
After the class is over me and Dylan part our ways as we have different classes.

The next two classes pass in a blur. I'm still confused by Tyler's strange behavior earlier in the class.

He wasn't in any of the next two classes, its strange that he's in all my classes.

Strange and bad luck for me,because he doesn't waste any opportunity to mock me.

Everyone aware of his behavior, but no one dare speaks against him.

I still remember the first time I met him, in the restaurant.

I was so scared to face them, he and his boys sitting at their table waiting for the order to be taken.

It was my first day at restaurant and I had to face him and his anger.

I would never forget that day, the first time someone who made me feel so small and inferior.

I mistakenly tipped coffee on him and then it was like the hell broke loose.

He shouted at me, threatening me to throw me out of the restaurant

And I stood there shaking uncontrollably, tears running down my cheeks.

I couldn't even apologize to him ,because I was so shaken

Couldn't even form a 'sorry' and it seemed to make him angrier.

He gripped my wrist "YOU FUCKING WHORE!! WHO THE HELL HIRED YOU?" he bellowed.

My lips trembled, I wanted to say sorry but no voice came out from my mouth.

"What the hell is going on, Tyler!" our manager Charles came to my rescue.

He immediately released my hand from Tyler's grip "Leave her alone, she can't speak for God sake" he too shouted at him angrily.

There was silence for a minute, while I stood behind Charles crying, clutching my wrist.

" What the hell were you thinking? " Charles asked

"Fucking stupid of you to hire a useless waitress" Tyler spoke after a long pause.

"That's none of your business, it's MY fucking decision to decide who'll work here and she very well knows her job"

He scoff at his statement "yeah pouring hot coffee on customers is her job, fucking useless with her mouth and her hands"

I never felt so humiliated before as I felt then while hiding behind Charles.

"Listen, it's my restaurant only because I allow you to loiter around here doesn't mean you'll misbehave with my employes, you know whatever happened was an accident now apologize to her"

It seemed to anger him more, he laughed histerically.

" you are asking me to apologize ,it was her mistake not mine, just because she's fucking useless with her mouth, you think I'll ignore it and sympathize with her, that's why you hired her right ? out of sympathy"

"Fucking useless looser" he gritted out angrily, glaring in my direction.

I listened quietly, it's was like I wasn't even there the way he was talking about me.

"Enough! Tyler , I don't need you to apologize it won't matter anyway , just leave" Charles spoke.

He stood there glaring in my direction not making any move his friend Caleb tried to pull him out to which he just snatched his arm and stormed out of the restaurant.

And that everybody was my first day at work.

Everything was going fine nice job and school

but then I met him and I knew it wouldn't be easy for me

I had been a centre of jokes earlier. But nothing what I feel when I face him.



Short but important chapter :))

So what do you feel about Tyler?