Chapter 36

We went to the back and found stairs that lead down to the basement we looked around to find an exit.

"There's no exit," said Christie.

"Well look around there's gotta be one the number of churches I been to always have one from where I used to sneak away," I said.

"Can't we go to the roof?" said Christie.

"Then what jump off the roof and have our legs broken or get captured by the angry undead mob," I said in distress.

"Then think or else we'll get butchered," said Christie.

I looked and found something glowing behind a bookshelf I moved it and found a door.

"It's a door," I said.

Christie tried to open the door "It's locked "she said.

"Yeah, that's why it has a key" I showed it to her and unlocked it, I moved the shelf back to its original position and we opened the door and went inside, I locked the door just in case that undead mob tries to get in here.

"They won't find us right? " asked Christie.

"Even if they did there is no way they can break through a door made from carbon steel, "I said to her while walking through this path.

"Hey, Sterben do you copy?"

"Roger Ali, what happened? over"

"We took a secret hidden passage underneath the cathedral, over. "


"I know right spooky, do you have any idea where it would lead to? over."

"Let me check, over," said Sterben.

"If it does lead anywhere looks like we have to go back," I said to Christie

"Hey Sterben let me know when the mob gets clear, over"

I pulled out both the sword and the machete.

"Which one would you like?"

She chooses the sword.

"Funny choice," I said.

"What it's a sharp sword made of carbon steel"

"Well this sword was almost used to end you"


"Yeah that man spider guy was gonna kill you with that" she quickly grabs the machete and gives me the sword.

"Hey you choose the sword"

"Well I change my mind"

"What am I supposed to do with this fight a crusade"

"Well do what you gotta do," she said while rushing forward.

"Feel like an idiot mentioning that.

"Ali, do you copy? over"

" Roger Sterben over "

"That passage you took, I think leads you to the mansion"

"The mansion?"

"Yeah the mansion which belonged to the Strebel family is the only logical pathway over"

"Okay thanks over"

" I will see you there over"

"Who's that?"

"Sterben? a commando with a gas mask who I ended up meeting in the forest"

"A commando huh? Sterben that's a pretty cool code name"


"Yeah it means death in German"

"Wow that is a cool code name very intimidating do you think he's an assassin "

"I hope not they can be very dangerous"

"I'll say"

We walked for hours and reached another door.

"Would that open with that key?"

"Let me try" I used the key and open the door.

"Bingo damn this key is worth it," I said.

We entered a pathway and reached a room. A luxurious room with a red carpet, furniture, a cabinet with drinks, a fruit bowl, paintings, decoration pieces, and many other things. We checked the door it was locked.

"This one is locked too "

"Let me try the key" the key couldn't open the door.

"Okay now what?"

"Let's rest here then we break this door"

"You think that's a good idea"

"No, but I'm tired as hell and that couch looks cozy" I went to the couch and lied down.

"Yeah that's what I'm talking about super comfy my dogs were getting rabid".

Christie leads down to the nearby couch and said "Yeah this is comfy "

"I know right"

"You shouldn't have come and saved me"


"Cause it was reckless you could have died"

"But I didn't"

"Yeah but"

"No, but what's done is done"

"Wanna drink?" she asks.

"Yeah sure," I say to her. She goes to the cabinet and grabs a bottle of red wine and pours it for us also brings a bowl of fruit.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asks while drinking.

"Naah I was dumped a few months ago"

"Good that's good," she said and finishes her glass.

"Why would you say..." she came near and started kissing me.

"Whoa," I say being confused.

"Sorry I lost control"

"No it's fine" she started kissing me again, I kissed her back I didn't know what happened but we ended up making love to each other for 4 hours straight on this nice couch.

"Damn that was wow," I say.

"Yeah," she said.

"I hope nobody breaks in it will look funny"

"Yeah I wanted to ask you, why would a girl dump a guy like you?"

"Whoa, a guy like me?"

"Your tough strong enough to beat up people but you don't look like the type of guy who would hit a girl or be rude to one given your personality so why?"

"Well she moved to a different and she wanted to focus on her studies so there was no point to continue the relationship so she broke up with me"

"Oh that's bad "

"I know".

After a few hours, we put our clothes back on.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready!" she said. As we were about to break the door open the door unlocked and somebody was getting in.

Christie and I drew out our guns and took aim.

"Ali do you copy over"

"Roger Sterben over"

"Don't shoot I am coming in"

Sterben walks in.

"Hey, how did you find this place?"

"I had a blueprint of the mansion logically this was the only room connected to that passage"

"whoa nice,oh right Christie Sterben Sterben Christie"

"Nice to meet you"

"Like wise"Sterben was holding my bag.

"Oh you have my bag"

"Yeah get ready cause we're about to have company"

We heard loud noises of undead coming.

"That's the company"
