Chapter 41

"Oh my god! What do we do? Do you think you could land this?" I asked Christie while I was panicking.

"I know I am not a pilot but there is no way this plane could land," "said Christie.

"Then we should better go sky diving," I said to her.

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"Jump off the freaking plane with the parachute on of course" we both ran to get the parachutes.

"What's happening?" asked Nicolas.

"Ever done sky diving," I asked Nicolas while handing him a parachute.

"No," he said.

"me neither first time for everything just pull this lever once we get out got it," I said to him.

"got it," he said.

Christie opened the door and we jumped out. We safely managed to land on the ground while the plane got destroyed and landed in the ocean. We began traveling on and we managed to find a road. As we were walking we were able to hitchhike a ride to Metro city.