Chapter 37

I opened the bag and pulled out an AR-15 and a shotgun, Christie grabbed the AK-47.

"Here take this" I gave the AR-15 to Sterben." That sniper won't be good enough," I said to him

"Thanks," he said to me. I am not very good with a machine gun rifle so yeah let the professionals use them.

"Here they come," said Sterben.

The undead came they were wielding swords and axes on their hands and they were dressed as cultists wearing black robes. There were hundreds of them storming towards us we all started firing at them.

"What do we do? There too many of them" said Ali.

"Shoot our way through them that's the only way," said Sterben.

I killed a great number of them then ran out of shells then I quickly switched to my pistol and started firing at them, I also drew out my sword and started fighting them up close. Sterben was most amazing he was able to shoot and kill them with the AR-15 up close the moment he was out of ammo he threw his rifle grabbed his sniper rifle and pulled out a wakizashi sword and instantly killed a lot of them with multiple slashes and stabs. Christie was able to do well as well she was fast accurate with her gun and blade as she instantly stabbed and slashed their heads without hesitation. Really these two were professionals with their work real soldiers good at shooting and executing as for me I looked like a thug with a sword and pistol. The sword was really sharp and it was easy for me to execute the undead with it also countering their attacks with it. After a few hours, we managed to execute all of them.

"Everbody okay," I said.

"I'm fine," said Sterben.

"Christy?" I asked her

"Yeah good," she said exhausted.

"Now what ?" I said.

"We go after the big shot," he says and starts moving. I reload my shotgun and move alongside him we enter a big hall where we end up meeting 3 people dressed in robes wearing Capra masks.

"Oh crap looks like we have bigger problems now," I said.

"What do you mean ? " said Sterben.

"Well the guys in the robe with a Capra mask always turned out to be weird mutated monsters," I said to him.

"How many did you encounter? What were they like? " asked Sterben.

"2 of them, one was very muscular and wielded a big ax while the other had spider legs coming out of his back and had a sword in his hand, both of them were insane and now we might encounter three of them."

"Okay now that's a very big problem," said Christie.

One of them took off his mask, he was a decent-looking man with brown hair short and light blue eyes aged around in his late 20s.

"Looks like i have company welcome to my humble home my name is Nicolas Malus and i am currently making resident in this mansion"

"Are you the one in charge of this town and the creepy cult?" i asked.

"Yes I am these people, i mean monsters work for me they do what i say"

"Monsters huh"

"They have been monsters and they are monsters the only difference they listen to me"

"Why are you doing this? Why bring people here ? Why have them killed? Why not let us leave?" i said out of anger.

"I have no idea of what you are saying i never brought you here nor i am preventing you from leaving, you are the ones invading my town"

"Lies " i said in anger.

"Come with me " he said .

"Should we?"asked Christie.

"Don't worry i assure you won't be harmed nor you nor your colleagues " said Nicolas.

We followed him he led us to a big room.

"Let your colleagues wait here, you come in my office" said Nicolas.

"What?" i said.

"Don't worry they can keep their guns and my guards won't hurt them" he said and went in his office. I went inside and so did one of his guard. One guard was with Sterben and Christie ,and one guard was with me and Nicolas this could be a problem.

"Would you like something to drink coffee,tea, beer," he asked politely.

"Water would be good" i said. He poured me a glass.

"Thank you " i said.

"Now tell me how everything started and why are you in my town" he asked

"This is not your home is it? you despise this place don't you"

"You can tell?"

"Yeah, if you are running this town you sure kept it in a poor state. Considering how everyone acts, the people kill anyone and devour them. Also everything is in ruin. You hate this place to the core and you want everyone every last one of them to suffer ,to rot as if they are in hell cause death is a small punishment for what they have been doing all this time for all those years"

"Yes absolutely i must say I'm impressed, for someone who is a fighter and an athlete you also posses great perception and intelligence ,Mr. Ali."

"Oh so you know me that flatters me"

"Of course i may not be much of a sport lover but i do find some people fascinating like you who won't can't tolerate evil" he said as he pulled out his glasses from his cover and wore then.

"What your story Nick? tell me" i asked him.

"Its not only his story of tragedy" someone said from behind" its ours" said an old man bald man with green eyes wearing a grey suit in his late 60s who was around 5'9, slightly overweight.

"Who are you?" i asked.

"Someone who helped this man achieve a personal goal , my name is Dr. James Preston Howie"

"Let me guess your the brain behind this operation aren't you"

"Yes I am are you interested in learning about this tragic tale of ours?" he said as he sat down on a sofa.

"Yes i am" i said. This was turning out to be quite interesting.