Another girl from missing memories

"Cut" The Director announced the shooting was finished.

JYP grabbed the mic, "congratulations to all the winners, and good job everyone. Actually, YG-Hyung and I were talking to ourselves earlier while on the way.

Both of us only expected half of you would challenge and all of you lived up to our expectations. In fact, you did better.

Those who aren't prepared and didn't come on to the stage, well, it's alright if you perform badly but you should have the courage to step on, get criticized, then, outperform yourself in the next chance.

That way, you will be able to gain confidence.

After all, there's no elimination until four weeks. All of you will get enough chances to prove yourself. So, don't worry about failure. Okay?"

As everyone nodded, YG spoke, "all of you get back to your dorms and spend the rest of the day however you like."

Tomorrow morning, come to the training facility. You will find the group you are sorted into based on your performance as well as your chosen preferences."

Everyone stood up to leave.

Jun who was on the top seat also stood up with others.

Climbing down the steps, he high-fived Daniel, who was on the 8th seat before joining with the rest of the boys.

Jun felt a lot of gazes in the bus from every side.

Even in the past, Jun was only accustomed to the gazes of females from his school life, not with the fellow classmates or juniors.

But right now, these cute little kids are glancing at him in admiration after receiving positive comments and a high score.

The second best, who took the number 5 seat, only scored 354 out of 425.

The difference is a bit too high.

At first, it made him uncomfortable being the center of attention among juniors, something he wasn't accustomed to.

But then, as he imagined them as a common audience, Jun felt slightly better.

Reaching the dorm, Jun opened his locker and checked at his mobile phone to see if he has any missed calls.

As usual, his mother called him. Other than his mother, there were two more calls from an anonymous number

'Is this Dahyun's new number?' Jun wondered.

He called back.

It rang for a while but no one picked up.

Jun shrugged his shoulders and called his mother instead to say her the good news. In the middle of the call, he realized someone else is calling him.

As he looked at the number, it turned out to be the same one.

"Mom, I'm getting a call from someone. I'll call you back…"

After disconnecting the call, he called back the number.


A woman picked it up. Her voice seems very familiar to Jun but it belongs to neither Dahyun nor Somi. Then, who might it be?

"Hello… May I know who this is?" Jun asked politely as he doesn't know the identity of the person.

"Jun-ah, it's me… Bobae…" The other person sounds cheerful for some reason. "Sorry that I didn't visit you earlier. Just his morning, Aunt told me that you have woken up. By the way, are you free right now? At what time are visitations allowed?"

While she kept on talking, Jun was wondering, 'Bobae? The name's familiar but I don't have any memories of such a girl. Who is she? Aunt? Is she a relative or someone close to mom?'

Jun didn't know how to respond and kept silent until she realized that she was the only one talking. "Jun-ah? Jun-ah? You there?"

"Ah! Yes…" Jun finally responded. "I forgot my PC-tablet at my house. So, I'm thinking of leaving for home right now."

"Okay, there are only a couple of scenes left to shoot today. I'll visit there soon…"

After saying what she wants to, she quickly cut off the call, once again left Jun wondering about her identity.

'Shoot? Scenes? Is she an actress? Do I know someone from the Entertainment industry? Doesn't seem like it. Looks like I'm missing a lot of memories that I thought.'

Since his home is just a few miles away, it didn't take long for Jun to reach his home.

Entering the pin, Jun enters the house and goes directly to his room to pick up the Tablet, Dahyun bought for him back when she visited with her group for the first time.

He caressed the tablet with a smile on his face.

Jun felt happy to receive such a thing from her when he knew it wasn't easy for her to buy it as her earnings aren't that high.

With ZC taking 80% of the profits, and the remaining were divided between the eight of them, Dahyun's income was indeed a small amount.

Not to mention, she still has a debt to pay. Unlike the other agencies where they deduct the debt from the idol's profits, ZC, on the other hand, will take 50% of each of their profits and deduct it from the debt.

That way, the idols will get pay and at the same time, they will stay in debt too, which means, Dahyun's current income is only 1.25% of the profits made by the album, concerts, variety shows, etc...

They were still a relatively new group with over a year of experience, so, their entire group's profits aren't much high either. Thankfully, their mother's store was doing well, so, there's no issue of the financial crisis in the family.

Jun swore that when he becomes enough rich and popular, he will forcefully terminate her contract with ZC but for now, all he can do is to endure and do his best.

Meanwhile, his mother was picked up at the store by a tough-looking bodyguard.

Jun was waiting for his mom and this acquaintance.

An hour later, he heard the sound of the door being unlocked.

Jun stood from the sofa and walked a few steps before he saw a person with a mask beside his mother. Two bodyguards followed them.

She is the same height as Dahyun, has similar stature and eyes but Jun didn't think it was his sister because of her face cut and of course, skin tone. Dahyun's skin was too white.

"Jun-ah." She called out to him as soon as her eyes lay on Jun. Removing her mask and revealing her face, she started walking towards him with fast steps.

He looked at her blankly. He was clueless.

Jun only felt that she was extremely familiar and didn't recognize her.

"Hello." He greeted her with a bow.

She suddenly halts her steps with a shock, "You don't remember me?"