
Wind greeted me as I stepped out followed by a light jingling of the bell.

I clutched my books to my chest as I removed the hairs flying in my face.

I loved this weather,cool winds sweeping away the heat, it was about to rain.

I smiled to myself making my way home it's been a long day but totally worth it

My smile fell and I stopped in my tracks as soon as I saw him

I bowed down my head making my way out of the restaurant as soon as possible I didn't want confrontation from him.

Never did

I increased my pace to get out as soon as possible.

But fate was against me.

I kept on walking tugging the strands of hair behind my ear as wind blew them away from my face.

He was lying on his car on the other side of the street his group of friends or I say gang was around him some loitering around, some sitting on their bikes, some lying down on them busy playing on their phone.

He lay lying on the hood of the car his eyes shielded by his arm

While his other hand held cigarette

Occasionally he bought it to his lips blowing out smoke.

I dropped my gaze and continued walking.

One of his friends nuzded him in the arm and if knowingly his gaze landed directly at me.

My heart picked up speed.

I didn't want confrontation

Not today

Not ever

I saw from the corner of the eyes as he got up , bending one knee on the car front and the other feet touching the ground. He once again took a puff of the cigarette.

He smirked evilly.

His gaze burning at the side of my head.

I chose to ignore him and I kept walking ,crossing the street I was almost through them when-

"you're in a hurry babygirl" his husky voice sounded.

Shit! and I thought I got past them

Past him

But I was wrong

No one can go past him. Tyler Stone

Especially me, I was his favorite target.

I bit my lips in anticipation whether

to turn around or not

"You're not deaf right baby girl ? "

His friends snickered beside him

No,I was not,

not deaf but mute

And he knew it.

I turned around slowly clutching my books to my chest

I peeked at him nervously.

He brought the cigarette to his lips and blew out smoke. His smirked when I met his eye.

He beckoned me with his index finger to him.

I walked towards him nervously not knowing what to do, avoiding his gaze.

He took into my features head to toe

I was wearing my pink dress with a shrug and boots it was pretty decent.

But his gaze made me feel otherwise.

He tilted his head slightly, searching my eyes.l looked into his stormy blue eyes , those eyes which haunted me in my dreams, challenging me in every way possible , reason of many restless nights.

"going somewhere? "

I pressed my lips together, waiting.

He tilted his head waiting for me to answer.

I looked at him and then to his friends, who laughed lightly watching.

He leaned forward straining his ear out to listen to what I said.

But, I didn't say anything, because I couldn't.

He knew it so does his friends.

Light laughs and chuckling filled the air, I peeked at them and to him.

Waiting for him to get bored of me and let go of me but, he never got bored.

As I said I was his favorite target

He leaned more forward still waiting for me to answer.Home I mouthed.

He leaned back a satisfied smirk on his face.

I bit my lips suppressing an urge to run away.

His gaze fell on my lips his eyes cold and steely, like a still water.

A satisfied smirk rested on his lips

I knew better than to run away, I knew he wouldn't let me unless he was satisfied.

"what have we got here" he said looking at the envelope I was holding with my books.

He took it away from my fingers grasp it was my payment for working at the cafe, my part time job.

"Oh! it seems like a pay day huh?" he said as he examined the envelope.

"Are we not getting a treat for your salary day" he asked.

I stood quietly like I always did

"Caleb didn't I needed a new pair of socks , my old one got worn out" he said in mocking voice.

Caleb in return rolled his eyes still engrossed in his phone.

"I need some money to buy it,you wouldn't mind if I borrow it, right baby doll"

I gulped down, I needed the money to pay my rent, for books ,for my daily expenses.

I peeked through my lashes as he took some of the money out of the envelope, probably a sum much larger than you need to buy a pair of socks.

His smirk was senile as if challenging me to stop him.

But he knew I wouldn't.

No one could.

He handed me the envelope back, I looked at it helplessly and the back at the dollar notes he held between his tattooed fingers.

He stood up straight facing me I clutched my books and envelope to my chest.

He bent down to my eye level


his husky voice sounded close to my face ,he stood there for a while, his breath fanning my lips.

I reluctantly lifted my gaze to his, his piercing blue eyes which held mine captive.Something swirling in them, something hidden masked by his steely gazes.

He clenched his jaw, I immediately dropped back my gaze wanting to leave as soon as possible.

Shoving his hands in his pocket he walked back to his bike which was a signal for his friends to leave and so to me.

I turned around , walking back to my way home , alone.

Cars and bike roared behind me as I kept walking.

I could feel his gaze at the back of my head.I waited at the road for the red light to cross the road, he still hasn't left I knew it.

When I safely crossed the road I looked in his direction to find him already looking back at me sitting at his bike, I frowned at him.

His bike roaring below him, with one last gaze with a blank face he finally looked forward and sped away.