Sparkle Group at Jun's house part-3

"At a certain apartment located in Seongdong district of Seoul, five people are playing a game that's similar to Strawberry game.

The difference is that everyone will choose a dish to represent themselves.

The game started with eight of them. Six girls, their manager, and finally, Jun. Now, only five of them left.

Meanwhile, his mother is busy in the kitchen with Yeji and YooA are helping them out. A cameraman is shooting them.

"Let's eat yum yum…" "Let's eat yum yum…" "1, 2, 3, 4…"

*Tap* *Clap* "Kimchi, five." Jun started the game.

"Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi…" *Tap* *Clap* "Samgyetang, eight…" Yena, who chose Kimchi as the representative word finished her turn perfectly and throw the ball into Jun's court in return.

"Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang…" *Tap* *Clap* "Bibimbap, two." Jun finished the eight beats and then, pointed his finger to Dahyun.

"Bibim…" "Bibimbap…" At the same time, Dahyun and Joy spoke at the same time and froze.

"Yah! That's mine…" Joy complained while Dahyun shut her mouth.

As the rest of them laughed, Jun spoke, "you are out, tofu…"

"Dahyun-ssi, you are out." The producer's voice can be heard from behind.

Four of them left.

"Let's eat yum yum…" "Let's eat yum yum…" "1, 2, 3, 4…"

*Tap* *Clap* "Patbingsu, six…" Being the one that eliminated Dahyun from the game, he started again by pointing it at Joy.

"Patbingsu, Patbingsu, Patbingsu, Patbingsu, Patbingsu, Patbingsu…" *Tap* *Clap* "Bulgogi, seven…" Joy pointed at Jun.

"Bulgogi, Bulgogi, Bulgogi, Bulgogi, Bulgogi, Bulgogi, Bulgogi…" *Tap* *Clap* "Samgyetang, three…" Nayeon pointed at Jun.




"Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang…" *Tap* *Clap*, "Kimchi, four…" Jun showed three fingers, looking at Yena.

But, she wasn't fooled and successfully continued…

Eventually, Nayeon and Joy got eliminated. Joy left to the kitchen to help out. The rest of them just sat on the side, watching the shoot.

Only Yena and Jun remained in the game.

"Okay, final round…" In the background, the Producer's voice was heard while the cameraman focused on both of them.


Suddenly, someone pressed the calling bell. Jun stopped and glanced towards the door to see who came around at this time since they are also aren't expecting any guests.

"SungJun-ssi…" The producer called him out, reminding him they are still in the shoot. While the manager went and opened the door, Jun continued with the game.

"Let's eat yum yum…" "Let's eat yum yum…" "1, 2, 3, 4…"

*Tap* *Clap* "Samgyetang, three…" Yena started this round.

"Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang…" *Tap* *Clap* "Kimchi, seven…"

"Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi…" *Tap* *Clap* "Samgyetang, six…" Yena perfectly recounted the word seven times nonstop, increasing the pace.

Just then, Dahyun suddenly stood up and greeted the guest, "Somi-unnie…"

"Samgyetang, Samgyetang, Samgyetang, eh?" Upon hearing Somi's name, Jun's concentration was lost at a critical timing and he tightly shut his eyes, and lowered his head, "You win…"

Yena raised her arms with a wide smile, "Yay…" And the producer handed her Hanwoo beef set as a present.

Jun could care less about losing a game. He stood up and turned around to see his possible ex-girlfriend is at home but not at good timing.

"Sunbae…" Jun greeted with a light bow while she did the same in return, glancing at everyone.

Before Jun asks for the reason, Somi spoke as she pointed her index finger to the ceiling, "My friend lives at 401. She asked me a favor to take a look at her grandmother… Since I'm here, I thought of dropping by to say Hello. Didn't expect you are busy…"

"It's alright. I think I'm finished with the shooting," Jun replied politely before looking at the producer, "right?"

The producer nodded, "Ah! Yes. Thank you for your cooperation with today's shooting."

"Sorry for interrupting," She lightly bowed to the girls and the crew. Then, she looked at Jun, "5 minutes? I'll be downstairs."

After saying that, Somi bowed to them again and left the apartment.

Jun also bowed to them and walked towards the exit.

Nayeon who was sitting beside Dahyun whispered, "Who is she?"

Dahyun whispered in her ear, "My brother's senior when he's in middle school and his ex-girlfriend. She's a doctor, by the way."

"Oh! Your brother went out with an older girl…" Nayeon asked her in a normal tone before she realized her voice was loud enough to everyone else in the living room.

"Unnie…" Dahyun looked at her, narrowing her eyes.

"Oops…" Nayeon closed her mouth with her hands, "sorry…"

Meanwhile, Jun came downstairs and saw Somi was waiting for him.

"Sorry." Before Jun opens his mouth, Somi apologized to him first before continuing, "I heard from Dahyun. I didn't know that some of your memories are missing. I thought I was too rude to reply like that."

"Say… Uhh… Sunbae…" Jun's heart started to beat fast all of a sudden as he was about to ask a question to confirm whether they are really a couple before he met with an accident.

Jun can't help but curse himself. 'Damn. When I sat so close to Nayeon, I felt nothing special I thought I would but this girl… C'mon, Jun, you aren't past Jun. You can't get excited by this girl of all people, no matter what…'

Strangely, upon remembering Tzuyu's image, Jun suddenly felt he was a lot calmer. He wondered whether both of them have the same tastes… After all, the pretty girl before him isn't also a traditional Korean beauty.

"Hmm? What is it?" Somi asked, looking at him curiously as Jun suddenly stopped speaking.

"Ah! It's nothing. I'm wondering whether we are closer in the past…" Jun finally out with the sentence he was holding out for a while.

"Well…" Somi felt uncomfortable as she forced the words out of her, "we are good friends."

She didn't look him into the eyes and turned her head away in sadness after confirming from his mouth that he really doesn't remember her a bit. "It's getting late. I have to go. See you later…"

She bowed and turned around to walk away towards the car. Stepping inside the car, she opened her mobile phone. She opened a 4-year-old picture. In the image, an 18-year-old Somi was posing with a 16-year-old Jun. She linked her arms with his while their cheeks are touching each other.

She sighed as she put the phone away, "What did I come here for and what did I do… Stupid…"

Meanwhile, watching the car left his sight, Jun frowned, "Did I misunderstand the situation? Maybe, this girl only has a crush on her junior?"

"Whatever." He shrugged his shoulders, thinking it isn't his problem, and went back to the apartment.

As he returned to the living room, Jun saw Soyeon, Mia, and Nayeon are chatting between themselves.

On the other hand, Dahyun and Yena are watching the shoot, where Joy, YooA, and Yeji are helping out his mom with the dishes as a part of the program.

"Ah! Oppa, you returned quickly?" As usual, Dahyun was quick to spot him.

"Well, yeah. Looks like she's just here to say hello…" Jun replied as he walked towards her to see how the cooking is going on.

His mom never let him step into the kitchen to help. So, Jun wants to see whether his mom was doing okay with the three helpers.

"To say hello, she called you downstairs. Must be something important. What is it?" As Dahyun probed him further, suddenly Jun pinched her cheek, "kids shouldn't put their noses in adults' business."

She swatted his hand away and rubbed her cheek, feeling embarrassed being bullied in front of her groupmates, "I'm not a kid…"

"Tell that after you became old enough to drink…"

At the same time, she was also feeling happy to argue with her brother again. Well, it's at least better than looking at him on a hospital bed.