
All of their friends, including Simon already left the house after the party ended. I was left alone here after they rush Elli to hospital. It's already an hour since they left.

I look outside and it's getting dark. I could feel a cold blown if the wind. It looks like it's going to rain.

I try to move my legs and make myself stand. When I didn't fall I try to take a step, but everytime I walk, I could feel a throbbing pain in my sex.

"Inhale...exhale... okay you can do this. No one's here to hurt you." I talk to myself.

I endure the pain and I continue to walk until I reach my room. Upon reaching my room I hurriedly change my clothes and look for my purse. I found it under my pillow.

I'm about to pick it, when the door of my room burst open. And I could see the furious face of Ed.He grabs me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Uh... I was going to visit Elli," I said while slowly caressing his face.

I'm crossing my fingers hoping that he would buy my pathetic reason. Eventhough I felt so disgusted to touch him, I just endured it so I could escape this place. He pulls me towards him and lower his gaze at me.

"You think you can fool me Xamira?"

"Nope, I'm not fooling you Ed.. Why would I fool you? You already marked me lastnight. So what reason do I have to fool you? I'm all yours Ed."

I tiptoed to I initiate a kiss.

Just a thought of kissing him makes my insides tremble in disgust. But I must nailed this act so that I could continue with my plan. A plan to escape from this place.

His kisses turns rough as he squeezes my butt. I lock my arms in his neck to make it more believable.

I could feel his dick poking my stomach.

He carries me and throw me in my bed. He then positioned himself between my thighs.

He moved my dress up and strokes my inner thigh. I muster the sexiest moan that I can have so that he won't doubt at my actions.

Slowly, he pulls down my lacy underwear. And moves his head down until he reach my inner thigh. He starts to kiss me down there. Shivers run through my spine when I felt his tongue playing with my clit. I slowly put my hands under my pillow. Pretending I was gripping the head board.

"Oh..yes please...yeah faster..."

I almost choked myself while saying those cringey words.

"Oh fuck! You're so sweet Xamira,"

Slowly I get the pin that is being hidden under my pillow and put it between my fore finger and middle finger. I traced his back upto his head. And I grab a handful of his hair using my left hand while the other hand is busy tracing his neck.

When I got a chance, I slowly bring the pin at his nape. And when he got so oblivious of pleasuring himself I prick his nape with the pin I'm holding. Seconds after, he got unconscious.

When his breathing became calm I put my underwear back. And stash a five thousand bills in my brasseire. I look for my phone but I couldn't found it. Maybe they threw it, so I just get my swiss knife. Because the potion that was laced in my pin will only last for fifteen minutes. After that he will regain his consciousness back.

I take three flights of stairs at a time enduring the pain that I felt. I was half running and half-walking. Until I reach the road. I look at the both ends and I take the opposite path of the road. I keep on running in the middle of the night. Until I feel that I'm away from that house.

I was breathing heavily after I escaped that hell hole mansion. My legs are numb from miles of running.

I sat in a pavement and look at my feet. I inspect it there are many cuts, maybe this is because I didn't wear anything under it. And the pathways are full of pointed stones.

I ripped the hem of my dress and I tie it on both of my feet so that the blood would stop from flowing.

It just sinks in to me, what just happened in that house. My supposedly happy vacation turns out this way.

I was looking forward that I would enjoy my stay in this beach house. But it is the opposite of what I expected, I was being molested by my so called cousin. They even throw my phone away, so that I couldn't ask for help.

I look at the night sky, there's no star at all. Looks like it would rain tonight. I laugh bitterly at myself.

"Looks like the sky knows what I truly felt,"

A cold wind blows followed by a loud thunder. After that the heavy rain falls, and it's raindrop is like a needle that is piercing through my skin.

When I felt that I can move my legs again. I immediately stood up while suppressing my self not to cry because of the pain I felt coming from my wounded feet.

I walk in the middle of the rain. Not caring that the lightning might strike me. All that I think is that how I can escape from the hands of the monsters.

And from a distance I could see the headlights of a car coming nearer where I stand, and it stops right in front of me. It reveals a blurry face of a man due to a heavy rain that cascading my face.

"Help me," thats the last word that I say before I lost my consciousness.

THE SUN has already risen up when I woke up. I could see a wide flower farm from the slit of the window. And the room where I sleep looks so old like I'm in a from the spanish era. From it's bed post to the chairs and the cabinets.

The first thing that I do when I get up is that I look at myself in a mirror near the window. I'm now wearing a vintage victorian nightgown. And there were bandages on my knees and my feet.

Hmmm? Someone changed my clothes and clean my wound.

Now that I escape what should I do? Should I tell the authorities about it? Will they believe about my statement?

A soft knock coming from the door snap me out of my deep thoughts. I open it and a smiling face of a woman around early 50's of age greeted me.

"Good morning ma'am,"

"Morning hija. I thought you're still sleeping that's why I brought you a brunch."

I open it wider so that she could come inside.

She places it in the table and opens the window wider, so that I can have a full view of the whole scenery. It's not just a flower farm, but also a green fields can be seen beyond the wooden fence where the flower farm ends.

"So how are you feeling? Do feel any pain?" She asked me looking so worried.

"No, I'm fine. Just a little rest and I'll be good. And uh...can I ask how do I get here?"

"Ah! About that we found you running last night in the middle of the road. That's why I instructed my driver to stop the car. And when he open the window. I see hear you mumbling something, then the next thing we know you passed out. That's why we brought you here." She explained to me.

"Thank you so much for saving me ma'am,"

"Your welcome dear. And don't call me ma'am, Aunt Lei or Mommy Lei will do," she smiled at me.


"Just call me Aunt Lei. And eat your brunch so that you will recover the strength that you loose,"

After that she leaves me so that I can eat my brunch.