The golden boy

POOL of tears keep from falling from my eyes as I curled my self inside a four walls of the basement. Feeling the coldness of the marbled floor.

I smiled bitterly at myself while remembering what happened earlier.


A loud thunderous voice echo in the living room.

"What is the meaning of this?" Abuelo shouted at me while he grabs my hand.

And he pushed me towards the sofa. My back hits in the wooden sofa and it created a loud thud. I remain my face blank while enduring the excruciating pain at my back.

" What did you do?" He asked me emphasizing each word while glaring at me.

"Why would I tell you? Why won’t you personally go upstairs to see what I just did?" I spat back and that earned me a pretty much of a handful slap in my face.

Everyone fell silent but I could still see a few of them stiffling their victorious smile. Afraid that they might also caught in the wrath of this oldman.

"Lianna, you go with Ryan. Go to Amira's room and check what happened in there." Abuelo commanded them

After a couple of minutes Lianna is rushing towards us catching her breath.


She didn't finish her sentence because Ryan is following her, carrying Ed. Who's now unconscious and bathing in his own blood.

"Oh my goodness!" Someone from my aunts scream after they saw the lifeless body of Ed.

I paled upon seeing him white as a paper and he's white colored shirt became a bright red because of the blood coming from his wound. But before they notice my reaction, I compose myself and show them my stoic facade.

Abuelo slap me again really hard that my head turned to ninety degrees.I just look at them blankly and remain my cool. He didn't spare another glance at me, and he orders the maid to prepare a car and they rush Ed to our hospital.

And I was left dumbfounded in the middle of the living room.They all looked at me with disgust.So as my sister Lianna who looks at me full of hatred and disgust.

I just settled my self on the far corner of the living room. Watching them how they panic and cry after they saw the lifeless body of their golden boy.

The house enveloped with a deafening silence.

I just keep on counting how many minutes has passed since I cameback to this house. And within that minute a horrendous incident happened, but it’s not me who made those at him. I only shot him on the legs but why are there other wounds on his abdomen?

Abuelo drags me furiously when he came back from the hospital. He just look at me disgustedly and commanded the house help to lock me in the basement.

They put me in a basement and they activate the lock so that I couldn't escape.

As if I could escape this place, as far as I know the only way out of this room is the only door that serves as an entrance and exit point of this room. And a small ventilation that looks like a window is to small for me to make it as my escape route.

There's no bed or any matress that I can use. I laugh at the thought that the guinea pig has a better place to sleep. Unlike me, I have no bed or matress that I can use as my beddings. The only thing that I have is a cold marbled floor to sleep on.

I also prefer that they just brought me to a mental institution than here. And there's no judgemental person in their unlike here. Atleast in there I have a bed eventhough it's not that comfy like the one I used to have.

Bitterness crept in me once again. I rolled myself flat on the cold floor facing a white ceiling.

When will they realize that I'm telling the truth? Maybe when I'm already a cold corpse.

What if I was the golden lad of the family and Ed was a black sheep?

A golden lad who only knows is to create chaos in whole community?

Would they get mad at me?

Or wouldn they clean the mess that I made?

Just like the one they're doing at Ed right now?

Why did my mother let me live?

If all that I see is the cruelness of this family?

Why they didn't give me up for adoption? If she's afraid of abortion for the reason that she might rot in hell when she dies.

Maybe, just maybe I can have a decent life. Not a life like this.

Why does she let me use her late husband's name when I'm not even a true Samaniego?

Isn't that a huge slap to the Samaniegos?

Is she that afraid that she might get judge by the people around? But making me a Samaniego wven if I’m not isn’t that a huge slap on her face??

But she doesn't care about my existence at all.

After all I'm just a product of sin, that's why.

I am made out of the wed-lock.

But is it my fault that I born in this world?

Maybe I'm the one who's going to suffer as a payment of their mistake, that's why I was experiencing this horrible thing.

I hope that somehow someday, someone would accept me for who I am.

Uh..wait there’s someone who accepted all my flows but that someone suddenly disappear in a thin air.

Those are the things that keeps on bugging me while lying on a cold floor. Until I felt that my eyes are getting heavier every minute and let myself succumbs in the darkness while lying in a cold floor without any beddings at all.

"I hope someday I could reclaim myself.." I whisper.


.....5 years ago.....

TODAY's our last day on this house. All of us we're eating silently until Elleinita broke the silence.

"Since it's our last day here, why won't we host a party? Let's invite some of our friends who are in Boracay. Since Nabas is not that far from Boracay," she suggested.

"Sounds good, since classes will start soon. And we will be too busy to party cause we'll be on our last year in senior high." Simon, Ed's friend seconded.

"But abuelo reminded us, that no party shall be held here," I opposed towards their idea.

"Oh come on! Abuelo will not know of this. Besides if he discover that we held a party here, he will not get mad. Ed's here, abuelo's golden boy. So calm your tits Lav, stop being stiff." Elleinita.

"And we're all in this together.. no one should report this to abuelo.. right?" Ed said with conviction.

They all nodded as a response while I just sighed at the decision that they made.

I finished my breakfast and put my plates on the sink.

While they're busy on setting up the place outside the manor. I just lock myself up in my room.

The view looks good here. I could see a small island which I assume to be boracay.

How I wish I could visit that island. Everytime that my cousins plan to have a beach vacation they always chooses this place where our beach house is located.

According to them it's better to stay here than in that island because the Gomez's are private people and they don't want to attract those paparazzi.

Psh. As if I didn't know why they choose it here.

So that the siblings could bang each other all they want.

Because there's no camera here and no other people.

Aside from the fact that the house help were only here to cook for our food and do our laundries every three days, after that they will leave.

And also a caretaker who lives three kilometers away from here.

When lunch time came I go down just to eat and after that I return to my room. Because some of their asshole friend from bora are already here.

I just enjoyed myself on sketching the majestic view of the sea until I fall asleep.

I was woken up because I felt someone's lips were press against mine.

When I open my eyes a pair of reddish blue eyes welcomes me.

With all my strength I push him out of bed. And to my surprise it was my cousin Ed who just kissed me.

He come closer on me and he pinned me on the wall. I could smell a reek of alcohol and something strong, a narcotic drug perhaps. And the reason why his eyes became reddish.

He send chills down my spine.

It make me shocked because the golden boy that they were so proud of is using narcotic drugs.

Before he could kiss me again, I kick his jewels.

He was crying in pain, I take that chance to escape.

I hurriedly go out of my room and take two flights of stairs at a time.

When I went outside it is already dark.

And a loud blast of music erupted in my ear as I take a step towards the coast, where they're having a party.

I push myself into a crowd that is dancing in a make shift dancefloor.

I search and search for Elleinita.

I alerted all my senses incase he still follows me here.

I was about to throw my punches when someone grabs my arm.

"Woah..woah.. calm your tits Lav, it's just me." Elleinita said.

"Eli, I want to go home.. please tell our driver," I said almost choking my words.

"Sshhhh... calm down, here drink this." She offered me a glass of drink.

I shook my head. "No, I don't drink."

"It's just a juice.. don't worry it's safe, no alcohol content." She assured me.

Suddenly I got thirsty because of the running that I made. And in one gulp I finish the juice that she gives me.

She grabs my hand and pull me inside the manor.

"Eli, hic! hic! Where are we going?" I giggled.

She just continue on pulling me inside until we reach a certain room.

My vision becames blurry and I feel a sudden hotness around.

"Did you put something in my drink Elleinita?" I ask her.

But she just push me on the bed.

And she put a cuffs in both of my hands. Then she locked it on the head board.

After that, she ripped my shirt and cotton shorts.

That leaves me wearing only my bra and undies.

"I'm sorry, it's just that if I don't do this. Ed will told abuelo about us."

She said after she's done with me.

And that was the last thing that I hear before I pass out.