Chapter 418: Saviors


Van stared at Apollo's headless body floating aimlessly in space. But even though the bits and pieces of his head were already hanging through the darkness, the fiery vines that were throbbing across his body were still vigorously bounding-- alive.

And soon, Van finds out that was really the case, as slowly; no, in just a short of a minute, Apollo's head was now once again renewed, with even all the hair completely attached to the top of his head-- the perfect teeth as well, were complete as Apollo slowly let out a small smile towards Van.

And soon, he opened his mouth, "How dare you interrup--"

But once again, before he could finish his words, his head was gone-- this time along with half of his torso; seemingly bitten by a herbivore's jaw as the edges of Van's round shield almost perfectly lined up to the bloody edges of his dismembered body.