New Team Boy



Gender: Female

Weapons: Fatebringer, Mida Multi-Tool, and Gallahorn

Semblance: Golden Hammer, Force Field, and Hulk Power Smash

Class: Titan


Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weapons: Red Death, The Fourth Horsemen, and the Icebreaker.

Semblance: Hunters Bow and Golden Gun

Class: Hunter


Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weapons: Breakneck and Elder of Punishment

Semblance: Voidwalker, Stormwalker, and Self Resurrection

Class: Warlock

And the fourth member in the next chapter is


Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weapons: Fallen Arsenal, Lord of Wolves, and Queenbreaker's Bow

Semblance: Siva Virus Corruption and Tech Meltdown

Class: Fallen Siva User

Now to explain the semblances of SSLT...

Trina's first one is Golden hammer which she summons a firey hammer and can throw and smash her opponents for a limited time of 2 minutes before cooling off for 5 minutes or someone lends aura to fill in her aura again for use. The second one gives her the ability to make a force field around enough for a squad to huddle in to recover their aura and stamina fast and decent them until 3 minutes before it breaks down to nothing. Third is what the name says itself. She can uses it to hulk smash an entire are with lightning and earth damage to her opponents near the radius of her attack.

Sandra's are balanced for herself and to help her take advantage as a hunter. The Hunter's Boe gives him 2 minutes of wielding a purple bow capable of solar and electric damage to her opponents. The arrow of the bow creates an explosion of solar damage which is perfect for splash damage and precise area's to be cleared. The Golden Gun is another 2 minute semblace that gives her a power up with a Golden Gun on her hand to fire at enemies with only 6 shot or when the timer runs out, the Golden Gun ends and has to recharge for a while. Each shot of the Golden Shots gives her splash damage to her opponents with fire damage dealing to her enemies.

Linda is a warlock of destruction. Void Walker allows her to use solar energy to blast and fire solar energies to her enemies that would suck slowly of their aura and renders the enemy weak from the force pull of the voidwalker. Storm called is like the Voidwalker with splash damage but deals with Lightning. She is able to cast lightning to her enemies to shock and paralyze enemies in seconds.

And finally Silva's

Silva's extraordinary ability due is madness. Siva Virus Corruption allows her to corrupt both technology and organic life forms at will. It breaks down defenses of the said objective and controls them until either the object is free from grasp or is killed by someone. Tech Meltdown is she enables to disable any piece of technology permanently to the are as the size of a bounce house and render pieces of tech useless and data gone.

Silva will sneak behind Ajei in the next chapter. Ciao.