
When he left us, Simon walks towards me. And he grabs both of my legs. A cold metal touch my skin and I hear a loud clink.

I try to lift my feet, disappointment is all that I feel. I couldn't even lift my feet because of the heavy shackles that has been clumped in both of my ankles.

And everytime I tries to move my legs, I could hear a sound of clanging metals coming from the chains of shackles.

I felt so helpless and powerless at all.

I was like a guinea pig chained in a four posts of the bed.

My arms and legs are being spread widely and my naked body is being exposed. He grabs my head and kisses my lips like a hungry wolf.

All that I do is to cry..

He ripped his shirt and gagged my mouth using it.

So that no noise can be heard.

He starts to unbutton his shorts and he take off his boxers. He sit over my stomach and I could feel his weight all over my body. He strokes himself up and down until a liquid gushes out of it.

"Hmm..where should I put it? Hmm?"

Upon hearing that I screamed at him begging to stop. But all could be heard were my sobs and muffled screams. He just look at me darker and began to shove himself between my peaks.

I was crying and begging for him to stop but he just continue in what he do. I was wriggling my body so that I could avoid my body from his.

But he pinned me using his strength and choking me using his left hand. I was having a difficulty in breathing that I almost passed out.

"Please stop.." I said with a muffled voice.

I just cried and cried. Praying that someone would come to save me.

He took my gagged out. And licks the corner of my mouth.

"Haaa..please stop this," I begged.

But he shut my mouth using his pet. He shoves it forcely inside that I almost chocked. I feel a warm liquid squeeze inside my mouth.

"Drink it slut!" He said still moving himself deeper in my mouth that I could feel it inside my throat.


"Drink it..yes like that drink all of it."

How could they do this to me? Knowing that they have a mother and a sister.

How would they feel if someone do this to their mother or worst their sister.

How could they stomach doing this to me?

I was so disgusted with myself.. I am no different from those people who sells their body so that they can earn money.

After he force me to drink his liquid, he unclumped the shackles and flips my body.

And I was facing the matress. He push my leg up so that I was half-lying and half-kneeling. I was shouting in so much pain when he forcely take me from behind.

"Ah....stop it Simon please, I'm hurting!"

I was writhing in so much pain. But he didn't stop on moving his self in and out. And I was on the verge of losing my consciousness but he still keeps on moving inside me.


I WOKE up on the same room the next day and to my surprise I was not chained on the bed anymore.

I check myself and I am already fully cloth. I try to get up but I can't move my body. I can feel a throbbing pain between my thighs. Everytime I try to move I feel like my inside is being smashed by a ten-wheeler truck.

The door suddenly opens and Elli gets in holding a tray of food. I look at her full of hatred and disgust. And suddenly I burst myself to cry.

She sits beside me and put the tray in a breakfast bed.

"Why Elli?! Why?!"

She just silently stood infront of me while holding the tray.

"I trusted you! But you betrayed me!"

"I'm your cousin! But you let them do this to me! You let Ed, our cousin raped me! You're a monster!"

I just keep on shouting at hear hoping that the pain and the hatred that I feel will fade.

"For all those years I keep my mouth shut! About the nastiest thing that you and your brother do! I didn't tell any single soul about your dirtiest secret! But this is all I could get?! You let them raped me!"

I look at her eyes so that she could feel that I am broken. That no one could fix me, after those things happen to me.

"You don't know how it felt like! Lying here, crying and begging them to stop! Lying here like a slaughtered animal! Don't you know how I feel everytime they put their dick inside my vagina! You don't know how it feel to be force by Simon drunk all his semen! I was feeling so low, lowest than the lowest person alive! I loathe you! You, Ed, Simon and your brother! I loathe all of you!"

Upon hearing those words came out of my mouth. She suddenly hugs me tightly like I will be vanished if she don't hug me that tight.

"Sorry...I'm so sorry Lavander, I-I didn't know that you will going to experience that. Im so sorry.. please forgive me... If I could go back in time I chose to not let you drink that juice," she said at me while wipping the tears from my eyes.

When I hear all her stupid reason my mind went blank. I push her out of bed harshly that she fell flat on her butt.

"Sorry? Are you kidding me Elleinita? You're sorry for what you did? Really?! Your sorry cannot brought back the things that happened to me! Your sorry cannot erase the disgust that I feel everytime I remember those horrible things that they did to me! It cannot erase the fuck that YOU FEED ME TO OUR DRUG ADDICT COUSIN! It couldn't erase the fact that my own blood, my COUSIN RAPED ME!"

"I've got no choice that time Lav, I was torn in that moment."

I could feel pain in her voice.

"No! Don't say that you don't have a choice! You do have a choice! And you chose yourself! You chose your stupid relationship over me! You're so greedy!"

I could hear a pair of foot steps coming our way. I look at Elleinita, her face became sour. She's still on the floor holding her stomach and she's suppresing herself not to cry.

"What's the meaning of this?!"

Rafael's voiced echoed inside.

", bab-..y,"

"Shit! Elle wake up!" He keeps on tapping Elli's face.

"Ed! Help me! Let's bring Elleinita to hospital!"

He carrried Elli and I could see blood coming from her thigh. He look at me murderously.

"If anything happens to her, I warned you.. I could do horrible things to you. Horrible than what Ed and Simon do to you!" He said and leave me their crying on the bed.

A/N: sorry for the awkward scenes. It's my first time to write this kind of scene.

I hope you understand