Chapter 22

Its been 1 week since the incident with the gangsters. Hannah got used to the place and she was living freely. I decided to teach her some hand to hand combat and also how to shoot a gun. She was a quick learner and she mastered the basics easily.

As for Jean, she got stronger. She absorbed the crystal and gained super strength. The way she absorbed the crystal; was very odd I thought I should plant it inside her but she ate it and got the power. She trained every day and learned to control it. At first, it was hard for her she couldn't even lift and hold a glass without breaking it but later she learned to control her strength.

As for me, after training Hannah for 1 week I asked Jean to teach Hannah now for 2 reasons.1 so they would get along and 2 so that I could start training. The encounter with an ability user from the incident with the gangsters made me realize that I might encounter another ability user soon so I need to be strong enough to survive, what if that ability user is insanely strong? and I don't stand a chance. I need to level up and get stronger so I will be ready to face that encounter.

After breakfast, I went out to hunt zombies. I decided to hunt at places with a lot of zombies and clear some areas on the map from zombies so I might use that place for shelter. So the first thing on my mind was to clear the community center in the Elm district.That was the place where i used to train.I really wanted that place back..

I arrived in the area. Before entering that place I decided to unlock some new skills with my skill points. The first skill I unlocked was called "Speed up".This skill allows me to become faster for 5 seconds, it's like my other skill "Power up" only this skill increases my speed that skill increases my strength. The second skill was called "Lightweight" so that I would become like a feather avoid attacks and move with such ease that no one could touch me. And last "Heavyweight" allowing me to make myself heavier for even more powerful attacks and good defense.

I geared up wearing my Kevlar body armor, my long coat, and a mask. I equipped my katana on my back and a combat knife on my waist with two 9mm Glocks 34 on my sides, and a 500 magnum Smith and Wesson on my back waist. Also, I put a knife in my boot just in case I get into a small problem.

I entered the building and used my senses to locate the zombies. I draw my sword out and one by one started confronting those zombies. Using speed up I become so fast that those zombies didn't get a chance to react. It became easy to kill them but however, it might become difficult if I encounter a mutant. Just as I was moving forward I encountered 3 crawlers. Those mutated ugly zombies look like those creatures from the movie "Descent", I encountered it a few months ago I was pretty weak back then but now let's see what happens. One of them came to me and attacked with its claws I used speed up and dodged its attack. Then used iron strike with enhancement on my sword and slashed it in half. The other one tried to bite me with its teeth I used power up and let him bite my arm while biting my arm its mouth started to bleed and it broke its teeth.

"Can't bite me now bitch" I grabbed its head and pulled out his head. I just performed a Mortal Kombat Sun Zero fatality on a zombie. I had his skull and spine in my hand I threw it at the other crawler. It looked at me and it was terrified to come at me. It started to run away I pulled out my magnum and shot its head off. There was a time when I was afraid of them but now they fear me I felt so satisfied.

After I was done taking out most of the zombies I ended up with an unexpecting encounter. When I used my senses again to locate the rest of the zombies, I started sensing that a great number of zombies were being taken down by someone. Whoever this person was he was able to take down zombies by hand to hand combat using kickboxing his movement kinda looked familiar.

As I was moving towards him he came to me out of nowhere he tried to attack me with a flying kick. I dodged him and moved back from him. He was wearing a hoodie and a mask and he had strapped leather around his arms and legs in order to prevent zombie bites. He came to me with a peek a boo boxing style of Mike Tyson and started delivering fast punches. For some reason, I wasn't able to avoid his attacks even while using evasion he was fast but he was more precise. Then he backed up and delivered a snap kick on my leg. His attacks were strong but they were absurdly fast and precise. As I started to deliver a series of wing Chun punches he managed to block and dodge them easily while he encountered my punches he delivered a back fist punch of jeet Kune do like the type Bruce lee used in "Enter the Dragon".I fell down instead of coming down and attacking me he backed up ad said "get up if you can still fight".

That voice sounded very familiar wait could it be. I used my skill speed up and strength up along with enhancement and started attacking him attacking this time he wasn't able to dodge me instead he tried blocking my attacks but failed to do it because he couldn't endure my attacks. I continued attacking him and found an opening then I quickly delivered a cir out kick to the face.

"You missed," he said"that did not hurt me"

"It wasn't supposed to, "I said.

His mask was ripped and it fell off.

"I knew it, "I said and took off my mask.

"Niam is that you?" he said as he was surprised to see me.

"Long time no see Ali".
