Meeting Summit

Glynda had started the meeting and everyone silenced in their seats. Everyone was waiting for her to speak "I would like to thank you for coming here today. Ajei and his team have travel low and high to some of your worlds because I asked Ajei and PLK to explore the unknown worlds or in this case, your worlds. If there's any questions, now's the time" she said and some hands were raised up. First being Sam and Dean "uh this academy, does this teach kids how to fight?" Sam asked and Dean glancing at Glynda "Mr. Sam-" "please just Sam" Sam said politely and Dean just looking at Glynda "this school once taught students to fight Grimm before, but Ajei came here and made a deal with the leader of it's species-" when Salem appeared "Salem. Hi" she said and shocked the others.

(What's she's wearing)

She came to Ajei and kissed his cheek and sat with him "yes. Salem here once was an enemy to this world. Ajei thankfully made a deal with her" Glynda said and pushed her glasses to her eyes "what kind of deal?" Sam asked a rather obvious answer "if Ajei becomes one of his lovers" she said and now Dean raised his hand "so men can get harem's around the universe?" He asked and Sam elbowed him softly "no Dean. The only race that does this is the Belo's such as Ajei since he is the 424th heir to the nation. It's normal for kings to have many lovers to ensure heirs and heiresses to ascend the throne if Ajei should ever be retired" Glynda said and both boys nodded. The Justice League raised their hand "yes Wonder Woman?" Glynda picked Diana "what is this alliance about? We just want to be sure that we are fighting for a just cause and not for corrupt leaders and politicians?" She asked and Ajei was not surprised at that question but Glynda took it personally for her lover "Diana. I advise you to watch those words for Ajei is my lover after all" Glynda confessed at the confession of student and teacher relationship "isn't that illegal since Ajei is 18 years old and you are what age?" Batman asked a rude question to Glynda's age.

Everyone glared at Batman and even his team "Bruce. That's rude. You don't ask a lady how old she is under any situation" Superman asked and Batman found himself in a pickle as Glynda fumed with anger and fired lightning at the bat costume hero as he fell face plant on the table "he's just unconscious" Glynda told the League "sorry about Bruce here. He's sometimes blunt with his words" Wonder Woman explained to Glynda who Ajei calmed her down and every male in the room noted "never ask a lady of age" as another raised their hand. Takashi got up and asked Glynda "I would like to ask why us and not any representatives from our world?" He asked and Glynda and Ajei scoffed at the same time as Ajei was rubbing her back to relax her.

"We would not give a rat's *** about what they think. They do nothing while sitting in their office whining and moaning when things don't go their way. I rather talk with people who take action rather than politics. I hate government" Ajei said and Glynda had her hand on his shoulder "he means that he rather talk with people who do actually care for the people and not for some selfish ambition like politicians and official" Glynda said and the League had no more questions.

Like and Leia had questions of their own "does the people here on this world and Belo's have the force?" Leia asked and Glynda explained that Belo's call it power while her world calls it semblance and aura's as their own force. Like asks Ajei of the history of the country and was shocked that Belerog has no government and still runs smoothly.

Tony Stark had words of his own to say "I would just want to say this not not feel like I'm keeping secrets, but you are endangering kids by training them" he said and Glynda got up "what do you mean by that? This school trains kids so that when they are graduated. They will defend the universe from-" but Tony interrupts "yes but what if they face the horrors for the first time. It not like they adapt. They get scared for life. That's why I think-" but Ajei intervenes "enough. This world is not yours to say Mr. Stark. If you must know, 500 trillion lives were lost in a war with another earth much like yours except all of you Avengers and hero's or people with superpowers of that matter don't exist" Ajei said and gasp escape the mouths of many people "my God" Ikora couldn't believe that Belerog had suffered a war that claimed that many lives "how long did it last?" Tony asked in a petrified tone "300 years from 1714 to 2014, so not that long ago since it's 2025 here that the war had ended with humanity beaten and by the time 2020. The humans in that earth which I said had destroyed itself and now only few million people are on that earth" Ajei told a tale of horror.

Everyone thought about it for a moment. They all would never have guessed that Ajei's people had suffered a war that much that it explains their brutality and military presence in even locals. They were a race that was deemed evil by humanity and waged war on them. They didn't choose this. They had to become a devil to rid of other devils. They considered never asking or insulting anyone in order for the alliance to sign the papers. Glynda stood stoic until Ajei spoke "any more questions?" Ajei asked the people and Goku raised his hand "don't you dare ask that question Kakarot" Vegeta threatened him but Goku asked anyway "when's the feast? I'm hungry" Goku said and everyone had sweat tear drops on their head anime style.


The meeting ended with Goku interrupted thr meeting but the others seemed convinced and signed the alliance papers and officially gotten into the list of the ever-growing list of allies. The leaders were escorted home with Ajei using his teleportation abilities and Takashi brought along someone with them "Onii-chan!" Alice yelled and ran through Beacon's entrance to Ajei who had his arms out as Alice made a unusual high jump and went to his arms as Ajei swung her a little and she screamed in joy for her brother figure "yo what's popping Takashi?" Ajei said and gave a fist bump and hugs him. Luni hugs the girls and Hirano high fives Kazaki. Phantom and Saeko shook hands like composed people.

They got themselves a tour for them to show them. Alice seemed to enjoy the most with Rei cuddling on Ajei. They ate, talk, and gave them tours as they make it to Glynda's office. Glynda sighs at first as if she was already with paperwork when she saw Alice and she jumped over her desk which was unlike her composed headmistress attitude and hugged while rubbing her cheek on Alice.

(Imagine Rin is Alice and Kushina is Glynda)

"Kawaii! You're so cute you know that!" Glynda yelled like a child getting a toy for the first time "ahem" Ajei coughed to get her attention and Ajei smirked "this is Alice. My little sister" Ajei said and Glynda hugs Ajei "oh Ajei! You having a sibling is the best thing I ever seen. How about we give her some siblings?" She asked with a flirty tone. Everyone blushes at that thought. Alice was confused at the comment. Reid was already blushing and thinking of having Ajei's kids with a boy and girl. The girl having her hair color, face, and looks but would have Ajei's sadist and violent tendencies towards criminals and corrupted officials. The boy would be like Ajei in terms of looks, body build, and his kindness, but he would be the shy type since Rei was shy when she was a child.

Everyone regains their thoughts and had a chat with Glynda having Alice in her lap and brushing her hair. Alice then said another thing that was suddenly "mommy Glynda!" She said and Glynda smiled and blushed. Ajei was a blushing mess and Saya had to snap him out of it "you know if you blush so much, you could have red skin permanently" Saya teasing the crimson red-skinned blushing Ajei as he scoffed and turned away tsundere style "bah" Ajei said only one grunt.

Glynda and APLK had discussed next what to do "I want you to attend the other unknown meetings with you" Glynda asked and APLK and Takashi's group went anime "duh" gasp. APLK knew from this day. Glynda being on a mission would be interesting.