his choosing and recovers their energy permanently) as she smiled and kissed him. The blonde in shock and almost fell and IIshi with newfound strength held the falling nurse "that's a job complete" Luni said with a cat smile anime style and everyone except Kazaki who found it cute with confused.

Ajei and Phantom

They got everyone in the field as Belo's surround them and protected them. The school teens and teachers were at first scared but we're comforted by the guards as Ajei and Phantom received a report "sir, some areas are unfit to save and everyone in those area's have been pulled away from any area of affect from artillery. We need your permission" he said and a Japanese official and a couple of soldiers came to Ajei "sir who are you to take initiative when we are handling it?" The official asked rudely. This send an anger to Ajei and scorned officials as the reason's some actions never carried out cause of pigs (that Ajei calls them) delay the act to protect the innocent for their selfish gain. Ajei draw his gun and the soldiers of his point theirs but find themselves surrounded by Belo troops "oh yeah. If you had this handled, then why am I seeing chaos and the city not in control? I have my men assisting your men and the people from the zombie threat. Don't think you will take the credit when this is over. I know you officials take the hard work of others who deserve the praise for your own. Now if you excuse me. I have to help others" Ajei said as Kazaki and Luni got the other students safe "watch everyone okay Phantom?" Ajei asked him and he nods and left "where you going?" The official asked and Ajei halfway glance "helping people" he said and a handful of men went with him.


People were running to the safety of the Belo gunner best as they fired on the zombie that were approaching the gate. A fat Belo orders them (think of Shugoki from For Honor) "fire on the zombies. Don't hit the locals. Keep firing!" He said and fired his KSG shotgun. Ajei appeared with his men assisting them "thank God! You're here Lord Ajei" he said and blasted away a zombie "what's the status?" He asked and fired his Martha 4 Alpha 1 rifle at the enemy "local's are still stranded in this tight street of a hallway my lord" he said and started to reload his shotgun.

Ajei then decided to help get the struggling locals "I'll help the local's" Ajei told his comrade as he got over the barricade and 3 others followed suit. They run and see house to house. During the chao, death was everywhere and gunfire of his men fired on as ships of his army flew everywhere in the city. Ajei and his groups searched nook and crank on every house and only found a couple and as they broke through a gate door of a house. Ajei and his squad saw a child crying. Ajei approached the girl and comforted "hey where's your parents?" He asked as he rubbed her back to comfort her "t-t-there" she said while sobbing and they saw her parents dead but with smiles on their face "I-I had to kill them. Mommy and Daddy told me too" she said and hugged Ajei's chest crying out her sorrow. Ajei comforted the little girl while the guards stand by to protect the girl.

Ajei comforts her and she slowly gets better "you ok now?" Ajei asked and she nods slowly "what's your name?" Ajei asked and she told him her name was Alice. Ajei smiles and pets her head softly. She smiles and hugs him again. Ajei eventually carries her and tells the men "protect them and me as much as possible, got it?" Ajei ordered them and they shouted yes sir and they ran back to the barricade. Ajei ran with all of his stamina while his men fired on the zombies. Ajei just about to cross the barricade, he felt a zombie tug at his feet and almost fell but used his other feet to find his balance "Mr. Ajei!" Alice yelled and held on to Ajei. Ajei thinked fast and called for the Shugoki Belo "Shuk! Help!" He yelled and the same Belo came to his assist "take Alice to safety!" Ajei ordered and Shuk worried for his king "but my lord-" "just get her to safety!" He yelled and Alice called out to him as Shuk took get away from Ajei "Ajei! Ajei!" She yelled as she was carried away as Ajei focused on the zombie at his foot and felt a bit on his leg. Ajei fell down and his soldier shot the zombie dead. Ajei gets up and the soldiers glance at his wound but it heals "I'm ok. Let's get going" Ajei said and they got back barely alive.

Back at the Fujumi School

The kids were then told by Kazaki and Luni of everything on the multiverse and Belerog. The official Ajei encountered earlier approached Luni "hey there Ms. Luni. Thank you for saving us. How about I take you to make an alliance with your nation and get to know one another?" He asked lustfully but received a knife to both his feet and hands, making his soldiers try to defend the official but Belo soldiers shake their heads not to piss off Kazaki who had rage in his eyes "what is up with people always flirting with my wife?!?" As Kazaki punches the official not casting for the consequences that will follow but thankfully Ajei will make an example. He stops and Luni kisses his lip and they make out in front of them. Everyone was confused that Kazaki went from lunatic to romantic suddenly at the end.


Ajei and his army helped the rest of the nations and took far longer than they expected. 1 month passed as the Belo's helped the realm recover and eventually killed all of the zombies and found the group responsible and punished them Belo style. Millions still died but not too many that the population would be affected and would eventually kill each other for petty reasons. Japan thanked Ajei and pardoned Kazaki after Ajei threatened the official after he told his friends of what Kazaki committed and told stories of Belo's vigilante side such as the phrases 'snitches get stitches' but in Belo terms 'Snitches get killed' in Belerog. In short, the Belo's we're needed her and Ajei had a lot of things to perform in order to help the people here for a while.