Skull girls Meet Chaos

(For story sake, I'll make all the characters in the Skullgirl's universe as allies and the rebel Belo's as the main enemy)


A nurse and a man in a military uniform walk to a field soaked in blood and gore. They walked through the horrors and violence of Belo's that had fought a couple of hours. A Belo was impaled through a cross in his chest. A half body of a Belo was missing and the stench was horrid. The nurse was never fazed by the violence and knew this kind of life already for most men to be common house. They hear swords clash and metal hitting metal. They run to see the sight of Ajei slaughtering the rebels and killing them. A mutated rebel of the realm used his tentacle arm to strangle Ajei but he grabbed a handful of his tentacle and bite on it and holding it until he tore off the chunk and the rebel screamed in pain for the flesh list to this madman. Ajei's eyes were mismatched with red and blue as he spat out the flesh of the tentacle and stabbed the man's heart.

A bulky like being (like Big Band) as he tried to smash the rampaging king as he jumped on his shoulder and pierced his blade to the giant's back repeatedly.

(Kinda like this but more brutal)

The giant grunts and fell on his death after the 15th piercing on his bloody back. Ajei gets up and the other rebels leave the maniac behind. Ajei pants and fell on his side. The last thing he saw as he went to sleep, a nurse with blue hair. Her one eye gone and a male soldier as he grips to the black void in his vision.

Time skip


The nurse examines Ajei's bare body and blushed the entire time. Ajei had a decent body with abs evolving (somehow the character doesn't need to exercise when you have a billion of year's old soul in you and it happens to be God level being) she touched it and the body of Ajei was hard yet firm. She then caressed his cheek. A woman appears and the nurse moves her hand away "how's our foreign visitor doing Valentine?" A female with black hair and a uniform asked Valentine "he's fine Filla, but his wounds healed for some reason" Valentine reports to Filla.

Fill a looks to the boy as she too was interested in the boy "is it possible that he could have powers similar to Skullgirls but only for males?" She said and Valentine shakes her head "no. Such thing never existed" Valentine said and said in such a fact. They talked until Ajei woke up and got up, shocking the two females "sir. Whose side are you on? Are you working for the enemy?" Filla asked frantically "Filla please. He just woke up. Sir, what's your name?" Valentine asked and Ajei looked only to be close to Valentines face. Ajei blushed a bit and answered her "my name's Ajei" he said and Valentine nodded "oh Aj. That's a unique name" she said and wrote without the 'ei' part "it has 'EI' in the end Miss" Ajei said and Valentine blushed for writing his name wrong "sorry. It's just a weird name for a boy" she said and Ajei turned to Filla "how about you Ms" Ajei asked Filla and she introduced to herself "my name is Filla. I and Valentine serve the Skullgirls Alliance. We are at our base and you were found killing a few of our enemies in Dalan" she said and Ajei remembered what happened.

A week ago, the care discovered a distress signal about a 'Skullgirl' world being under siege and the group responds but a storm opened the hanger bay and Ajei was sucked into the storm. He only remembers the feral mode he was in and saw the killings etched to his head and the violence of the rebels attacking Filla's army and went to complete rage as he began to kill the rebels for a week and here we are.

Ajei looks down "I remember now. My crew intercepted a signal of you calling for help and we were going here to this world and then a storm sucked me out during our travel to this world" Ajei said and explained to them about the multiverse "so your army is coming, when?" She asked and Ajei guessed "a day or so" he said and a soldier ran to the room.

"Ma'am. Rebel force are attacking the frontline!" He said and fainted from blood loss. Valentine drags the soldier and Filla getting a bed for the soldier and they turn to see Ajei preparing "what are you doing? You're still hurt!" Valentine scolded Ajei but he still readies his gear "I can tell that man was the last commander and the front if I'm correct is leaderless! Let me so I can help you!" Ajei yelled and Filla could see the will to help a world in need "please Valentine. It's the least I could do for you giving me a place to heal" he said and Valentine was taken aback as Ajei caressed her cheek "you are a woman of beauty" he said and kissed her to the head as to Filla also "you as well Filla" and Ajei left to the frontline. The girls blush and look at each other "for once, a male is not a pervert like the rest of the male population" Valentine said and went to tend to the soldier. Fill a watches out the window as planes and explosions emit over at the front not far away

The battle was a loss for the forces called Black Egret. The soldiers were in disarray as a red haired woman was trying to control the men from faltering "lady Parasoul. Who do we do now?" A Belo soldier asked and she orders to hold the line despite losses being high. It wasno long before the men and Parasoul soon see a man holding a banner of theirs and shouting to hold the line and charged at the hill and planted a flag and had a speech to say.

"Men! Are you just a bunch of cowards to turn away from protecting your homeland. You are soldiers of Black Egret! Act like one! You realize that if you run away and cower behind walls and not spearhead the enemy at them!" Ajei yelled and pointed at the rebels "you are giving them a step closer to rape and pillage your homeland! They will kill you and they will rape women and kill children! You are their last line of defense from a fate worst than death! Stand and hold the freaking line! Defend what you hold so dear and die for your homeland! For Skullgril! For Egret!" Ajei shouted and the fleeing men cheered and Ajei led them to the heat of the battle.

Para soul and her men look and she ordered them to charge with him while she ran to meet this strange boy that Filla mentioned and had to meet the one who may just saved the battle.

Ajei orders them "form a line maggots! Rifles at the ****ing ready lads!" As the soldiers had their weapons ready and the enemy rebels charged blindly without halt "fire!" The soldiers fired and the rebels falter and we're off guard as they fired too and men perished. A soldier was fleeing when Ajei shot the soldier's feet "no retreat. Make your leader proud! For honor, for family, and for love!" Ajei yelled and the men shouted Banzai as they charged at the rebels and fought them. Ajei slits a rebel in the throat and impales a rebel in the leg and slits his throat. An Egret soldier is shot in the leg as a Belo takes the bayonet in the heart and the Egret soldier fires at his attacker and avenges his Belo comrade. A rebel was surrounded by Egret soldier as they fired at the rebel do many bullets till he died. Ajei was backing away from a dead rebel who's head her based as he hit his back with a woman also on her back. She was pretty, lightly tanned, and her head had two large muscular arms as a hat "hey. You're Ajei, right? Fill a called me to help you fight these guys. Wanna help me with that?" She asked and punched a rebel in the face "you don't have to ask me. The more, the merrier" Ajei said and slashed a rebel in the chest.

Para soul had arrived to help the army Ajei led and rounded up the rebels to a corner where they were forced to surrender. Bodies scattered the plains as many men were dead and the ground soaked in the blood of both men and Belo's scatter the fields. In the final report, 150,000 men into total with Egret with 80,000 of theirs dead and the rest of the numbers were rebel's. Ajei was carcasses a dying Belo's head "am I going to mother again?" The young Belo with purple eyes. Ajei smiled and told him peacefully "yes. You'll see your mom again. Rest now child of Skullgirl and Belerog" Ajei said as Parasoul and the girl with the big arms named Cerebella watched as Ajei watched the young man dying as Ajei kissed his forehead.

Ajei then spoke in his native Belo tongue

"Barshum Ida, souda dai Belerog" and carried his body to a body wagon. Ajei turns to Parasoul "thank you for helping us. We would've been wiped out by then and we females would've been suffering a fate worse than death" she said and wiped a tear from her eyes as did Cerebella "it's no big deal. These men deserve credit. We should be protecting the defenseless and the innocent from filthy hands" Ajei said and Cerebella noticed a big ship had came into the atmosphere "who's ship is that?" She asked and Ajei looked as he smirked "my pals. Ladies, I think this will help your alliance to beat the rebel menace" Ajei said as pods were dropping Belo's and entering the grounds of Skullgirl. One things for sure is that help has arrived.