Chapter 30

I don't know where I was everything was dark. I couldn't see anything the only I could do was walk. As I continued walking through the dark I saw someone and whoever it was he or she was emitting a light that felt as I was being guided as I continued to walk towards it. I walked for hours until I reached that person. It was a guy with white long hair and skin, I stood next to him and he said something weird to me.

"It's time you awaken"

I didn't understand what he said then suddenly he disappeared.

I woke up, I was in a worn-down cabin laying down on an old bed.

"That was one weird dream" I muttered.

Christie was sitting next to me asleep. She woke up and asks me.

"Ali are you okay how are you feeling?"

"Woozy but okay"

"Here eat this"

She made some soup out of the meat we had. I ate and started to feel better.

"This was good," I said to her.

"Thank you," she said.

"So how long was I out"

" For around 6 hours, I guess"

"Did anyone find us?"

"Not surprisingly no"

"Great my plan worked"

"What plan?"

"We went through a series of traps and weren't caught in even one of them which means they think we didn't go this way if we did we would have been slowed down from the traps or possibly got killed"

"Wait they laid traps throughout the forest"

"Yes and we would have been captured or dead"

"How did you know that?"

"Well that's something even I can't explain"


How should I explain to her that I was seeing traps glowing in the forest, she would think I am crazy.

"I used to live in the forest and I used to protect animals from poachers so I was able to locate the traps"

"Whoa that's amazing"

I got out of bed and looked around the cabin suddenly I started to see something glowing behind a closet in the living room. I moved it aside and found a door it was locked, I broke it and went inside, I was walking down the stairs to a basement I walked down the stair and found a room full of stuff. The room was full of furniture, books, antiques, paintings, and other stuff. I looked around it was full of things that were really old like books and multiple techs from the 40s to 80s. As I looked around I found a diary and an army knife used by soldiers in the Vietnam War. I equipped the knife on my back and went out of the basement. I went outside to take a look around suddenly I ended up seeing people coming towards us they were glowing just like those traps and that door. I think the town's people caught up to us. I went quickly inside to get Christie.

"Christie we gotta out of here they found us"

"Damn it," she said.

We went outside and we were surrounded by the town's people. They had weapons in their hands no guns only tools like pitchforks, sickles, chains, Knives, and stuff.

"What do we do?" she said.

"We fight, "I said and pulled out my sword. One of them came to attack me for some reason he was a bit slower I avoided his attack and stabbed him in the back of his head.

"Aim for the head," I said.

We both started fighting them. I know I was good at fighting people who are armed but I didn't expect to be too good I was able to avoid their attacks like it was nothing. I managed to take down a lot of them but I was more impressed by Christie the way she used her knife and machete was amazing until I recognized her fighting style it was Kali in other words escrima a philippine martial art. We managed to take down a lot of them then a few of them came to us with a crossbow and tried to shoot me when one of them shot at me, the arrow was coming towards me slowly and I easily avoided it. I was surprised then 5 of them shot me and I avoided those arrows easily like it was nothing one of them shot christie and I caught the arrow before it could hit her she was shocked and so was I before they could reload I quickly threw my knives at them one by one at their heads.

We were done killing them. I walked towards Christie and asks her

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah I am good" I saw her arm bleeding. I took her inside and fixed her wound. While I was treating her she asked me"How do you do that ?"

"Do what?"

"You know avoid the arrows and catch one "

"I don't know"

"Your reflexes are insane"

"Yeah even I am surprised of what I was able to do"

"So what now?"

"Let's get out of here more might come"

We decided to travel through the forest until we found another town. As we were walking we came near the sea and looked around there was no land around us.

"Christie I think we might be on an island"

"What makes you think that?"

"Look there is no land near us so we might be on an island"

"So what do we do now?"

"We better go back and find a boat"

"That's insane"

"Looks its the only way or we can make one if you know how to"

"Okay let's go back"

I can't believe we were on a goddamn island and worse of all if we need to get the hell out of here we need to go back and steal a boat while fighting through undead people.

Night came and we are still traveling I hope we find a place to stay for the night cause it would be dangerous camping out in the open. While traveling we manage to find a cathedral by the looks of it, it looked abandoned. But just to make sure I climb around it and take a peek inside there is no one inside and it looks messy. We walk in and start to rest then suddenly it starts raining. It's a good thing we found a place. While were are resting I hear someone calling as I follow the voice. I came inside a room where an old man was locked in a cage. He looked normal not like those people.

"Hey old man, you okay?" I said to him.

He tries to say something. I could not hear him properly by the looks of it his lips were dry due to dehydration.

"Look behind you" he shouts.

Someone attacks me with a giant ax I avoid it and looked at that thing who attacked me.

"What the hell," I said as I was shocked.