Chapter 419: Bow Down to the King

"The World Eaters… are your saviors?"


"Whatever their name is, they still tried to kill you just moments ago."


With the only sound that they could hear were each other's voices, each of the words that were coming out of Van's mouth felt like it pierced Apollo's mind to the very core. Apollo had been with the Systellions for more than 50 thousand years now, he almost basically knew all of them.

"...I know," Apollo then quietly said as he shook his head.

"..." Van could not help but blink as he heard Apollo's meek response. Just moments ago he couldn't even convince Apollo no matter what he said to him, but now he just nodded his head. Did it really have something to do with him absorbing his God Soul?

"But still…" Apollo then let out a small but deep sigh, "That doesn't change the fact that I… and the other Olympians are alive because of them."


"There must be a reaso-- Oi!"