WebNovelHis Angel 100.00%


Next few days went past in a blur

With school being tiring and homework piling up.

It was exhausting balancing both work and studies. But I managed.

I had shifts at restaurant but apart from that I worked on weekends in a small departmental store near my apartment.

I wanted to save as much money I could for college.

It was Friday finally, after school I went straight to the cafe.

Changing into my work cloths I stepped out.

Greeting Charles at the counter I took my usual spot.

It was Friday so the cafe was quite busy. No time to rest as customers kept on piling in.

More customers means more tips. So yeah it was a win win situation.

Dealing with customers was really tough in the beginning of the job but Charles helped me a lot

As time passed I adjusted to the daily chore.

Tyler entered the cafe and took his usual spot.

Not before looking in my direction.

As if on cue I went to pin his usual order.

Every other evening he is here, when he's not hanging with his friends.

He doesn't do much just sits and shoot daggers at me occasionally. Writing something on his dairy he carries.

I went to his table,placing his order. Black coffee

He shouldn't be drinking coffee at such a young age. It's not healthy. But I decided to keep that peace of advice to myself.

Occasionally I'd put muffin along with it as a complimentary as he was a regular customer.

Today it was blueberry muffin.

"No pastry babygirl? "

He lifted his gaze from his phone while taking in my face. He had beautiful eyes.

It startled me for a moment since he never speaks to me when I bring his order.

I pressed my lips together contemplating. How do I tell him I don't have it and if I bring from cafe he has to pay for it.

I took my notepad and wrote down quick

His gaze slipped down from my face onto the notepad

"So you're gonna charge me for it while you give out to others for free?"

Damn it! So he really wanted those pastry

He smirked while taking a sip of his coffee.

Not knowing what to do I wrote down 'next time' on notepad and showed him

He nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll be waiting"

I quickly went back to my spot releasing a breath I didn't knew I was holding.

A group of boys entered the cafe

They didn't seem to be from our school since I had never seen them

They seemed to be chaotic and loud as they entered the cafe.

It seem to quiten down a bit as they took a seat.

Reed went to take the order since he does the talking usual. While I cleaned the other tables.

Mostly I did the cleaning while he took orders.

Him and me have our shift together most of the time. I take orders of known customers, friends or regular ones only. But I usually do the cleaning.

I was thankful that Reed was here with me to help me out. He joined few months later i joined. We have been friends since.

After taking their order he came back muttering something under his breath that I didn't quite catch.

They started creating a fuss a few minutes later of their order being late

They were obviously being difficult.

Difficult customers is nothing new here. Thankfully I didn't face any, only once which was my first day at work and that too with Tyler.

Never again.

As strange as it was Tyler never gave me difficult time since that day in cafe . Not outside of-course.

He enjoyed bothering me God knows why.

He came back a few days later after that encounter. Charles stared him down which he ignored rolling his eye and took the seat in corner.

And God i was so so scared to approach him

Thanking heavens that Charles didn't send me anywhere near him. Since that day he'd come here daily. Sitting quietly. Ordering usual.

The day I went to his table, taking his order was when no-one was around expect me.

Charles encouraged me to go assuring me that he won't dare repeat that day

I nervously went to his table, putting the coffee down.I ran away with a quick bow before he could fully acknowledge me.

I could feel his gaze all day on me.

A loud crash broke my chain of thoughts.

A plate has fell down and broken on nearby table.

I quickly took a duster and went to clean it which was unluckily next to the ones the boys were seated in.

I quietly passed their table avoiding eye contact.

I quickly bend down to clean the mess. The customer sitting apologised to me which I returned with a small smile.

I was cleaning when I heard snickering behind my back. Ignoring I cleaned the glass pieces carefully to avoid anyone getting hurt later. I stood up to walk to the dustbin in the corner.

"Nice ass"

More snickering.

I bit my lips to stop the urge to run away immediately.

After throwing away the plate I made my way back .

My heart thudded while I passed their table.

When suddenly I felt a sharp slap on my butt.

I jolted up in shock

The other boys hollered.

It was all in a flash when next I saw was Tyler jumping on that guy, bring him down with a loud crash.

I recoiled shocked.

With a hand on my mouth I saw as a fight broke out.

Tyler punching the guy mercilessly. His friends tried to get him off, but Tyler was way to stronger than any of them.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as he punched him again and again.

The guy seem to lie lifelessly on the floor but Tyler didn't stop.

At this point I was shaking.

Charles broke out from the crowd that had gathered around the table.

Pushing past everyone "Tyler enough!".

He stepped forward to catch his fist mid air.

But Tyler snatched his hand back only to hit him again.

Reed and Charles held him back.

"That's enough! "

"Tyler! "

You're gonna kill him

"I will! "

"No! "

" Enough!"

Finally, finally they both helped in detaching Tyler from the boy

He lied lifeless on the ground as Tyler growled at him.

"Get out" Charles shouted at his friends who immediately went to pick up his friend. His groaned in pain. Thank God he was alive.

When they left, Charles turned to Tyler "You have lost your freaking mind!"

Tyler snatched his hand ignoring him as he barged out of the cafe.

Everybody went back to their tables

"Are you OK?" I felt a soft touch on my shoulder.

I looked at Reed, nodding slowly still in shock.

"Come on you look like you've seen a ghost"

He chuckled

"You need some ice-cream "

Charles gave me a apologetic smile,which I returned.

All this mess, because of me.

I looked back at the Cafe's door. The same door that Tyler came in a few hours ago only to storm right through it later.

Why did he do that?