Chapter 11

I was taking on a monstrous undead, I don't know if I should call myself stupid or brave but this shit is about to go down. The juggernaut charged at me that's what I decided to call it. I started firing my guns at it. It tried to block it with its arm. The magnum did too much damage to its arm

"357 magnum motherfucker!".

I fired at its head it blocked with its hand. I moved towards it to double the damage, the moment I was out of ammo, it charged towards me. My desert eagles had only 9 rounds, I backed off put the guns in my holsters, pulled out my shotgun, and started firing at it. My 12 gauge slugs were doing the trick, I fired the first 4 shots at its legs causing the juggernaut to be on its knees it tried covering itself with its arms I fired the next 2 at its arms. Then I threw a Molotov at it and fired it. It caught on fire, I threw another one and fired at it again. It started to burn and scream in pain.

"Yeah! hot enough for ya"

I fired at its knee decapitating both its legs. I came near it and fired at it. It was down, I looked at it

"let me put you out of your misery" I aimed and fired at its face blowing it up.

"How's that for a new make-over?".I finally took down the juggernaut, I leveled up from 11 to 12 and earned 50000 g points.

I went back inside the car and drove off. I made it safely to my building. I got in from the garage and took Jean to my apartment. I gently laid her down in my guest room. I took off her jacket and boots. I went to get the medkit, and a shirt. I got back, I took off her shirt and opened her dressing.

"Good looks like the bleeding stopped"I put some antiseptic on the wound to reduce infection and then stitched it up. I put some ointment on the wound and then wrapped bandages around her waist. After that, I put a shirt back on her, tucked her in, and left the room. I went back to my room, took a shower, and went to sleep.

22nd January 2020

I woke up at 5, went to the roof for some exercise, and running after that went down to the gym for some weight lifting to build up better muscles. After that, I went to take a swim at the indoor pool which was the best part of the building. After that went to the sauna to relax my muscles and then took a shower. This was the best part of living, living in luxury is the best part of living. I went back to my apartment and started making some breakfast. Jean came out of her room,

"Morning! you slept well?" I asked Jean while cooking.

"Yes, I slept fine. What is this place?" asked Jean.

"Silver luxury apartment building one of the best places to live in the city".

"And you live here?" she asked while looking around.

"Yes of course! this is a fine place to live, now do you want some breakfast?"

"Yeah" she sat at the table. I bring her some toast and omelet and a cup of coffee. She took a bite "hmm this is good".

"Thank you," I said while eating.

"Say what happened last night?"

"Well, you were knocked out and injured. I temporarily fixed you and managed to get you away from the Juggernaut then I found a car, drove, and arrived here. After that, I fixed your wound, changed your shirt and tucked u in bed."

"Well.... thank you for not leaving me and saving my life," she said while smiling at me.

"Your welcome"

"Juggernaut?" she spoke in confusion.

"Oh, that's what I decided to call that undead".

"Cool name, say how long have you been living here? Your family must be rich if they can afford you a place like this."

"No, actually I broke in here and started living here for about 2 weeks before this place I used to live in that building over there" I pointed at my old building through the window

" which was much much cheaper than this place ."

"How the hell did you break in such a place?" she asked being in shock.

"Well you see on 10th January I ended up clearing up a building from zombies while scouting for supplies then I decided I wanted a better place to live so I decided to break into this place. During the apocalypse, this building was in lockdown and the security was tight. I got in through the garage by breaking the security lock which triggered the alarm of course but I shut down the alarm in time before a great number of zombies get attracted to this place. Opened up access for this place only to myself and made this place mine."

"Wow, you seriously did all that?"

"Yeah and I also made strong improvements in this place, I build metal walls, fences, a better gate and stuff."

"Seriously Niam! what are you? how can u do all that? I mean your just a teenage kid"

"Jean I am not like other ordinary people I am different. I'm unordinary"

"Seriously who are you?"

"Someone who you can consider the most interesting person in your life."

"Well, I did find you quite interesting."

"Okay, I'm done here if you need me I'll be upstairs working on my guns".

I went upstairs while smiling. I don't know why but I was quite happy that I finally found someone after all this time.