Chapter 21

I was driving, this incident with the gangsters led me to discover that there were more ability users like me. The first ability user that I encountered was Terry Mcnair a mafia boss who had the ability super strength which allowed him to lift heavy objects and deliver monstrously strong blows but I had a feeling he never trained his body to become more powerful with his abilities which led him to his downfall. After defeating him I recovered this crystal which was the source of his powers. If anyone has this crystal placed inside his or her bodies I have a feeling she or he might end up having this ability.

We arrived back home. It's a good thing it was secure there weren't many zombies around the place. We went inside we got out of the car.

"Look Hannah, this is your new home. Do you like it?"I said to Hannah.

"Yes," she said with a smile.

"Don't worry you will be safe here" said Jean.

Hannah looked at Jean then looked away from her Jean got a little bit mad. I had a feeling Hannah did not like Jean maybe it was cause she was hostile towards her or something.

I told Jean to take Hannah to our apartment while I deal with a small problem. I went to the Armoury and put away the weapons I had. Then I pulled out the ability crystal and appraised it. According to its information, an ability user cannot use this only a person who has no ability can use this crystal. Then that means I cannot get the ability but Jean can. I can give this crystal to Jean and she will have an ability and better chances to protect herself. Then this also means I will have to tell her about my ability, she would freak out about this whole superpower thing but its the only way to protect her. She is strong against zombies but if we encounter another ability user or mutated zombie she won't stand a chance.

I went to my apartment and used my senses, Jean and Hannah were asleep. Well, they were tired from the incident and Hannah looked like she didn't get enough sleep when she was locked up most probably out of fear. I also went to bed and slept through the whole day. I woke up and took a shower and looked at myself in the looked like I got more ripped than before, my arms, legs, back, chest and abs completely transformed. Even my hair long longer. I went to the kitchen and looked at the food prepared on the table. Jean was cooking

"Morning sleepyhead," said Jean.

"Yeah! morning, where's Hannah is she still asleep" I asked Jean.

"She's changing, she just took a bath with me" Jean answered.

"Oh, I see".

Hannah came out of the room wearing Jean's clothes.

"Your clothes are a little big for her, "I said.

"You think?" Jean said sarcastically. I need to go out and get some clothes for Hannah.

Hannah sat down with us and we had our dinner. Jean cooked us a delicious stew we all enjoyed it.

After we ate I sat down with Hannah and Jean in the lounge. It was time that I tell her about this whole superpowers stuff with a little demonstration.

"Jean there is something I need to tell you," I said to her.

"What is it?" asked Jean.

"No, it's better if I show you, Hannah come here "I called out to Hannah.

Before we sat down in the lounge I had a small talk with Hannah and she was ready to cooperate. I grabbed a fruit knife and gave myself a small cut on my finger.

"Hey! Why did you do that?" she asked as she picked up a napkin.

"Jean wait, "I said to her.

"Hannah do your thing" she came to me and put her hand on my cut. Then a bright golden light shined and she healed my cut in an instant. Jean was shocked, her jaw dropped. Hannah's ability was called "Holy", with this ability she can manipulate light, and heal wounds also she has divine protection that allows her wounds to regenerate. Those gangsters were probably using her to heal their men's wounds.

"Niam!What the hell? How did she do that?"Jean asked in panic.

"Well, you see..."I thoroughly explained to her the whole story about the mafia incident, about Terry and the ability stone.

"Okay let me get this straight so your telling me you and she has superpowers," said Jean.

"Yes," I said.

"And this crystal which you got from the mafia's boss can give me an ability called super strength like superman"

"No more like Luke Cage but yes"

"This is beyond my head let me get some rest, I gotta lie down" Jean went to her room. Guess she was confused after listening to such an absurd thing she will get used to it besides we are no longer in a world that was peaceful we are in a nightmare and in order to survive this nightmare we must do whatever it takes.

Hannah was down, I think she was upset.

"What's wrong Hannah? You look upset"

"It's nothing," she said.

"Come on you can tell me I am here for you"

"Well, it's just that you only took me in cause of my ability, not because of me. Just like those people, you will make use of me and when I am not able to use my ability you will toss me away like I am some tool."

"Well Hannah your special and you have a gift but I won't force you to use it"

"No everyone's the same they only wish to use me cause of my ability without it I am useless"

"First of all Hannah your not some tool and second I won't ever force you to use your ability it's up to you if you wish to use it or not"


"Hannah I promise you I won't ever abandon you and besides even if you didn't have any ability I couldn't resist those puppy eyes"

She started laughing. I took in Hannah and I will protect and make sure no one hurts her.