Revenge of The Skullgirls


Para soul had met with Ajei's group "how many men do you have in your forces Lady Lily?" Parasoul asked after finding out that she's the mother of Ajei and she looked gorgeous compared to Parasoul who's also a beauty to Ajei thinking of Valentine, Flilla, and Cerebella "we have almost half a million men at my son's command" Lily said and Parasoul sighs in relief "a big assistance is a Godsend like you Ajei and all of you" Parasoul praised the group "no need to thank people like us. We're just doing our job as explorers and fighters against evil" Linda did and was doing spells. Fill a comes in the meeting and gives the report "the rebels all holed up as the reports of Kazaki and Phantom with Luni have driven the others to the last outpost are also in the last fortress of the world" Filla said and Parasoul dismissed her. Everyone went through the plan.

Time skip

Men were in cars and planes as Ajei was with them in his Egret uniform and Glynda held his hand "be careful out there please. You've been hurt too much to get here" she said and Ajei smiled and held her hand "if I don't fight alongside these men with Parasoul and her comrades, then what good am I to you? I'm saying that I'm a coward if I back off from action. Don't worry. My team and my lovers will take care of this rebellion" Ajei said and kissed her. They soon part as Ajei went on a plane and Glynda with Lily embrace worried for Ajei's safety "just like father and son" Like said and the plane disappears into the clouds.


The sky was orange with smoke and fire was everywhere. The rebels had tarnished the land with fire and bodies of ruin everywhere as cars, tanks, planes, and men drive forward to the position of the rebels. Ajei on one of the planes as Ajei opened the hatch to drop down "for Egret!" He yelled and his men yell back as they drop to the battle below.


The two teamed squads were running along with the Egret forces and Belo men as the defenders fired bullets and motors on them. Kazaki was laughing like a maniac as everyone else was running to the enemy. One Egret was blown up and impaled on a spike wood. One Belo was sprayed with lead and his corpse fell face plant to the ground. Men were being mowed down as they make it to a trench of the enemy and used to take cover. Phantom was getting the men to the safety of the trench and saw a weak spot. A large fuel tank in the middle of the defender's spot (I don't know. These rebels seemed too oblivious of defending the line) Phantom yells to the men "hey fire on that fuel tank. That will shatter that defense since that is linked to all of these defender's feet!" Phantom said and the men fired at the tank. The gas tank explodes as a line of explosions blow up the defenders wall and a big gap was presented to them "go!" Trina yelled and everyone charged and met only a few resistance as they broke through the fortress.


Ajei had also broken through the defenses as the soldiers found the motivation to head on to the fortress as they killed any rebels. Ajei kills a rebel by cracking his neck by force. A soldier fires a rebel in the lungs as he drowns in his blood. Men piled on each other as both defenders and Egret forces killed and died on one another. Para soul with Cerebella was marching through the blood-soaked orange ground. They had seen horrors like this but to see Belo violence was a new level to fear the Belo's.


Ajei led the forces and met with his team as they took the fortress with little resistance. The one's who surrendered were rounded up. Parasoul came to the fortress as she sees the rebels rounded up and had her Luger out "you people are savages!" She yelled and tried to kill one of them. The rebel begged and Phantom stops her "ma'am please. They surrendered. They're just kids" he beseeched to Parasoul "they killed people" she growled while saying the lines. Luni steps next to Phantom "yes. They killed people, but that's because children are more susceptible to being taught that these things are a way to survive. These kids were not given a choice to make for themselves" Luni being reasonable to Parasoul. Ajei steps towards Parasoul.

"We Belo's may be violent and the most destructive race in the multiverse, but we Belo's weren't always like this. We were like you for the most part. Most of us had a good life and had loving people who cared for us and taught us life, but like everything else. Some people push people to the edge and forced them to make a choice. You either shape your legacy, or you perish in a neglected society. That's the oath we swore to protect the multiverse to preserve that peace that we as a species never gotten" Ajei told her and her followers "why? Why does your kind keep the fight for peace and love when everything else is torn in a corrupted and unsafe world?" She asked and Ajei smiled to his team to let them answer to her "as Belo's, we are taught to give our lives if it means to preserve what's good in this life, then so be it" Kazaki said "to protect the many people is teaching them that they too have to stand up against the enemy" Linda said "an heir or heiress, ruler or queen, country or family, oppression or justice, love or desire, and the people or the government" Sandra said.

Trina clears her throat "we defend the weak from the ones who think they get a pass from such atrocities" as the Egrets and Parasoul with her allies were shocked that they had this much wisdom in them and smiled "what do we do with them?" She asked "I'll take them in as my soldiers" Ajei came with a solution "what? They're just kids just like you said" Filla said and a Belo soldier assures them "Lord Ajei treats his men like his own and these kids won't be any different" as she sighs in relief. The battle was over but the cleanup was far from over.

In the end, 500,000 lives were lost in the entire conflict of the fighting. Ajei helped them with everyone and everyone was training the rebel kids. Glynda and Lily trained them to be loyal to the Belo cause and not criminal traditions. It took a while because the kids were that traumatized from the forced conscription by the rebels. The Skullgirls at the time were falling for the king as Ajei had his 'sessions' with them being Valentine, Filla, Parasoul, Cerebella, and Ms. Fortune along with many other women like Eliza, Violet, and Squigly. Ajei in a way sealed that pact as they recovered lost artifacts from the realm and as Ajei was leaving, Parasoul gave Ajei his Egret uniform.

(I know this is a Krieg uniform. Just imagine a commander wears this in the Black Egret forces)

Ajei holds it and she pulls Ajei for a kiss. She parts and blushes "I can't wait for you to put a kid in me later in the future" Parasoul said and Ajei blushed and bowed "no problem. See you Parasoul and yes I too can't wait to have a kid with you along with lover I have" Ajei flirted as the ships hatch closed and the crew left. Parasoul and the girls smiled that they made love with the person they love and Ajei was unaware that a bunch of life were in progress in each of the women's womb.


Well seems like Ajei has impregnated them and soon Ajei will fall into adulthood. What will happen next? Find out next time in Rise of The Multiverse King