Chapter 33

"Damn" I was in a room filled with weapons. Reminded me of that scene in the movie "Hot Fuzz" of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, the scene in which they find a barn filled with guns and a sea mine.

"So many guns," said Christie.

"Where did you get all this ?" I asked Jeffery.

"Some of them belonged to my grandfather, some belong to me and most belonged to my dad he was the best marksman ever who won countless shooting competitions since 1971and he had a thing for guns"

"And you hide these in a church of all places in the house of God," said Christie.

"The Church would be the least suspected place for an armory and, my grandfather and father used to tell me that some times things must be taken up on your own hands in order to survive"

"They were wise men too bad they come from a sick place where you sacrifice people," I said to him. He gave me a look and then he started packing his bag.

"Now what should I choose?" I was gonna pick a gun for myself I did take some shooting lessons from Niam. I did become better with a rifle and pistol but nowhere nearly as good as him.

While looking at the old guns mostly all of them were from World War 2 also the cold war, the Enfield M1917, M1 carbine, Thompson submachinegun m1928a1, Browning hi-power, Walther p38, Mauser c96, and other weapons also melee sidearms. I grabbed a 1911 pistol and a Walther p38 as a backup, a Remington model 1100 shotgun even though it was old but it looked great, and an m16.

"Here this one is your size" he handed over an S&W revolver.

"500 magnum rounds," he said.

"Thanks, man," I said to him.

Christie grabbed a Walther PPK, a USP .45, a short double-barrel shotgun, and an AK-47. Jeffery had a Glock-19, Glock 43, and an ar-15 with a silencer in this hand he was also wearing a bullet-proof vest. I think that was his gear which he bought cause it looked new and modern.

"Do you have another vest?"

"No, but I have some guards for your arms and legs your a kickboxer, right? wear those"

I changed my clothes and wore some cargo pants, army boots, and a nice black leather jacket also the guards Jeffery suggested.

We were all armed and ready to go. We sat in Jeffery's car a Gran Torino 1972.

"Wow, sweet ride," I said.

"It belonged to my dad," said Jeffery

"Can I drive ?" I asked

"No," he said to me.

We drove back to the town and carefully made it to the port. At night the town looked like a ghost town as there was no one to be seen. We stopped and Jeffery checked the port with his binoculars.

"What do you see?" said Ali

"A lot of my people with weapons on their hands. They are on guard it will be difficult for us to make it through them" said Jeffery.

"I have a plan for that," I said to him.

"And what's that," said Christie.

"Listen here's the thing..." I explained it to them.

I went to the docks on my own and fired my shotgun in the air and called out to them " Hey you cock sucking motherfucking pieces of shit I am right here come and get me"

This was the plan I come up with. I act as bait luring the undead away while they get to the boat and have it running. Yeah, either I can call myself stupid or brave but I can't believe I came up with this shitty plan. I had to make sure that I don't run away too far from the boat so I made most of them chase after me. After I was done running I pulled out my gun and started killing them one by one. It's a good thing my uncle Coolie taught me how to use a shotgun or else this would have been a problem. Christie fired her pistol 3 times in the air and gave me the signal. I started to run towards the boat how a lot of them gathered in front of me, there no way I can make it through them in time. Jeffery had the boat running and Christie was shouting " Hurry up Ali".

The undead was running towards the boat. Christie started shooting them to keep them away from the boat I managed to shoot my way through them and arrived at the boat. Jeffery started the boat and it started sailing. We managed to get away from them. As we were sailing something felt off. I started seeing something red inside the boat.

"We need to jump off," I said as I was terrified.

"Jeffery jump out of the boat now"

"Why?" said Jeffery. I grabbed Christie's hand and jumped off the boat but it was too late for Jeffery. The boat exploded and Jeffery was caught in the explosion. I grabbed Jeffery and we swam to the shore. I lost Christie I thought she swam with me. I started performing CPR he was badly injured from the explosion.

"It's too late for me," said Jeffery.

"Don't say that man you'll make it" I said to him.

"No this is my punishment I deserve this. I am paying for my sins" said Jeffery.

"Shut up you'll make it," I said to him while being angry.

"No it's too I won't make it, please just let me die in peace" he grabbed my Walther and said, "Walk away you don't have to see this".In the end, I didn't know what to do.

"No, let me end you"

"Kid I don't want you to live with guilt"

"No, I won't be letting you commit suicide so please let me do this for you"

"Thank you Ali"

"Goodbye Jeffery," I said to him and shot him ending his life. Jeffery was a scumbag who had people killed but in the end, he admits to his mistakes and regrets what he did. Maybe that's why I pitied him.