Chapter 32

Jeffery starts sharing his story.

"This town Summersisle used to be a simple town attracted tourist for its greenery, beautiful scenery and also best known for its harvest herbs, fruits, vegetables, and its mouth-watering delicious honey. We often have honey transported to other towns and even cities, also the tourist enjoyed our town and from that, we made a good living. However, this village had a dark secret about carrying out a ritual which involved a sacrifice."

"A sacrifice?" I asked

"Yes, every year a certain someone from the outside was brought into the town to be burned alive inside the wicker man statue for the sake of the harvest we carried out this plan"

"What the hell? How could you do such a thing?" I said to him in anger.

"It was the only way for us to survive and we just had to do it. After all this time I know we had to do this to protect ourselves for such sins we committed we started to pay the price"

"And how's that ?"

"There was a mysterious deadly plague that was spread across the town and people started dying all of a sudden they started coughing blood, started aging and their bodies were filled with extreme pain. Even genius doctors and scientists couldn't find a cure for this disease some of them died and all of them gave up. In the end, we lost hope saying this must be our fate, our punishment, our retribution for the sins we committed."

"That's deep man. What happened next?"

"Then these people came into our town saying that they have a cure to this disease. Nobody believed them if genius scientists couldn't cure this vicious disease what would these people be able to do. "

"Who were those people?" asked Christie.

"They called themselves the Capra Foundation. They used their so-called medicine on one of our sick ones and he got better in just a day. Through that, they ended up curing the whole town, it was a miracle and we were thankful to them. However, for some reason, I was suspicious of them that's how would they have a cure for a disease that genius scientists couldn't make."

"Yeah that does sound suspicious," said Christie.

"I know right," I said

"The town's people wanted to reward them however they could. They only asked that they wish to make residents of their foundation in our town and wanted the town's people to join them. A lot of people were against this because these new people may find about the wicker man ritual but the town's people decided they will no longer do this ritual and try to live an honest life and find a way to make their lives. A lot of people joined the foundation, I did not join their foundation cause of suspicion. The ones who joined the foundation started to become different they did not feel pain, they can go without food and sleep for days and they also started forgetting things. Then that day came"

"Which day came?" I asked.

"The day of maddening, the foundation had a festival and the people came for a great feast in the town hall. After the feast, the leader came wearing robes and Capra masks. One of them came forward a man, he gave a speech which traumatized everyone.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"This town Summersisle was known best for its greenery, scenery, fruits, herbs, vegetables, and lavishing honey. However, in order to gain these luxuries, you committed a ritual every year which involved burning a man alive, a man who was willing to come to this town, a brave one, king-like, and fool. Every year you performed this ritual just to live your own lives without giving a damn about the man you burned and for that you will be punished. Now then pay for your sins.

After he said those words, the people who become part of the foundation started killing everyone one by one as beating, biting stabbing anyway they could as if they turned mad and had no conscience. I couldn't believe the horror of what was happening. Two came forward one of the two gave the order to the people to grab the three women Sister Summersisle, Sister Willow, and Sister Rowan the nuns of the church. One of the two men was giving the orders they both took off their make and spoke some words that shocked the women in horror and they ordered the town's people to devour them alive in front of them. What kind of men would order such a thing as if they were monsters as they were smiling as those sisters were being devoured alive. I managed to escape and hid in my church. I tried to escape this island but they captured me and held me here as a prisoner for 2 years."

"Damn that sounds messed up," I said to him. Damn his story was so messed up it was like a horror movie plot in real life. So damn creepy why did I have to get involved in this shit.

"So is there anyway that we can get out of here?" I asked.

"They have boats which they used for transport a long time ago if we can get to those boats we might be able to get off this island"

"Great where can we find those boats "

Jeffery opened a map and pointed where the boats were.

"They will be guarding the docks we are gonna have to find a way to get past them one way or another," said Jeffery

"Sounds like a plan doesn't too hard going against a town filled with people who don't feel any pain," said Ali.

"Yeah and too bad we don't have any firepower for this matter," said Christie.

"Don't worry I got that covered" He walked and moved a shelf, there was a door behind the shelf. He opened it and we entered a room filled with weapons.

"Damnn," I said.