Welcome back to the hellhole

I looked at my unit for one last time. Surely I will be going to miss this small room. That serves as my safe haven for almost four years of my stay in this place.

A lone tear escape my eyes. It made me cringe, thinking that I will be spending my vacation in that house after five years of running away. The place I used to called HOME is a hellhole for me. Even though it's just a two-month vacation, I still felt scared for what might happen to me. Especially after knowing that he's back.

I hugged Mrs. Robson my landlady who warmly accepted me in her abode. She reminds me of my late grandma. That's why, it's hard to leave this place.

"I'm gonna miss you Mrs. Robson especially the free cakes that I received everytime you baked."

"Shhh.. you look ugly when you cry," she joked at me while wipping my tears. "We will see each other again after two months, so don't be sad."

"Okay see you in two months, I'm gonna take my leave now. Until we see each other again! Oh and don't forget to drink your meds!" I waved at her like it will be my last time that I'm going to see her.

With a heavy heart I left my unit that day. Carrying a duffel bag, I ride a PUJ going to a nearby bus station.

I prefer to use a public transport when I'm travelling my way back to that hell hole place. Because it let me feel that I have a normal life, like most of the "ordinary people" do according to my socialite sister.

When the PUJ reach the bus terminal, I let all the people get off first. And when no one's left except for me, that's my cue to get off of the vehicle.

Some of my acquaintances asks me everytime that I behave like this. I just simply answered them with a question that, 'Why would you push yourself? Like most of the people do. If you can still get off of that vehicle peacefully. It's not like that you will get a reward when you get off of the vehicle first.'

After I get off of the PUJ, I go to the ticketing office to buy a ticket. Then I went to the public comfort room to pee. And also to fix my hair that looks like a bird's nest because of the wind earlier.

When I got satisfied with my look. I go out of the comfort room and ride the bus that has a route towards that hell hole place. I choose to sit in the front seat, beside the window. I put my duffel bag on my lap.

While the driver of the bus waited for it to be full. I close my eyes while listening to a music on my phone.

Once the bus got fully loaded, the driver starts the engine and leaves the terminal.

After a two-hour drive I arrived at my destination.

I roam my eyes around and this whole place change. The trees that are standing in a vacant lot near the church is gone. It was replaced by a huge three storey house. The muddy pedi-road is changed to a concrete foot-walk. And now there's a man-made pond which have a koi fishes near a plaza. The only thing that remains the same aside from the attittude of the people around that doesn't change even a fraction. Is the ruins of the hundred year old cheateau during the second world war.

As I walk pass the group of the yentas who're busy indulging theirselves in another episode of an afternoon tea under a shaddy acacia tree. I didn't missed the devious stare that they throw at me. I just shrug it off and continue myself to walk.

Once I reach the wooden gate, a black german shepperd run towards me and it jumps at me. I fall my back on the bermuda grass and he keeps on wagging it’s tail and licking me in my face.

"Hello, baby boy.. mommy misses you," I said while I keep on patting his head and giving him a peck on his mouth.

"Come, let's go inside," I stand up and went inside the estate.

As I step inside the house, a young hand maiden probably around fifteen years of age welcomes me. She gets from my hold the duffel bag that I brought.

"Welcome back Lady Lavander," she bowed at me, acknowledging my presence.

I tap the back of her shoulder, and walk pass by her. She followed me as I climb the stairs and go to the right wing of the house and opened the room that is locted in the far-end of the wing.

I went inside and slumped my body in the bed.

"Miss, where should I put your bag?" She asked me.

"Just put it in my center table,"

"Uh.. is there anything you want me to do?"

"No, you can leave. Kindly lock the door I want to take a rest. If somebody ask you where am I tell them that I'm sleeping and I don't want to be disturb," I said dismissing her.

After I heard that she locked the door, I got out of bed and removed my boots and throw it on the floor. I closed the curtains and turn off the lights except the lamp shade, I let it's light being turned on. Then I went back to my bed and I let the darkness consumes me until I fall asleep.

I flinched when I felt that someone's caressing my face. I opened my eyes but the only thing that I see a silhoutte of a man that sit besides me. I can't see his face clearly but I know that built of the body really well.

Upon seeing his face upclose my insides starts to tremble because of fear. He lock me on the headboard of my bed using his two arms.

I suddenly get out of his hold and jumps out of my bed. I grab the gun that I've been hiding for years under the carpeted floor. I turned the lights on and pointed at him the gun that I've been holding.

"Don't you dare to come closer or I will pull the trigger of this gun!" I shouts at him.

"What are you talking about? I'm just here because auntie told me to wake you up," Simon said stiffling a smirk.

I glared at him and I've tighten my grip on the gun while pointing it at him.

"I said don't come closer or I will shoot you!"

This time my voice roared inside the room. I'm pretty sure the owner of the nearby room can hear me shouting at the top of my lungs because he forgot to close the door.

He made a step closer at me with a smirk on his face.

"Go pull that trigger now, as if auntie will believe you. No one cared for you because your an abomination. And also they didn't believed you back then, so why would I feel threatened with your petty threat?" He smirked and he advances towards me. But before he could come closer at me I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. I shoot him in his thigh.

A loud bang erupted around the room. I stared at his wounded leg while the blood is dripping on the floor.

"Fuck! Look at what you did! You brat!" He cried in pain. He walk towards me limping and with devious looks.

Before he could come near me, I kick him in his jewels. And he fell on the floor with his butt hitting first.

I went out of my room and run as fast as I could. And took two flights of stairs at a time but I'm on my last step when I bumped into Lianna.

She grabs my arm and her gaze falls on the gun that I was holding.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"Let me go!" I shouted at her.

Her eyes widened because she can't believed that I raised my voice at her. Instead of letting me go. She tighten her holds at my arm and drags me towards the living room. Where I our relatives are.

She purposely push me that's why my face fell first on the floor.

Everyone got frozen from their seat after they saw the gun that I've been holding.


A loud thunderous voice echo in a living room.