Chapter 10

I didn't know what I was looking at. It's like I was looking at a mutated undead from those zombie games the ones that are big and strong mostly indestructible.

"What the hell is that?" asked Jean.

It charged towards us." Jean run"we started running away from that monster. I pulled out my pistol and fired at it while running away from it. Despite taking all those shots it was still charging at us. It was gaining at us, we needed to outrun it so I fired my gun at its legs which slowed it a bit down. We managed to outrun it

"Look it's a pub," said Jean pointing at the Tavern.

"Let's get inside" we tried getting in from the door it was looked.

" Shit it's locked, "I said feeling enraged. Jean picked up a rock and she was about to throw it at the window, I stopped her

"No! No! you break that window and the alarm might go off".

"So what do we do then," she asked feeling frustrated.

"I think there's a back door"

we went to the back avoiding the zombies. We climbed the fences and arrived near the back door.

"Okay just give me a second"

I was gonna lock pick it. Jean kick opens the door.

" That works"we were in a kitchen. I moved the fridge to block the door.

"Wait" I stopped jeans and used my senses to detect any zombies inside the pub.

"It's clear" then I opened the fridge to look for something to eat.

" I found some leftovers wanna eat, "I asked Jean.

"Sure I'm starving."I got the plates and microwaved the spaghetti.

"Coke or Sprite?" I pulled 2 cans of soda out of the fridge.

" Coke for me" we sat down at the kitchen table and ate.

"This Spaghetti is probably a month old, lets's hope our stomachs don't get upset after eating this," I said while eating.

"I don't care as long as there's food," said Jean while eating.

After we ate jean was leaving the kitchen

"Where are you going?"I asked her

"It's a pub I'm gonna get myself a drink" I tagged along with her. We got inside the pub, it looked like one of those English pubs in the movies.

" Wow, I have never been in a pub before".

I looked around."Look what I found"she found a rifle.

"Whoa, that's great,"

"It's a Henry Big Boy classic .44 caliber," said Jean while looking at it.

"You know your guns"

"I used to do some shooting at the firing range. I'm more good with a rifle compared to a pistol."

"Hey Jean give me the gun," I said to her. She was giving me her rifle.

"No the 1911" she pulled out her pistol and gave it to me. I took it and put it in a bag that I found in the pub.

" Here" I gave her my Glock-22 and 3 mags.

" It's best to keep a backup and your gonna need it" she took it and looked at it

"Thanks," she said while smiling.

" Say is it loaded?" I asked.

"Yeah it has 9 rounds in it".she said while looking at her rifle.

"There must be a box of shells here somewhere".I looked around and found two boxes of shells. I empty them putting the bullets in a pouch while jean was pouring herself some beer. Then I grabbed a few bottles and started making some Molotovs.

"What are doing?"Jean asked

"I am making some molotovs or you can call it firebombs"I answered.

"Where'd you learn how to make those?"

"Video games, Internet and stuff. Say don't drink too much you gotta keep yourself sharp."I said to her while she was drinking.

"You want some?" she asked me.

"No, I'm not old enough to drink."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 16, I'm turning 17 this year," I said while looking outside the window.

"No way!" she was shocked "you look the same age as me"

"How old are you?"

"I am 19 say u don't look...."

"shhh be quiet...oh shit!"

"What's wrong?" she put down her glass and grabbed her rifle.

"It's out there" I saw that monster moving around. Jean came and looked.

"Damn it, we gotta get out of here," I said while looking at that monster. It was looking around and saw us.

" I think it saw us," I said. It charged towards us

"Get back!" it charged and broke through the door. I grabbed my rifle and started firing at it.

It started to block the bullets with its arms and charged towards me to tackle. I jumped at the side and avoided the tackle. Jean started firing her gun at it.

"Aim for the head"I shout out to her.

"I got it" she kept firing." shit I'm out"

I threw a pouch of bullets at her. She caught it and started to reload her gun while I kept firing at it. It came at me and punched me. I blocked its punch with my rifle. I got pushed back but my rifle broke

"Damn it! I just got that you asshole"I pulled out my pistol and started firing at it. Jean fired at its head and got its attention. It charged towards her, I tried to stop it by shooting at it. It hit jean, she crashed to the wall and got knocked out.

" Jean!No!" I quickly grabbed a Molotov, lit it with a lighter, and threw it at it. It caught on fire and started screaming.

"You like that you son of a bitch" I said while yelling at it.

I ran to Jean and grabbed her. I carried her on my back and also grabbed her rifle and bullet pouch and ran away as fast as I can. On my way I got tired, I got inside an alley and put her down I noticed she was bleeding from the side. I pulled up her shirt and poured some alcohol from the Molotov "ahh that stings" she said being in pain.

"I know! I know! hold still"

I pulled out some bandages and gauze from my bag pack. I found a medkit from the pub and put everything in my bag. I poured some alcohol on the gauze and rubbed it on the cut and bandaged the wound. I put some painkillers in my hand and made her take them.

"Just leave me here I'll only slow you down".

"Absolutely not! Don't worry we'll pull through this."

"You don't even know me. Why are you helping me?"

"I don't need a reason besides it's good to meet someone who doesn't want to eat my nut sack with a street taco," I said, she laughed and passed out.

I grabbed her and carried her on my back. I finally found a car, an old Mercedes Benz.

"Oh great" it's an old car best thing about cars like these is that there is no alarm. I broke the window with my elbow put Jean in the back. I pulled out my bag from the inventory one I put some guns in it and put it in the side just in case I encounter an obstacle. I was hot wiring the car until that monster showed up in front of me.

"Damn it not this guy again."I got out of the car with my bag, I pulled out my shotgun and desert eagles.

" Well I certainly gave you an uglier makeover," I said while looking at its burned body and face.

"Say I decided to give you a name, you like the name juggernaut."It screamed at me.

"I'll take that as a yes, now come at me bitch".I said that while pointing my pistols at it.