
"Babe, you ready?" Brad asks as I'm in the bathroom fixing my hair.

"In a sec babe," I answer then I put my glasses on.

Continuing fixing my hair, Brad comes in the bathroom hugging my waist as he inspects the sport jersey and the short blue navy shorts I'm having on.

"My baby's looking hot. Who taught you how to dress this good?"

"Only Vero. The times she helped me sneak out to parties."

He chuckles. "She got your ass in a lot of trouble huh?"

"Well, only once. Her little bed disguise just always work except for that one time. So yeah, I learned how to dress seeing the type of clothes she made me wear and also the girls I've been seeing in the magazine under the mattress."

"Y-You found that?"

"Mhm. Not a good hiding spot if you ask me."


I look up at him and kiss his lips then finish fixing my hair.

"Alright, now I'm ready."

He nods as we make our way out of my dorm room to the college party.

The party was stacked with seniors and a few freshmen. It was lit up with a light of purple with not that much decoration, if you count the amount of cups and spills on the floor.

Me and Brad reach at the entrance as the guard for the gate stops me from going in.

"Sorry, no nerds allowed."

"Excuse me?" I said extremely offended.

"Beat it nerd."

"Or what?" Brad says wrapping his arms around my neck and I smile. "Move aside punk."

The guard moves aside for us to go in and I flick him off as we do, feeling powerful with Brad by my side. We moment we got in, the aroma of alcohol stenches the place as the blasting of lit rap music fill our ears. I look around and watch as every corner has couples kissing their hearts out. Some kissing as if they're wrestling with their mouths. I shake my head watching them as me and Brad find a spot we can stick at.

"Want anything?"

"Juice please."

"Alright, be right back. And if a guy wants to hit on you-"

"Don't worry, I got it babe."

"Okay," he rubs his thumb on my chin as he goes for drinks for us.

I look around as I see a familiar face four feet from me. I scoot closer to get a good sight of her but my eyes glance over at the drunk guy approaching her.

"Hey sexy~ How about you and I have a good time in one of the empty classrooms~?"

"Get lost...I'm taken," I recognize Haley as she spoke.

"Come oonn baby girl~ He doesn't have to know~"

"She said she's taken prick, get lost!" I say walking over to them.

The guy look over at me as he start to inspect my body. "Damn! A nerd like you this sexy~ I want some of that~"

I cringe taking out my taser and tase him.

The other guys starts laughing at him and I sit next to Haley.

"Hey Ashley..Didn't know you'd be here."

"Well, Brad said he wanted to go out so we just came here together."

"Oh, he's here too? Sweet..."

"You've never met him before did you? I can introduce you to him."

"Hehe, okay.."

Is..Haley okay? "Hey Haley, where's Vero?"

"Somewhere else in the party.."

"Arreent you two supposed to be with each ot-"

"Shheee must be hanging out with Madison maybe..."

"Oh, Madison's here as well?"

"Well she has been around Vero since highschool so..of course."

I want to ask but....I think this isn't the right time.

Brad then walks over to us as he gave me my drink. "Thanks babe."

"Oh, Haley right?" Brad asks.

"Hii," Haley says with a mild smile.

"It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Brad. Ashley..told me a lot about you, she loves you a lot."

"Heh, yeah she does."

Haley nods then gets up. "I just remembered, I have to study my chemistry notes. See ya Ashley..." she says and leaves.

I frown a bit.

"Something's wrong with her."

"Yeah. But I don't think this is the right time to ask her."


I take a sip from my drink and spit it out. "B-Brad! This has alcohol!"

"It's all that's there, my bad babe. Don't worry, I'm right here if you get drunk."

"I'm counting on you." I take another sip getting used to the taste.

"Come on babe, let's go have a good time in the party."

"You're bold."

"I don't mean it like that-"

"I know, I'm just teasing you."

I take his offered hand as we go over to where the crowd is as we dance along to the music. I start to let loose as I dance and sip my drink. Brad was kinda shocked to see how loose I was, it's as if he's witnessing a different me.

I danced until I start getting light-headed so I begin to lean on Brad as I rock to his movements and smile as his hands were around me. Covered in my 'love void', my eyes slowly closed and I wake up to Brad carrying me to our bed.

"You okay? You dozed out."

I nod looking into his eyes.

"Good," he says laying me down on the bed and I hold onto his shirt tight as he was about to let me go.

"It's okay, I'm going to bed too. Right next to you-"

I quickly lean in and kiss him trying to pull him on top of me. He got what I was trying to do and wrap my legs around his waist as we make out on the bed.