Chapter 31

I don't know what I was looking at it was a giant wielding a big ax. His height was around 8 feet, he was wearing a robe and a Capra mask, and he was wielding a big ax. It attacked me again I avoided his attack, the way he swung his ax was how a baseball player would swing a bat. I quickly draw out my sword and went to get Christie.

"Christie !run!"


"Get out of here"


"We're being attacked by a freakin giant a motherfuckin freakin giant"

"What?" she said in confusion.

I grabbed her and ran towards the door it was sealed shut. It came to us.

"What the hell is that?" she asked.

"A giant with a freakin Ax"

It took off its robe. It was a man, His body was muscularly bulky and ripped. He came towards us to attack with a tackle we both managed to avoid him. Christie quickly grabbed her batons and attacked him, but he caught both of them with his bare hands and crushed the batons as if they were made of plastic. Then he attacked her with his ax I quickly countered the attack with my sword and attacked its thigh with a snap kick. His thighs were solid it was like attacking a giant boulder. It tried to punch me I avoided it and stabbed his hand, my blade got stuck in his hand he pushed me back. He grabbed my blade and broke it.

"Ah damn it," I said.

"It's big and strong how do we kill it," said Christie.

"Why are you asking me? Who do you think I am jack the giant slayer!" I said to her.

He walks towards us, I pulled out one of my knives and threw it at him. He used his arm to block it. Christie ran and quickly grabbed a crossbow and fired at him he blocked the arrow with his arm as well.

He came towards Christie and Christie kept reloading and shooting arrows at him but he was walking forward and talking those arrows as if they were nothing. As he was about to grab Christie I quickly pushed her and he grabbed me. He started to crush me I tried to escape by attacking him but he was too strong his skin was as hard as a diamond. Then I thought of an idea I quickly removed the arrows from his body and stabbed it in his ears. He screamed and let go of me. Then I took out two of my knives and stabbed his eyes.

I destroyed his vision and hearing now I need to find a way to take it down. He started swinging his ax around blindly. He went berserk and started tackling every way. I grabbed my broken sword and ran towards it and quickly stabbed my blade through his ear. My blade may be broken but it was long enough to penetrate his brain. He felled down and he was not moving.

"Did you kill it?" asked Christie.

"I think I did," I said to her.

I checked him to see if he was alive, he was dead.

"What was he?"

"I don't know? " I went back to the room where I found the man who was locked in the cage. I break opened the cage and gave him some water from my bottle.

"Hey old man are you okay," I said to him.

"What happened to Richard ?" he asked.

"Who's Richard?" I asked.

"The guy who attacked you with an ax"

"He's dead," I said to him. He grabbed the water bottle and drank it.

"Thank you so much," he said.

Christie came into the room and asked me

"Who's he?"

He stood up and started walking

" Follow me". We started following me.

"Do you think we should follow him?"

"I don't know but don't let your guard down"

For some reason, I did not feel any danger from him. He led us to a dead end.

"A dead-end," said Christie.

"No, not really," I said "There is something behind that wall"

"Clever boy"

The man touched the wall and found a switch, he pressed it and a hidden pathway opened.

We walked downstairs and arrived in a room filled with books, antiques, maps, old furniture, and other stuff.

"You live here?"I asked him.

"No, I study here and stored some of my personal things."

"Whoa lots of books," I said.

"Make yourselves at home I am gonna go and take a shower," he said.

After a while when he was done christie and I also took a shower one by one and refreshed ourselves. He prepared us a change of clothes and also prepared us a nice meal soup, fried eggs, and meat.

'Sorry I have no bread"

"No this looks great thank you" I sad

While eating I noticed the change in the old man, after that man took a bath and changed his clothes he didn't look so old. His hair was brown and his skin fair. Height around 6 '1. He was in his late 40s.

"Hey old man I wanted to ask who are you?"

"My name is Father Jeffery Robinson, and this was my church"

"You're a priest"


"You don't look like one"


"Cause I smell blood on you"

"You have sharp senses boy I'm impressed what's your name?"

"Muhammad Ali Jabbar and she is Christie Lopez"

"So we have a Military soldier and a Kickboxer"

"How did you.." I asked him then paused and asked christie.

"Wait you're in the military?"

"Yes, Private Christie Ortega Lopez, 20 years old I have been in the military for 2 years," she said.

"Yeah no wonder you know Kali and a good shot with a crossbow"

"Hey old man what are you? and what is the deal with that town?" asked Christie.

"Yeah tell us"

"Well it's a long story," he said.