Just a dream

I WAS breathing heavily after I escaped that hell hole mansion. My legs are numb from miles of running.

I sat in a pavement ang look at my feet. I inspect it there are many cuts, maybe this is because I didn't wear anything under it. And the pathways are full of pointed stones.

I ripped the hem of my dress and I tie it on both of my feet so that the blood would stop from flowing.

It just sinks in to me, what just happened in that house. My supposedly happy vacation turns out this way.

I was looking forward that I would enjoy my stay in this beach house. But it is the opposite of what I expected, I was being molested by my so called cousin. They even throw my phone away, so that I couldn't ask for help.

I look at the night sky, there's no star at all. Looks like it would rain tonight. I laugh bitterly at myself.

"Looks like the sky knows what I truly felt,"

A cold wind blows followed by a loud thunder. After that the heavy rain falls and it's raindrop is like a needle that is piercing through my skin.

When I felt that I can move my legs. I immediately stood up while suppressing my self not to cry because of the pain I felt coming from my wounded feet.

I walk in the middle of the rain. Not caring that the lightning might strike me. All that I think is that how I can escape from the hands of the monsters.

And from a distance I could see the headlights of a car coming nearer where I stand, and it stops right in front of me. It reveals a blurry face of a man due to a heavy rain that cascading my face.

"Help me," thats the last word that I say before I lost my consciousness.

"Sshhhh..baby it's just a dream," said by a soft voice of a man.

THE MOMENT I woke up I immediately roamed my eyes around.

White walls. Antiseptic smell. IV fluid and hospital gown.

I froze in a realization that I got hospitalised. I suddenly remembered that voice. I thought all this time I was just dreaming.

I dreamed that after I hang all my clothes in the roof deck, I got down using a lift. And when I'm nearing my door, there's a man waiting outside my unit.

The man whom I want to forget for the rest of my life. And someone brings me here when my panic attacks triggered.

So that's not a dream, it's all real.

So it's true that he's back, I thought those were just a mere rumors coming from the mouth of the girls that really adored him. I didn't know that I'm already crying. Until I saw the shocked face of Nera.

She drops a basket of flowers that she's been holding and she run towards me.

"Sshh...it's okay, You're already safe," she assured me.

"Please don't tell anyone about what happened." I begged her.


I stop her midway. "Please? It's not that fatal.. I just got unconscious because of the stress. You know we have a week long examination."

She just look at me and heave a sigh.


"How did you know that I'm here?" I ask her so that we would stray from that topic.

"Somebody send me a text message. That person said he brought you here. Because he found you unconscious outside of your unit." She looks at me ang furrows her eyebrows.

"Why did you pass out? Don't tell me you didn't eat a proper foods again?!" She aske a bit irritated.

"Well.. After I hung all my clothes that I wash in the roof deck. I was only a few meters away from my unit when suddenly I got dizzy and before I lost my consciousness someone catch me and then when I woke up I'm already here wearing a hospital gown," I lied at her.

I was hoping that she buys my reason. I'm still not ready to tell them about my past.

She eyed me suspiciously but I maintain my exhausted face so that she wouldn't doubt.

"Did you ate dinner last night?" She sounded like my grandma.

And speaking of grandma, she's the only one that believes my story. The only friend that I have in our house but unfortunately she died in accident four years ago. I really miss her my only confidant and my bestfriend.

"Lavander Xamira Samaniego! Are listening to what I said to you a while ago?!"

This time she raised her voice at me.

"What is it?" I ask her innocently.

"I asked you. Did you ate dinner last night?"


"And what did you eat?"

"A slice of moist chocolate cake,"


"A glass of water,"

"What? Are you out of your mind?!"

"No, I don't have supplies in my unit that's why I only ate the food that Maxriel gave me." I answered.

"When did the two of you became close?"

"We're not close okay?! He just came at my unit yesterday because I left my purse in his car. And he gave me a paper bag that he said it contains a ramen. And said it can cure my hangover that's why. But it's not just a ramen, he also gave me a mango salsa and a slice of moist chocolate cake." I told her what she needs to know, no more no less.

"Correct me if I'm wrong. But your breakfast today is just a mango salsa right?"

I nodded at her while bitting my lips. After that she stormed out of my hospital room.

I really pissed her off this time. I just heavily,

It is better this way, the lesser the people knew what really happened back then the better.

And eventhough the three of us were been friends for four years I still can't give my hundred percent trust on them . Because of what happened to me five years ago. It is difficult for me to trust again. Because the person that I truly trust had betrayed me that night.

A smell of food broke me to my reverie. I look up at the person who puts the food in my lap. I purse my lips at her. She just rolled her eyes at me.

"I thought you leave, because your mad at me."

"Silly.. I'm not mad at you, I just went to the cafeteria after you said that you only have a mango salsa for breakfast. That's why I leave you immediately because who knows maybe you will pass out again."

I pout at her after I heard the reason why she left me.

"Omo how so sweet of you, I'm so touch the famous bratinella Nephina Raiana Alonzo is concerned at me." I joked.

"Psh..could you shut up and eat that, so that your stomach will be full and you wouldn't pass out again,"

I just smiled at her and I continue to eat because I'm really famish.

After I ate the doctor visit me and he told me that I can he discharge now since it's not that fatal the reason why I lost my consciousness. He said it's because of lack of sleep and stress due to my exams that's why.

"Oh what's with the long face? Aren't you happy that you will now be discharged?" Nera ask me.

"I'm happy, it's just that I'm sad because I didn't see the face of the man that brought me here."

"Forget about him, I'm sure that he's also a tenant in that apartment. You can go and say your thanks to him when you go home." She assured me and go out first so she can book me a cab.

I just sighed heavily and with a heavy step I went out of the room. And followed Nera that is already walking towards a cab.

I'm hoping that he will be man of his words. I'm hoping that he will be the first person I see when I wake up. He promised that he wouldn't leave me.

But I guess those were just empty promises at all.