
Walking into the school I couldn't help but think about him.... the money he took, it was obviously a misery for me to loose money when I needed it the most. It's not like he took most of my money but he took some , that was much much more to buy you a pair of socks!

Chuckling at his pathetic excuse i opened my locker and taking out my books.

But maybe he did need money for something. I highly doubt that knowing of his reputation and what I heard I think he owns a gold mine.

It was only to bother me whatever he did.Living alone I had to count every penny I spent of whatever amount I earned.

I have to cut down my expense this month, it's not like I didn't have money to live , whatever I earned from the restaurant was enough, enough for me to live and study but, I had savings to do and I couldn't ignore them.I have to think about something else maybe overtime?I hope Sarah agrees to that.

I don't know what pleasure he took in troubling me but then again it's him we are talking about.

The malicious Tyler Stone.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice someone approaching from behind.

"boo! " I jumped at the voice

Turning around I saw Elle laughing clutching her stomach.

"gotcha!" she exclaimed . I smacked her arm for doing that

"Don't " I breathed out

It's true that I'm mute, but I can speak a few words or one words, but not one which are difficult to pronounce.I have to exert a bit everytime to form a word.Some are clear some unclear just like a baby, you can say.But I've got use to it and can say some words clearly.

"Kay! Sorry, sorry but I couldn't help it you were so lost in thoughts" she laughed again.

I too joined her and laughed lightly.

Elle as in Elizabeth is my best friend the one I'm closest to,and trust the most, I am really thankful for my stars that I got a friend like her she's always by my side the good the bad we always stick together.

"so what class you got first ?

I showed her my schedule English

"OK I got history...God it sucks to not have you in all my classes" I smiled at her I know

We started walking towards a respective classes

"And on top of that Mr Williams makes me sit beside that chatterbox Lily ,seriously like for one seconds she doesn't keep her mouth shut yak! yak! yak! yak!" she exclaimed with her hand.

I laughed at her impersonation of Lily sure she was the most talkative girl in the class but she was also fun

"she's sweet " I reminded her

"Yeah, yeah she's sweet I get it, for you everyone's good"

"atleast you won't feel alone "

"Yeah it's better to have someone to talk than drool in my book" she stated.

Soon I reached my class and we bidded farewell for a while.

I entered my English class to already find it swarming with kids with gloomy faces.

Typical Monday.

I walked to the seat empty in the middle, I didn't mind sitting in the front but it was already full.

"Hey! Jess" I looked at my side to see Dylan seated beside me. Dylan and I shared few of our classes and some with Elle.

"hi " I waved at him, he grinned at me and waved back "you look pretty " he complimented

"thanks " I said shyly Dylan is the sweetest guy I know, he complements me for what I wear or how I look, I don't know but he makes me feel beautiful?

He laughed at my tinted cheeks his eyes twinkling in amusement.

Soon the door opens wider with a bang all the eyes dart to the door to see Tyler Stone standing at the entrance, his eyes roam around the whole class till it lands on me a smirk appearing at his lips, I bite my lips and look away.

He walks past me in the class along Caleb and his other friends all this while his gaze boring my skull . I don't dare look up to meet his eye focusing on my book and fidgeting with my fingers.

Silence envelopes the class until he walks to the very corner of the class and takes his usual seat , his friends following suit.

The entire class resume their work, talking and whispering and some studying . including me

It's always like this until there is new gossip to discuss.

I let out a breath I was holding and relaxing my shoulders.

"God I hate this guy what's his problem?" I hear Dylan muttering "fucking ashole "

"so Jess how was your weekend? " he asks me trying to break the tension

I smile at his efforts "it was good , got my salary and some free pastries" I sign immediately, he frowns a little and then scratch the back of his head.

I laugh at him,he still struggles with my sign language but he understands a few words and sentences.

"I understood good so I think your weekend was good but what's this?" he signals with his hand mimicking my last action.

I take out my notebook and jot down 'free pastries' and show it to him.

"oh so I see-"he again mimicks what I signed 'free pastries' "right?"

I nod at him he is so sweet.

"hey you still got some more of those "

"No"I reply "I ate all "

He narrows his eyes playfully at me "greedy girl"

I smile at him cheekly knowing my love for pastries.

"I want some " he pouts.

I think for a while and then sign "I'll ask Jenny to make you some" he smiles brightly like some child child getting his favorite candy.

I give him thumbs up and he return back the gesture.

Suddenly there is a loud bang from behind the room and the next thing I see Tyler making his way out of the class.

He walks out his jaw set and fist balled so much that his knuckles turned white.

He storms out furiously and bang the door when he exits.

What just happened?

l look around to find Caleb seated and smirking evilly,like none of it effected him at all while the whole class sits in silence whispering to each other.

"Just ignore him" Dylan says looking at my confused state "He's not worth it"

I nod quietly as teacher enters the class.




I'll try to update the book once a week

Due to uni it gets a bit hectic

Thank you for reading