
Tyler didn't show up in next two classes but why would he? he hardly shows up in school. It was a miracle he was present in the first class.

Soon the lunch break arrives. I walk into the cafeteria and Spot Elle at our usual table.When she sees me she waves at me furiously.

"Where's Debbie? " I ask her. Me, Elle and Debbie have our lunch together.

" she'll be late"

I smile nodding and take my seat.

"Oh I'm hungry as hell, school is exhausting."she says

I open my bag and fish out the apple I kept

"Don't tell me you're gonna eat that"

"I'm not that hungry "

"what? how are you not, you didn't bring lunch either?" she asks

I shrug and continue eating my lunch

"But you always buy lunch when you don't bring it yourself"

I bite my lips, I still haven't told her about Tyler taking my money yesterday

" I didn't get to go for grocery shopping" it's true.

"why? long shift" I nodded my head it was weekend so the restaurant was busy especially in the evening

"hey! You can eat from my plate " she shifts her tray towards me.

I smile shaking my head,

"eat" , I push back the tray

"so tell me what you did on weekend apart from work" well it was actually full day of work.

Elle told me she was going out with her family to meet grandma house so this weekend so she was out of town.

I tell her about my work and weird customers I encountered, Jenny's pastries and then I told her about my encounter with Tyler

"That fucking ashole! how dare he! " she slammed her hands on the table. I kept my hand on her to prevent her from shouting

"what does he need money for? socks?that son of a bitch!" I widen my eyes

"Don't " she rolls her eyes at me

"seriously Jess he took your money! he knows very well you live alone it's only your job that pays your expenses, still he snatched your money! that's bloody low!" she finishes angrily

I know what she said is true but he didn't take a large amount just more than the amount he needed.

"Is it the reason why you don't have your lunch and you don't have money to buy it? " my eyes widened at her words

"no" I immediately replied

"don't lie"

"I'm not " it's partially true actually why I didn't buy lunch, because I wasn't hungry, second I don't want to spend money unnecessarily, and third I've to sit down write out a plan first for this month's expenses.

"nonsense I'm gonna buy you lunch" she gets up hastily to join the line but I stop her

"I'm not hungry please can we sit down, if I'll have to I'll eat from your plate" she slumps her shoulder and finally takes her seat

" you're impossible" I give her a small smile

"hey! " she holds my hand and says " if you need anything just tell me OK, you know you dont have to hide anything from me, so whatever you need just tell me" my heart melts at her words

"I know"

She relaxes in her seat which relaxes me as well

"so I heard about another Tyler incident this morning, what happened" she asks try to change the topic but unfortunately it was again about Tyler

"don't know, he just walked fuming angrily " I added

"what's his deal why does he bother you so much he's fucking bully"

"But then again he doesn't bother anyone else I mean yeah he's mean to everyone and everyone here is scared of him, but still your the only one he's so upfront about " I shake my head

"I don't know myself "

"he's a jerk to trouble you, I think he does this to keep his popular bad boy image intact"

I purse my lips and listen quietly sure Tyler doesn't have the best reputation but still he is the most popular guy in the school.

"only because he's hot doesn't mean you'll worship him" I smile secretly


" duh!he is that's his only good quality, and that's why all the girls here want to get into his pants, but he doesn't even blink at them except you off course"

I choked at her words, looking at her

" what? It's true you are the only girl he has ever taken interest into"

"interest? "

"yeah interest , you know before you moved here, he never ever talked to any girl in the school, no one dared approached him not even boys, and if any girl dared to talk to him, he would just push them aside like a filth. But then you joined the school and all of a sudden boom! he got interested in you"

"you mean interested in bullying me"

"Well that's the twist, but I totally ship you two"

I looked at her as if she has grown two heads

"What? You don't like him"

"Are you crazy!! You're taking my enemy side who takes pleasure in hurting me"

"Well, I don't know, but maybe he does that to get your attention, you know?"

I don't believe this, a minute before she was talking about killing him and now she's shipping me with him.It angered me that she was taking my enemy's side rather mine. I lowered my head nibbling at my apple.

"Hey! Don't be upset I'm just saying you know, I totally hate him for hurting you don't ever forget that"

I smile at her nodding.

Soon after that the devil himself walks in , along with his friend. He silently walks to his usual table, while every eyes in the cafeteria is trained on him. He takes a seat and then everyone resume their work.

As if on reflex his eyes immediately meets mine.I cannot quickly look away as he gazes at me intently,I bite my lips and avert my gaze but not before noticing how his eyes land at my half eaten apple and then back at me.

I return back to Elle. She keeps on talking about some boy in her class.I quietly listen to her.

I can still feel his gaze on me.Even when I'm not looking at me he still succeeds to make me nervous.

Soon Debbie joins our table, we three usually do our lunch together.

"so did you guys hear ?

"what" Elle asks immediately. They both start their conversation, about all the gossips going on in the school me quietly listening.Though I don't speak anything but they know I'm listening.

They both speak together, and I shake my head smiling lightly. They sure are a strange company who talk a lot to a mute who doesn't talk at all.

It took me a while to settle with them, I thought nobody would have interest in me who speaks one word or doesn't speaks at all.But they never left my side right from the beginning. And I'm really thankful for that.

The bell rang , and all three of us dispersed.


Next was the maths class I was taking out my books, I jumped when I saw Dylan behind me.

"don't" I frowned. He gave me an apologetic smile.

we talked for a while and he walked me to the class.

I entered my class and to my horror I saw Tyler Stone was already seated behind the class

He caught my gaze and but I quickly looked away and sat down to the empty seat in the middle

Opening my books I concentrated on them waiting for the teacher to arrive.

When he movement behind my seat I turn around to see Tyler standing there with his bag in his hand glaring at the boy sitting behind me

"move " he tells to the boy.

The boys immediately stands up and scurries away as he sits in his place instead .

I immediately look front burying my head in the book. What is he doing? here more specifically why is he sitting behind me ?what are his intentions now?

I feel gaze burning holes in the back of my head I peek a look and notice the class turning quite, why would he take a seat just behind me. He always sits at the farthest corner of the class from where nobody bothers him. Then why today?

Everyone takes their seat as the teacher enters the class. I breath in relief.

Mr Joseph greeted everyone which was followed by few murmurs from here and there.

He sighed at the student's lack of enthusiasm.

I chuckled to my self he is the most joyful teacher we have here.

The class started and I started taking down notes as usual.

Just then I felt Tyler leaning towards me as all the class concentrated on the board.

"l see you got new friend " his breath hit my ear I froze in my spot my head both down

"quite a sissy he is huh?" from his tone it looked like he was pissed.

My breath hitched as he leaned more closer

"so I was wondering if you could bring me pastries too, I'd love it you know" his lips were so close to my ear

I gulped how did he know? was he eavesdropping?

but he was sitting too far to listen to whatever me and Dylan were discussing

He didn't say anything after that just leaning down I could smell his cologne the manly scent I don't know but he smells really good. I could feel his gaze running down my neck he moved closer to inhale my scent just as his breath hit the back of my neck I jolted awake leaning forward as far away from him buring my face in the book .

He chuckled lightly so only I could hear,my fingers were trembling a bit I clasped them in a fist a buried my head more in the so much that I couldn't even read what was written on the.

I heard him chuckle more louder this time I must be looking like an idiot right now with my head diving in the book a few students would have noticed me as I head and laughing and giggling at me.

but I didn't care I'd prefer this than that until-

"Jessica!" Mr Joseph called my name I whipped my head up "are you sleeping ? "

I frantically shook my head "then why are you dozing off? " again I shook my head followed by students in giggles and snickers

I sheeplesly showed him my notes and said a quite sorry.

he shook his head "no look up"

I pursed my lips nodding more frantically than I intended and this time more students laughed at me

"quite " he said and went back to his teaching.

I straighten my posture just so much that I'm as far away from his seat as possible.

Tyler didn't bother me for the rest of class but I could feel his continuous gaze at me

The class came to an end finally I wasted no time and started packing my bags just as I was about to leave my desk, Tyler came forward and leaned down to my ear.

"see you later " he paused his breath hitting my face


Just as so he straightened up and walked out of the class not before winking at me.

Not much later I felt the whole class looking at me some astonished and lots of jealous glare being thrown in my direction

I wasted no time and bolted through the door.