Once the song starts, I close my eyes. So that I won't be bothered by the people around.

" Summer after high school when we first met.."

I felt a sudden pain upon remembering those happy moments that I have with him.

"We make out in your mustang to radiohead and on my 18th birthday, we got matching tattoos..."

I remember how my mom got so furious upon seeing a tattoo on my left shoulder blade. I remember that she grounded me for a week, for putting an ink on my skin.

"Used to steal your parents liqour and climb to the roof.

Talk about our future like we had a clue

Never planned that one day I'll be losing you.."

And because of that incident you left me.

"In another life, I would be your girl

We'd keep our promises, be us against the world

In another life, I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were the one that got away.

The one that got away,"

I opened my eyes and saw their faces who got carried away by the song.

Kea stop from eating. Nera gives me a thumbs up and mouthed "Good Job." And lots of them got teary eyed because of the emotion I release when I sing.

I look at Jax who sings the second verse.

"I was June and you were my Johnny Cash

Never one without the other, we made a pact

Sometimes when I miss, I put those records on, woah..."

We thought we're a perfect pair that cannot be seperated but you prove fate prove us that we’re wrong.

"Someone said you had your tattoo remove

Saw you downtown, singing the blues

It's time to face the music, I'm no longer your muse."

I guess it's time for me to accept the fact that your my TOTGA. And your not going to comeback.

""In another life, I would be your girl

We'd keep our promises, be us against the world

In another life, I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were the one that got away.

The one that got away."

"The one, the one, the one

Ooh.. the one, the one, the one, the one, the one..."

I look at Jax, she smiles at me signaling that we'll sing together the remaining verses. This time I put some courage within me. And I opened my eyes while we sing.

"All this money can't buy me a time machine, no

Can't replace you with a million rings, no

I should'a told you what you meant to me, woah

'Cause now I pay the price

In another life, I would be your girl

We keep all our promises, be us against the world

In another life, I would make you stay.

So I don't have to say that you were the one that got away

The one that got away

The one..."

"In another life, I would make you stay

So I don't have to say that you were the one that got away..

The one that got away..."

After we finish the song Nera hugs me.

"I told you, you have a nice voice. You just lack some self confidence."

"I'm not that good enough.. and I don't have a pretty face like you,"

"Psh.. if you only knew, most of the guys are fantasizing about you. You're hot."

This time I seated beside Nera and she ordered another drink for the two of us.

I am on my third glass of mojito when they suddenly keep quiet. I threw a questioning look at Nera. And she pointed the person who's walking towards our direction. He sat beside Clara who I assumed one of her fling.

I got star struckted by his face, it's been a while since the last time I saw him. But everytime that his around I still feel a mixture of pain and disgust that he made me feel years ago.

Nera nudge at me, as a reply I scowl at her.

"Your staring too much.. he might melt if you continue to gawk at him," she joked at me.

I just rolled my eyes at her and drink my remaining mojito. If you only know what happened I don’t think you will say that word.

I glanced at my watch it's already twelve o'clock. It's already past my sleeping time. I got up so that I can bid my goodbye. But suddenly Kea suggest that we should play a game since it's still early to go home according to some of them.

I look at Nera and asking for help so that I could already leave but she look at me with those puppy eyes.

Argh! Why they always do that? They really know my soft spot after all.

So I choose to stay and spend more time with them.

"Okay guys we're gonna be playing a KKF game." Stella suggested happily.

"What is that?"

"Kiss, Kill, Fuck. Someone will mention a three person and you decide who's who under the kiss, kill and fuck." She explained.

They all nodded.

"I'm excited! This sound fun!" Kea chirpped.

"Okay we will start with Lax since it's her first time to join us. It will serves as her initiation." Jax said.

I glared at her but she just smirked at me.

"Okay! So Lax here are the names: Maxriel, Ethan, Kennard. Who are you going to kiss, kill and fuck?" Stacy ask me while smirking.

Upon hearing those names I feel goose bumps all over my body.

"Uh... guys can I pass? I'm not interested in this kind of game,"

"Oh come on! Don't be a kill joy it's just a game," someone said.

I look at Jax crying for help.

"Come one don't be KJ. Think of it as a part of your training on how to build your confidence." She whispered at me.

Okay think of it as what Jax told you. It's just a part of my training on how I build my confidence. So that I could interact with others like how Jax and Nera do.


She smiled at me so that I could keep my sanity intact.

"Kiss: Ethan, Kill: Maxriel, Fuck: uh.. Kennard?"

After I said those words, silence enveloped the room. And I saw Max stormed out of the room.

"Uh... is there something wrong that I said?"

They look at me with an "are you kidding me?" face.

I turn to Kea with a questioning look. But she just hand me a bowl of nachos.

"They're just shocked, mango salsa for me is the best pair of nachos. Try it."

True to what she said I liked the combination of mango salsa and nachos. The sweetness of mango and a tangy taste of lime in mango salsa completes the taste of nachos.

I just keep on eating nachos so that I would forget the embarassment that I feel earlier.

"Hey..hey.. don't finish it all. Give me some, don't be selfish.."

Kea grabs the last bowl of nachos that I've been holding. And she holds it like her life depends on it.

"Hey... I wanna leave," I poke Jax who is now busy cursing at her phone.

But she didn't spare a time to look at me. I look around and most of them are already drunk.

I saw Charity lying face first on the floor and mumbling something.

Some couples are already making out on a sofa. I look at Nera who is now giggling while holding a bottle of beer.

I guess this girl doesn't care what alcohol she intakes as long as she can drink it.

I look at Kea but she just glared at me and hide her dearest bowl of nachos. Stella is also nowhere to be found.

So that's leave me, Max and Ethan are the one who is not drunk. The rest are in their worst state of drunkenness.

So I got no choice and gathered all the courage that I have. I got up of sofa and ready to leave the room. But someone grabs my hand.

"Where are you going?" I stiffen upon hearing that baritone voice.

I turned to him and I saw him clenched his jaw.

"I'm leaving."

"I'll take you home,"

"Thanks..but I can manage myself I'm not drunk."

"I insist..since I'm the one who brought you here."

"But how about the others?"

"Ethan's here.. he can manage it besides Kennard is not that intoxicated. And I already called Rei, Jax's sister to fetch Nera and her."