Chapter 40

Seriously who was Sterben? Who the hell is he working for? What kind of organization has a C130 airplane? of all the planes in the world. We arrived at the place where the C130 landed, the main door from the back of the plane lowered down. The plane was about to take off as Sterben and Nicolas were getting in, I drove my car towards the plane and made it inside the plane. I quickly got outside the car and confronted Sterben. I told Christie to close the door of the plane.

Sterben and I drew our guns and started shooting at each other. I was so terrible compared to him it was easy to shoot at the undead cause they barely knew how to fight and didn't know how to fire a gun. Getting into a gunfight with no training and experience, and against a soldier was a bad situation really dangerous. The good thing was that somehow I was able to avoid the bullets but shooting back at him was a problem I couldn't even aim properly. The door was closed and Christie also started firing at Sterben.

As he got distracted by Christie I quickly tackled him and disarmed him, we engaged in a fistfight. As I was confronting Sterben, Christie went to check on Nicolas who passed out. A soldier one of Sterben's men confronted her and she engaged in close combat with him.

I drew out my 2 knives which I took from the two undead and fight him up close he also drew his knives. Fighting up close wasn't so difficult but we were equally by his fighting style I noticed he used Aikido locks and even did judo throws. While fighting up close I stabbed one of my knives in his leg as he stabbed his knife in my arm.

"Damn that hurts, "I said as I pulled out the knife.

"Yeah," Sterben said as he was pulling out the knife. He grabbed his rifle and pulled out his sword.

"I see that I am not as good as you in a fistfight but let's see how well I do against you in a sword fight," said Sterben.

He pointed his sword at me and started attacking I started countering his attacks with my knife. He was fast and swift he delivered countless small slashes on my body. Even though I was able to see them but I wasn't able to dodge them.

"Looks like I am giving you hard time," said Sterben.

"Yeah you think," I said to him.

"This is supposed to be a sword fight grab that sword from the car, that knife won't do you any good believe me," he said to me.

"Fine if that what you want?" I grabbed that sword and started fighting him. This didn't make any difference he was still faster and more skilled than me. I needed to be faster than him in order to win. I kept countering him, while trying to move faster I managed to avoid his attacks and deliver slashes on his body. I managed to overpower him but suddenly he became even faster and there was a light, golden light shining around him. I don't know how he became so fast there was no way I could beat him now. I couldn't even see the blade when he attacked me. Well, I may not be able to beat him but I can win I quickly grabbed a parachute.

"Whats that's gonna do?" said Sterben.

"Here catch" he grabbed it I open the emergency exit door. Sterben and I were getting sucked out of the plan.

"Have a safe trip " I opened the parachute and Sterben went out of the plane.

Like I said I couldn't beat but I did win. Christie was struggling against the soldier but she managed to overpower him and stabbed him in the gut with her.

"Good job," I said to her.

"Thanks where's Sterben, " She asked me.

"He's out for some fresh air." I joked with her.

"What?" she asked.

"He got sucked out of the plane"

"Okay," she said while giving me a strange look. She grabbed her gun and confronted the pilot. She told him if he does not do exactly what she says, she will shoot him in the head. The pilot agreed to her demand and we made it back to our country " Utopia "

I took care of my wounds with the first aid kit. Nicolas woke up and asks" What happened?"

"Nothing much you got knocked out, me and Christie managed to take over the plane and we're going back to Utopia," I told him.

"Seriously all that happened ?" asked Nicolas.

"Yeah we're going home," I asked.

"What are you gonna do now?" he asked me.

"Meet my parents, get a burger, get back to the silver city and continue my life also probably get therapy"

" I am sorry for everything," said Nicolas.

"Nah don't be say how were they able to you know transform like one had brute strength, one had spider legs, also the bladed arms"

"I don't know somehow they evolved," said Nicolas." After consuming and fighting"

"That's interesting so what will you do?" I asked him.

"Well visit my mother then try to live low cause I think people are after me"

"Solid choice". I get what he was saying Sterben's organization got us into that island in order to be used as bait and capture Nicolas. Nicolas was special, he's capable of dangerous things and so was i. He and I were capable of doing countless things. And if Sterben's organization can sacrifice innocent people what the hell are they gonna make Nicolas do with his powers.

As we made it through Utopia's borders the plane suddenly went out of order lost control.

"What the hell happened?" I asked Christie.

"The pilot grabbed my gun damaged the control and committed suicide through poison tooth from his mouth," said Christie.

"Seriously what the hell?"