World Recovery

A month later

The world had changed. 20% of the human population were affected by by the attempted zombie outbreak. Ajei and his team hunted down all the members and collaborators of those who used bioweapons and viruses to kill off people. Japan was no different. Japan lost 5% of its population and Belerog spend their time helping the island nation recover from such horror. The reason was that crime had spiked after the zombie outbreak had been handled. The criminals targeted children and women mostly. Belo's had to work with vigilantes to apprehend the threat. School girls were often targeted for their beauty. Belo's had to male purge the realm to make a point by killing off 15% of the male population that we're criminals. Japan refused at first but an incident in Yokahama which had the highest criminal activity and women were raped there and Belerog acted by killing all the criminals and gangs even when they surrendered to them in fear but killed them regardless. The Japanese government decided and chose the wise choice to not defy the Belo government in its enacting order when it came to protecting citizens since they are a priority. Ajei's case was no exception.

Fujimi School

Ajei was checking on the damage report on the school which was not much but they didn't want to risk taking the chance until a student got hurt due to structural integrity. Ajei oversee the operation when Ms. Kyoko tapped his shoulder and he turned around "yes Ms. Kyoko?" Ajei asked nicely since he wasn't doing anything but oversee the repairs "I want to thank you again for saving the students and us" she said again. Kyoko was always thanking Ajei and his team for taking action when no one else did. She always blushed also from Ajei's humble and kind behavior. She fidgeted and found her words "uhm can we talk in my office?" She asked as Ajei tilted his head a bit to the left.

Kyoko's office

Ajei was sitting her chair with Kyoko in his lap after their little 'talk' as Ajei panted from exhaustion and Kyoko was cuddling on his chest and smiled ever so gleefully "no wonder your lovers love you so much" she commented and kissed Ajei "yeah. When your entire family is based as a royal family and when both of my parents happen to kill the most people who deserve it, what do you think about it?" Ajei asked Kyoko and told him truthfully "I think your family bloodline is by far the nicest I heard based on your men telling me stories of each of your ancestors being quite the gentlemen. Your father and mother raised you right" she said and we're busy making out when Kazaki came through the door and both fix their composure "learn how to knock Kazaki!" Ajei yelled and Kyoko blushed from embarrassment from Kazaki seeing the forbidden make-out "there's trouble at Mr. Shido's class" Kazaki informed and Ajei knew Shido. He was well known in this school but for infamous reasons. He was involved in a shady business that Rei's father who was an officer investigated him but it affected Rei's ability to graduate and blackmailed her daughter and held her back a year from it and cause of that, Shido got away with it and now she holds a grudge towards Shido.

Ajei kisses Kyoko and leaves with Kazaki who rushes to Shido immediately. They reach the class to find to see Shido sexually harassing her and groping while the others were too shocked to do anything as the board of the class states 'sex Ed' Ajei had enough and pulled a gun to his head. Shido let's go of Shido and tried to talk his way out of it "hey. We can talk about this. You know drawing a gun on a teacher is an attempted crime and you could be sent to jail for it even though you're a son of the legendary king" he taunted and insulted his family which you should never do when you're facing Belerog's royal heir or king or anything of that matter as Ajei had his aura surging and turned to Nightmare and had his right arm transform into a large hand (like the normal large right arm for Nightmare) and punched him hard. He stumbles to a wall and lies there "you sir are a shame of wasted flesh. Your actions speak for themselves. You're a teacher for god's sake! She's a student who smart, kind, and beautiful who should never be touch or be near filthy flesh like you around" Ajei spoke in his Nightmare tone. He was so pissed at the cowardly teacher as others came but Belo's stopped them from interrupting Ajei's point of enacting justice "you are a disease to everyone. You all perverts who do low actions to get what they want, rapists who think forcing women to submission, and pedophiles shall die and burn in h*** for all eternity!" He roared and best him a few times.

Kazaki was enjoying this. Rei was too shocked that the hero of Japan was standing up for her and her fellow students watch in fear and awe of his brutality. The females in awe of his bold action. The boys regretted their way of life and decided to change in order to not incur the wrath of Ajei. Ajei finishes his rant and orders police Belo's to take him "arrest this man for sexual charges and attempted debauchery on a minor" he said and spoke of Shido's orders.

Shido tried to get free from the cuffs but a Belo told him it was made of adamantium and Ajei then decided to tell Shido a secret about Belo vigilante justice "Shido. Tell the prisoners I sent you and when they find out what you did, they'll have a fun time with you and make an example out of you. Trust me, it's a prison justice thing. Don't think that anyone in the political world will save you for 'snitches get stitches' but in Belo terms, it's 'snitches get killed' in my people's eyes. In Belerog, fighting for the innocent is a righteous cause" Ajei said and Shido knew what he meant by 'Prison Justice' and tried to get the cuffs off and screamed in agony "please! I'll change! Please!" He begged but Belo Police escorted him to his doomed fate.

Rei approaches Ajei with a nervous expression "uh thank you for the help" she thanked her savior and Ajei told her no problem and went on his way but Rei insisted that she go with him on about his day.


Lunch had started shortly after the little fiasco with Shido. APLK and SLT had gotten to the cafeteria to eat with the other kids to help them recover and cope with what happened. Some had lost their family and friends while others were now alone in a changing society with Belerog running the show to help with the constantly evolving world. They finally sat with Takashi's group after the zombie attack. They gotten along very well and Alice who Ajei saved was starting to grow on Ajei. She began to call Ajei Onii-chan and Ajei didn't mind. He liked Alice as a little sister. She always stayed with Ajei after Ajei had returned to a crying Alice after Shuk took her to safety and since then climbed on to Ajei never leaving his side. Hirano chatted with Kazaki and Luni along with Shizuka about her healing abilities and Kazaki's powers. Saeko was talking to Phabtom about martial sword arts. Ajei was talking to Rei and Takashi "thanks again for helping Rei. It's not easy for both of us since..." He said and didn't want to mention that his friend Hiashi had died after saving and helping Belo's with getting the students to safety and a statue was built on his honor much to Rei and Takashi's cry of happiness cause Ajei honors even the lowest and mid-class citizens during the outbreak. Ajei understood why Hiashi helped his men. He didn't want to see his fellow classmates die and even had a Belo give up his gun after he helped a Belo medic injured after reloading his M1 Garand which had his finger stuck at the cocking of the bullets would go.

"No problem. You guys are our priority. You guys deserve a break. Speaking of break, how's your father Rei?" He asked and asked the Belo's to give him a medal of honor for his service. He was in the midst of the chaos in the city as he led a handful of Belo's to help any locals during the fighting of the undead. Reid smiles "he's overjoyed to the fact that you honor him unlike anything he's ever achieved. He's also thankful that you got Shido in jail at last" she said and sighed "yeah. He was a nightmare. He literally caused people to be neglect of his actions. I'm not surprised that he got himself in jail" Takashi shrugged and drank his milk "yeah dumb bastard even tried to think of a way after that whole fiasco" he said and they both ask him what happened to him "well let's say he got the memo and the 'Prison Justice' thing I told him says he won't be out for breathing anytime soon" Ajei said and told them that Shido no surprisingly had gotten killed in Belo jail just after he arrived and the inmates got word of his disgusting act and took the time to mutilate him so much that the scene described by police saying 'a bloodbath beyond compression' as they leave it be since no one claimed nor was charged with the murder of Shido.

It's like what Ajei said. 'Snitches get killed' but Prison Justice is real when someone does bad and something bad happens to them in return. It's karma that way. You screw someone over, you get screwed in return. Ajei knew that and his violent acts were never turned bad because his actions ended up justified by taking down the criminals who think they are above the law and can do whatever they wanted, but they die in the end.

Ajei and the rest eventually got through the day and went with Takashi's group to his house for a sleepover. Ajei knew that soon that they had to leave to return to Beacon to report of the worlds he visited and made friends out of the worlds. They played games, eat, talk, but most importantly enjoyed each others company. SLT aka Sandra, Linda, and

Trina finally gotten better in terms of blending with the current era than the futuristic world where they always have to fend off aliens for a living. Ajei smiled and looked up to the sky with Rei hugs his arm "what's going on Ajei?" She asked and Ajei sighs "I wish my father could see the success I made in his name and he could be at ease" he said and Rei kisses him lovingly. Oh did I mention that Ajei and Rei got together shortly after the outbreak and she liked him after he comforted her in her time of grieving.

She and Ajei went inside and continued their chat with everyone as Ajei raised his cup high "we honor tonight as a time of newfound joy of this alliance" Ajei said and their cheered "however tomorrow morning, we must return home" Ajei notified the crew as they had sad faces crested on their faces. Ajei hated to bear bad news but he was a leader and had to deliver to them.

"Onii-chan. Does that mean you're leaving?" Alice said as she started to cry. Ajei hated to see her cry "yes unfortunately" he said and she clung to him begging him "please don't leave us. Stay with us Onii-chan!" She said and cried on his chest. Ajri hugged her and comforted her "it's ok. I have a portal build on the yard here in your brother Takashi's house" Ajei said and Takashi was shocked "you build a portal in my front yard?" He asked and Ajei nodded "thank Glynda for having a soft spot for children. She could be a real clingy person than you Alice. We will meet again. Your brother has to return to complete his mission" Kazaki said as Alice looks to her other parental figures "is that true? Uncle Kazaki and Uncle Phantom?" She asked and they nod and Alice turned to the females "is it Aunt Luni, Sandra, Linda, and Trina? The portal will lead me to Onii-chan if I want to visit him?" She asked and they nod also. She cries again and hugs Ajei as she wanted to sleep with Ajei tonight before he leaves. They all agree and they slept that night as Ajei with Alice on his left and Rei cuddling on his chest. The door had a gap and showed Takashi with Saeko watching them happily for Ajei "he is a kind and considerate guy" Saeko said and Takashi teases her "aw don't tell me you're cheating on me Saeko" Takashi teased the wooden sword user as she blushed and they left the sleeping perfect example of a family not by blood but by bonds made by love.