Side Chapter 3: Ashley And The Bad Boy

School finally dismissed as me and Ashley make our way home, we talked about the chemistry notes and I give her every reason why I hate chemistry until we make it to her house.

"Alright luck, see you tomorrow," I say to her.

"Bye Vero. Oh wait, let's exchange numbers."

We exchanged numbers then depart from each other. On my way home, I look in an alleyway to see Brad talking to the senior Kate. Looks a bit like their arguing or something; they must be together. As soon as Kate left, I head over there and give him a pat on the back.

"Your girlfriend nagging ya for that dough huh?"

"Oh, she's...not exactly my girlfriend."

"Oh really? My bad."

"Hey, your friend who you've been hanging out with, who is she?"

"Are you talking about the one I brought with me at that party?"

"No No, the other one with the glasses."

"Oh, Ashley. Why?"

"Well, I saw her alone at the party and she's cute af."

"Got a crush?" I say teasingly.

"I guess. But she could've boys already chasing after her already."

"You're..not from this school are you?"

"Well, dropped out. Weeks ago."

"Shit, what happened?"

"That girl you saw with me, she's my baby momma. She had a kid for me and I was ditching school a lot to make money to take care of him."

"Damn, that's tuff. What, you guys broke up or something?"

"We never were together to begin with. The thing is, guys who were supposed to be my friends blackmailed us by telling her boyfriend lies about us being a thing if we don't fuck because he was thinking that at first and yeah I wasn't tough that time so I did it."

"Damn, that's her worst time ever. And its weird considering that you're telling a girl you just let in a party this secret."

"True but I don't have anyone else to talk to about this and you seem pretty cool so it's all good."

"Awww, that's pretty sweet of you bad boy."

"Call me Brad."

"Veronica. So, you like Ashley or what?"

"Well, I don't know. She just look cute when I saw her at the party and I was just wondering about her."

"Wondering about a girl you don't know, means you like her. It's whatever, anyway you're going to that party at Breimheights?"

"I gotta be there."

"Sweet, Let's exchange numbers so I'll let you know when I'm there."

"Alright," we exchange numbers and he asks, "Is Ashley going?"

"Doubt it, she has a strict family."

"Ah. Okay. I gotta go, see you Veronica."

"Catch you later bad boy," I say and head home.

Later in the night, I dial Ashley's number and she answers.

"Hey Luck."

"Hi Vero, what's up?"

"Nothing much. Hey, there's a party going on tonight at Breimheights. Wanna come?"

"Vero, I can't sneak out again. I'm gonna get in trouble."

"I know I know but pleasseee? I'll help you out this time, please please?"


"I'll back you up, promise. As a matter of fact, I'll be right there."

"Wait wha-"

I hang up, dress in my casual wear tying my sweater sleeve around my waist and head over to her house. I sneak to her window and knock it, she got surprised when she see me. She open the window and I climb in.

"What're you doing here?" she whispers.

"I'm bringing you to the party with me. Now where's your wardrobe?" I whisper looking for her wardrobe and looks for perfect clothes for her to wear.

"Are you crazy? What if they find out I snuck out again?"

"Don't worry, I got you covered. Here, put these on," I give her a purple t-shirt about long to her thighs and a purple sneakers as I head over to her bed and use her dirty clothes to form it out as her and put the sheet over it. "Boom, problem solved."

"You really think that's gonna work on my parents?"

"Worth a shot-come on luck chop chop," I head out of her window as she turns her room light off and follows my lead.

We head straight to Breimheights High School as we enter the party filled with people dancing their ass off, making out and drinking. I stand beside Ashley as she stick close to me.

"You're gonna make me regret this Vero," she says.

"Nonsense girl, it's gonna be worth it trust me. Now stay here, I'll be right back."

"You're gonna leave me alone here?"

"Chillax it's only for a few seconds, be right back."

I went over to the drink area and dials Brad.


"Brad I'm here!"

"Where are you?!"

"Meet me at Class 3-B!"


"CLASS 3-B, Meet me there!!"


I hang up and head over back to Ashley.

"Luck, we're going to Class 3-B. Let's go."

"What for?"

"You'll see, just come on," I take her by the hand and walk straight to class-3B. I open the classroom door and come inside with her as I holler Brad.

When the two see each other, Ashley suddenly got nervous. Brad suddenly gets nervous too.

"So uh Brad, this is Ashley. Ashley, this is Brad."

"Hey Ashley," Brad says.

"H-Hello," Ashley gets very shy holding the end of her shirt.

"Sooo Ashley, why don't you and Brad talk a little bit. I'm gonna get some drinks for us."

I pat her shoulder then head out of the class. "Now the process begins," I say to myself as I walk over to the drink area where I bump into someone spilling her drinks.

"Oh shit, My bad."

"It's okay, I-I got it-"


"I'm on it! I'm gonna get a refill okay?"

"I'm on my way there anyway so I can help with it."

"You don't have to-"

"Nah Nah. I spilled your drinks I gonna make up for it, alright?"

She smiles. "Alright. Thank you so much."

"Of course."

The two of us go to the stand as we fill our cups with drinks.

"I'm Veronica by the way but you can call me Vero."

"I'm Haley, nice to meet you Vero."


"So you're from another school I'm presuming?"

"Yeah. Guessed right."

"Then what are you doing way over here?"

"I'm a party type of girl so, of course I'll be here."

"Oh hehe. I'm not a party person at all, I'm just here because my friend forced me to."

"I see. Friends right?"

"Yeah. Thanks Vero, I'll be going now."

"Alright, have fun Haley."

We part ways and I get back to the classroom to give Brad and Ashley their drinks.

"Thanks Vero," they both said and Ashley acts shy.

"You two are adorable af."

"Heh," Brad scratch the back of his head.

"V-Vero, I think I should go back home before my parents find out I left."

"Awe bummer, okay let's get you home then."

"Ashley?" Brad calls.

"Y-Yes Brad?"

"Can you sometime?"

Ashley make a blush and nods. "Y-Yea."

"Alright, we're heading out okay Brad?" I say.

"Wait up, I'm gonna walk you guys out."

Brad, Ashley and I then get out of the classroom to leave the party until a group of boys gather around me and Ashley.

"What the hell is this nerd doing here?!" One of them says.

"I-I was just leaving-"

"Zip it nerd!"

"Hey! No one talks to her that way!!" Brad pushes them away pulling Ashley in his arms. "Yeah she's with me! What's up?! Got a problem?!"

The boys back up as they look at Brad and I snicker.

"Just move aside pussies, and we'll be on our way."

The boys, can't do anything, moves aside as we leave the party. We got to the compound as we make a stop.

"Be safe okay Vero? I'll see you around Ashley."

"O-Okay Brad," Ashley says and Brad kisses her lips softly making Luck shiver in nervousness.

I chuckle as she goes over to me as we set out to over her house.

"You okay Luck?" I look over at her.

"Y-Yeah."she then smiles.

"Now what were you saying about him not liking a nerd like you?"


I laugh.

"Thanks Vero. For that."

"No problem Luck. Ms.Cupid at your service."

She smiles softly as we walk.

"So, you want condoms or you're going raw?"


I laugh my ass off. "I'm teasing."

"Vero stoopp!"
