Jun's opening performance

While the girls who preferred to stay diet don't have any complaints, the boys can't help murmur among themselves especially the rookies who are done with their performances.

But, Jun stayed silent and endured the hunger. He glanced to the side and saw the staff is observing them.

The cameras that are installed in the corner of the rooms are recording their reactions.

This was one more thing Jun found out about his body. Somehow, he can just spot the cameras nearby.

'Maybe, it runs in the family?' Jun can't help but wonder.

Since he hasn't performed, Jun didn't intend to waste his energy in chatting with Daniel.

After a ten minute break, the shooting resumed.

By now, all the original members who took the seats are replaced by new ones except for the top spot and 10th seat.

The most embarrassing thing for boys is that 14 of them are occupied by female candidates.

Jun felt that it's obvious because there are 21 male mentors and four male judges here. If one compares to a girl and a boy, naturally with either cuteness or sexy, the former would get a bonus score from them.

It's a reality of every survival program and one has to accept it.

But, Jun was still confident.

An hour later, Jun stood up from his seat and went to the audio manager.

He handed him the USB stick. Please play the second song.

As he connected it, he pointed to the screen, "You mean this one?"

Jun nodded. The audio manager put on his headphones and listened to the music. All he heard is a mixture of piano and drum music.

It was unfamiliar to him.

He was taken aback. The way the music went, it didn't sound like Jun would dance. He was sure that this soulful melody doesn't suit a freestyle rap either.

He usually gets a full song which he would then minimize the sound of the vocals so that the music plays in the background.

"If you don't mind me asking, you aren't going to perform a contemporary dance right?"

Jun shook his head. "No, I'm going to sing an original."

'Original song?' The audio manager's eyes lit up. He was standing there for the past six hours and played 140-150 songs until now but this is the ninth one of which seven of them are raps.

The only other song is the first one which earned high scores from everyone.

Meanwhile, YG spotted Jun. He was distracted for a moment before continuing to focus on the current performer.

Finally, Jun stepped onto the stage.

With height and looks, Jun indeed became the center of attention. Especially, when the lights on the ceiling focused on him, the girls who are still teenagers felt like they are seeing their Prince Charming.

Originally, Jun was indeed considered handsome. Now that his appearance is temporarily increased from 7.6 to 8.6, he became more attractive.

"Ah! He's handsome, isn't he?" As if he was bragging about his own idol, YG commented in a low tone while covering the mic.

JYP can't help but shakes his head with a smile. 'This man won't change…'

"Annyeonghaseyo (Hello), my name is Han SungJun and I'm 20 years old. Today, I'm performing an original song."

"Oh! Another original?" As expected YG chipped in, "What's the title?"

Jun replied, "Here I am again."

"Ah! I see…" YG had a meaningful smile. He watched the audition video. So, he knew the song Jun going to sing.

Suddenly, one of the mentors spoke, "excuse me, SungJun-ssi. This is the same song you performed at the preliminary audition, right?"

Jun looked at the source of the voice. It was the b***h that disqualified saying it's for his own good. Currently, in this room, Jun hates her the most. If not for YG, he would be at his home or the store, right now.

But Jun didn't show his feelings as he knew the cameras are recording him and the judges are also watching him. He can't show weakness, right now.

He nodded, "Yes. It is but I further polished the song. And also because I sang live while playing piano at the same time, I wasn't able to give my best back then."

He then looked at the judges. "I hope you like it…"

Like others who performed an original song, YG asked him, "can you explain what's this song about?"

Jun answered, "this is about a person who was waiting for her love that went far away, leaving him/her behind because of the circumstances. The person was expressing her feelings."

"Oh!" As YG remembered the video that he watched more than a month ago, he certainly felt that was an apt description.

"Okay. Please go on…" YG gestured him to start singing.

Jun closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

As the music started playing in the background, Jun started with a low tone and YG's smile became wider.

"Even if my heart moves, I just walk along the road

Here again in front of you

I was afraid of my heart

White snow comes down

So I'm still, I'm here and I'll be there.

Leaning on a warm shoulder

I feel you again like this

I'm still and I'm here

I'll hold you like this

Even if we push each other out

That's because it's carved deeper

Here and there, Even in another sky, Remember your heart

And I'm still I'm here.




Here, I will always stand by your side, My heart moves

And I'm still I'm here…"


"Gamsahabnida (Thank you)" Jun bowed as he ended his performance.

While the teenagers clapped, amazed by the song, all of a sudden, IU turned around and wiped her tears that just welled up.

It wasn't just her, several mentors and staff felt emotional, especially the young women.

YG was quick to grab the mic. "I watched the video of your performance before. I thought it was amazing but your current performance exceeded."

IU then apologized, and then asked, "This song… Did you write the lyrics by yourself?"

"Yes." Jun nodded. "This is the first song that I have actually written and composed by myself."

IU then said, "I think whether it is the lyrics or the way you sang with breathing control in between, it seemed as if I'm watching the performance of a professional singer."

Jun bowed, "thank you."

The remaining also gave positive comments which brought a smile to Jun's face.

Everyone presented their scores. The others gasped as they looked at the score on the screen behind Jun. "403"