Chapter 2

Someone said that Love is sweeter the second time around…I guess that is true.

I mean that's what I can say base on what I saw at my father and my stepmother.

Every time I wake up... whenever I see them...I’m witnessing how they treat each other. Sweet names, sweet gestures and any other sweet things, I can’t even see them away from each other.

I am now at the at the car silently looking at the outside view…again

This is what I always do whenever I am riding a car…I don't want to use my gadgets because I am enjoying the view outside. Minutes had passed and we are now at the parking lot of the school.

"Terra, we're already here" Uncle Pilip our driver, said while opening the door to help me to go out.

"Thank you uncle." I said and start walking to go inside the campus..

It's already 4 years when my father married my stepmom…I was just 10 years old back then and now I am 14 years old…I am already a high school student and there is a lot changes in my life.

October 2015…

It’s already 4 months since the school year started.

I change my school, I change my friends and now I am alone.

I enter our classroom and all of my classmates there stop what are they doing…I used to that. They are like that every time that I will enter my room…They are not talking to me, they treat me like a air for some reasons that I don't know and they are looking at me like a piece of trash.

They don’t care about the status of my family. They say a lot of things behind my back…I knew it because I always heard them talking to about me.

They say that they pity me because I don't have a mother. They also say that I must be out of this school because they don't want me here…Sometimes I wonder... what did I do to them?

What did I do for them not to like me? To be Honest…I did nothing, every time that I will enter this room, I just stay quiet and wait for my name to be called…I don't remember talking or reaching them out.

"Here comes the rich kid" my girl classmate whisper at my another classmate but I still heard it.

"Hush don't mind them Terra…just stay calm" I said to myself before I finally sat at my chair.

"Good morning grade nine students." My teacher greeted us when she enters our room.

Mrs. Schimets is my class adviser for this year. She was the only teacher that I can talk too…

I am comfortable with her and we are a little bit close… I am a bit scared with my other teachers because like the students…they also talk behind my back.

Is it because of my family status or it is the fact that they don't really like me?

"Good morning Mrs. Schimets" we greeted in chorus,

"Okay so I have some news" she started

"I am sure that you will be very happy with this" Mrs. Schimets added.

"Mrs. Schimets is this about not having a periodical exam?"

One of my boy classmate asked my teacher that's why all of my classmates are now laughing…except me.

I don't find it funny…

"No, this is about you’re incoming field trip." My teacher said that's why all of my classmates are now shouting after laughing…seriously? What's wrong with them?

"Quiet students" Mrs. Schimets said.

My classmates calm their selves and sat down again at their chairs.

"Okay, so the field trip will be 2 months from now" my teacher said.

They annouced it so early… The field trip is two months from now?

I wonder where.

"It will be at the Lunao." and my question is now answered.

Lunao huh?

How many hours are we going to travel from Transelia to Lunao? 5hrs?

I am sure that my body will get hurt by that.

But am I going? Do father will allow me to join?

How I wish…

"I need the list of names by next month.. I just announced it early so that you can tell it to your parents…okay students?" Mrs. Schimets asked us.

"Yes Mrs. Schimets" My classmates answered.

She just nods and starts our discussion.

Typical day…

The hours passed so fast and I am now waiting at my driver to pick me up.

There's nothing much happens with my day... I just listen to my teachers, eat lunch and snacks alone and spend my free hours at the library.

That's actually what I am doing every day.

I don't change my routine so I am already used to it.

The time that I enter this school…that was already my routine, so nothing new with it.

*beep beep* I‘m shocked when I felt that my phone vibrated,

I picked it at my pocket and check what it is, I received a text message from Uncle Pilip

*Uncle Pilip*

Terra, Madam Anaida is in the hospital. Elvis is now sick.I think I will be there after an hour.

Uncle Elvis is our second driver. We don’t address them as driver or so whatever, we are calling them uncle because they are already part of the family.

Uncle Pilip said that mama is in the Hospital? What happened? And I am going to wait here after an hour?

I replied at our driver.

*Where hospital? I'm just going to commute Uncle Pilip.*

I sent it. He replied that fast so I already find for a ride. Until I remember…I don't know how to commute.

I started to walk with no direction, I saw a group of people so I go to them.

When I am going to speak, I notice that they are drinking.

I wondered if I would continue or not… I am ready to walk back but one of the man called me.

"Hey Miss beautiful, do you want to drink with us?"The boy asked me.

He is drunk…definitely drunk.

I smiled awkwardly and shook my head to tell no.

I started to walk again to find someone to ask, definitely not to them.

My steps are getting big and I don't know why I am feeling so nervous, my sweats are cold and my heard is beating so fast.

I am starting to think about things, what if that drunken man followed me? What I-

"AHHHHHH!!" I shouted when someone grab my arms.

"Terra! Are you fine?!" asked by someone.

I opened my eyes and look at the man who talked,

Gosh! It is uncle Elvis!

"Uncle Elvis! you scared me!" I shouted at him.

He only answered me with a long laugh.

This old man.

"I thought you’re…?" I stopped when I noticed that he has our car with him.

"I thought you’re sick?" I asked again.

"I feel better now, Pilip called me and asked me to pick you up, we know that you don't know how to commute" he explained

I am close to them…the people at our house besides from my father and my stepmom, I treat them like my family…They know me well, They saw me grow... they are the one who saw me when I am weak, every time that I will cry they are the one who's helping me..

I step into the car and wait until we arrived at the hospital.

I still don't know the reason why mama is here but I wish it is not that bad.

Her room is located at the third floor of the hospital, I opened the door and I saw her there lying down the bed.

My father is just beside him looking so happy, I go to them and kiss my father’s cheeks, I also did it to my stepmother.

She doesn't look like sick. So I ask.

"What happened?" I asked my father.

He stood up and held my hands, he is now smiling

"I have a good news" he started…

"You are now going to be a big sister" he said while smiling widely.

I look at mama and even her, she is smiling.

I smiled at the both of them to tell that I am happy, but deep inside…

I don't know…all I felt was worry,

I worry about myself…

I worry about what will happen to me…

This is what I am scared about…

What will be next after this?

When they get married, my father's attention is all to her, and now.. she will going to have another child.

I sighed heavily…I can't think properly right know.. I need air,

"Congratulations dad, mama" I said

"I am tired… I will go home now" I don't wait for their answers.

I go at the car and thank God uncle Elvis is there.

I looked at the window and just enjoy the view. I am thinking a lot of things now but I don't know what I am thinking.

When I got home… I did my routines before I sleep.

When I'm done… I lie down at my bed and wait for myself to finally sleep…

Before I finally slept, I am thinking of what my father said. Even in my dreams, I think of that…

All I could think was that I would have a sibling...